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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


فهرست مطالب ehsan seyed jafari

  • Mehrdad Zahiri-Toosi, Seyed Jalal Zargar *, Ehsan Seyedjafari, Mostafa Saberian, Marziehsadat Ahmadi

    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are widely recognized as a promising cell type for therapeutic applications due to their ability to secrete and regenerate bioactive molecules. For effective bone healing, it is crucial to select a scaffold that can support, induce, and restore biological function. Evaluating the scaffold should involve assessing MSC survival, proliferation, and differentiation. The principal aim of this investigation was to formulate composite nanofibrous scaffolds apt for applications in bone tissue engineering.

    Materials and Methods

    In this experimental study, nanofibrous scaffolds were fabricated using Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) polymer. The PLLA fibers’ surface was modified by integrating collagen and hydroxyapatite (HA) nanoparticles.


    The findings demonstrated that the collagen- and nanohydroxyapatite-modified electrospun PLLA scaffold positively influenced the attachment, growth, and osteogenic differentiation of MSCs.


    Coating the nanofiber scaffold with collagen and nanoparticle HA significantly enhanced the osteogenic differentiation of MSCs on electrospun PLLA scaffolds.

    Keywords: Collagen, Nano-Hydroxyapatite, Tissue Engineering}
  • Seyed Amin Mirsadeghi, Razman Arabzadeh Bahri, Parmida Dehghanpoor Farashah, Ehsan Seyedjafari, Ramin Rahimnia, Vahid Abedi Yarandi *
    This study aimed to evaluate the treatment efficacy of autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in patients with erectile dysfunction (ED).
    This study included 14 ED patients (aged 29-75 years) referred to our ED clinic from 2020 to 2022. The patients had a healthy mental status, no history of malignancies, and no prior use of psychiatric medications. Papaverine was used to achieve an erection to improve the efficacy of stem cell injection. The clinical assessment of the patients was conducted using the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) and the Erection Hardness Score (EHS) before and 3 months after the injection of stem cells. The follow-up visit was performed 3 months after the injection of stem cells.
    The mean age of the study participants was 46.42± 10.62 years. Ten patients had a history of treatment with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for ED. The EHS and IIEF scores of the patients were significantly higher 3 months after the injection compared to the pre-treatment period (P-value=0.000 and P-value=0.001, respectively). Only three patients had minor ecchymosis on their penises.
    The treatment of ED using autologous adipose-derived MSCs with the injection of papaverine is an effective and safe method. The main goal of this treatment method is to repair the damaged tissues or the vascular system of the corpus cavernosum to improve the erectile function of the patients.
    Keywords: Erectile Dysfunction, Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Papaverine, Platelet-Rich Plasma}
  • نسرین فاضلی، احسان عارفیان، شیوا ایرانی، عبدالرضا اردشیری لاجیمی، احسان سیدجعفری*
    در سال های اخیر، تمرکز تحقیقات در زمینه مهندسی بافت روی تهیه مواد و روش های آماده سازی داربست ها قرار دارد. چاپ سه بعدی، یک فناوری نوظهور است که می تواند با دقت و سرعت، داربست های مهندسی بافت استخوان را با اشکال و ساختارهای خاص آماده کند. از متداول ترین روش های چاپ سه بعدی، روش مدل سازی رسوب ذوب شده (FDM) است، مواد مورد استفاده در این روش پلیمرهایی مانند پلی کاپرولاکتون (PCL) می باشند. در این مطالعه داربست های چاپ سه بعدی PCL ساخته شدند و با توجه به طبیعت آب گریز و غیر استیوژنیک پلی کاپرولاکتون، سطح داربست ها با محلول 1% از بیوسرامیک های هیدروکسی آپاتیت (HA) و شیشه زیست فعال (BG) پوشش داده شد. اصلاح سطح داربست های PCL جهت افزایش آب دوستی و بهبود چسبندگی سلولی صورت گرفت. تصاویر میکروسکوپ الکترونی، آنالیز طیف سنجی پراش انرژی پرتو  Xو نقشه برداری از عناصر سطح داربست ها، پوشش مناسب داربست های چاپ سه بعدی PCL با بیوسرامیک های هیدروکس آپاتیت و شیشه زیست فعال را تایید کرد. زیست سازگاری داربست PCL/HA/BG، زنده مانی و چسبندگی سلول ها بر روی داربست ها با کاشت سلول های بنیادی مزانشیمی چربی انسانی (hAMSCs) و به وسیله آزمون MTT و تصاویر میکروسکوپ الکترونی بررسی شد. همچنین پتانسیل داربست های PCL/HA/BG در تمایز استخوانی hAMSCs توسط آزمون های اندازه گیری فعالیت آلکالین فسفاتاز و رنگ آمیزی ایمونوسیتوشیمی بررسی شد. نتایج نشان داد که داربست سه جزیی PCL/HA/BG از رشد، تکثیر و تمایز استخوانی hAMSCs حمایت کرده است، بنابراین داربست مذکور می تواند کاندیدای مناسبی برای کاربردهای مهندسی بافت استخوان باشد.
    کلید واژگان: مهندسی بافت استخوان, چاپ سه بعدی, پلی کاپرولاکتون, هیدروکسی آپاتیت, شیشه زیست فعال}
    Nasrin Fazeli, Ehsan Arefian, Shiva Irani, Abdolreza Ardeshirylajimi, Ehsan Seyedjafari *
    In recent years, the focus of researches in the field of tissue engineering has been on the preparation of scaffold materials and methods. 3D printing is an emerging technology that can accurately and quickly prepare bone tissue engineering scaffolds with specific shapes and structures. One of the most common 3D printing methods is fused deposition modeling (FDM), the materials used in this method are polymers such as polycaprolactone (PCL). In this study, 3D printed PCL scaffolds were made and due to the hydrophobic and non-osteogenic nature of PCL, the surface of the scaffolds was coated with a 1% solution of hydroxyapatite (HA) and bioactive glass (BG) bioceramics. Surface modification of PCL scaffolds was done to increase hydrophilicity and improve cell attachment. Field emission scanning electron microscop (FeSEM) images, Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and mapping of the surface elements of the scaffolds confirmed the proper coating of PCL scaffolds with HA and BG bioceramics. The biocompatibility of PCL/HA/BG scaffolds and the cell viability and attachment on the surface of the scaffolds were investigated by seeding of human adipose mesenchymal stem cells (hAMSCs) and using MTT test and FeSEM images. Also, the potential of PCL/HA/BG scaffolds in osteogenic differentiation of hAMSCs was evaluated by alkaline phosphatase activity measurement test and immunocytochemical staining. The results showed that the three-component PCL/HA/BG scaffolds improved the proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of hAMSCs, so the PCL/HA/BG scaffolds can be a suitable candidate for bone tissue engineering applications.
    Keywords: Tissue Engineering, 3D Printing, Polycaprolactone, hydroxyapatite, Bioactive Glasses}
  • زهرا ابراهیمی، شیوا ایرانی، عبدالرضا اردشیری لاجیمی، احسان سیدجعفری*
    چاپ سه بعدی داربست ها در دمای پایین نویدبخش زیادی برای ساخت جایگزین های مصنوعی پیوند استخوان با عملکرد بیشتر نسبت به تکنیک های سنتی است. یکی از امیدوارکننده ترین استراتژی ها در مهندسی بافت استخوان روی توسعه داربست های biomimetic متمرکز شده است. داربست ها با پایه سرامیک با توانایی استیوژنیک و خواص مکانیکی، کاندیدای امیدوارکننده ای برای ترمیم استخوان هستند. هدف از این مطالعه متناسب سازی انعطاف پذیری و خاصیت القای استخوان داربست سه بعدی پلی کاپرولاکتون (PCL) تهیه شده با روش مدل رسوب ذوب شده (FDM)، با استفاده از تلفیق کلاژن (COL) به عنوان پلیمر طبیعی همراه با پلیمر مصنوعی و بررسی رفتار سلول های  MG63بر روی آن بود. بعد از تهیه داربست، از آزمون های میکروسکوپ الکترونی روبشی (SEM)، طیف سنجی پراش انرژی ایکس (EDX) و طیف سنجی ATR-FTIR استفاده شد. پس از گذشت 1،7،14 روز، بررسی روند استخوان سازی سلول های در تیمارهای مختلف، با استفاده از رنگ آمیزی آلیزارین رد و فعالیت آلکالین فسفاتاز (ALP) صورت گرفت. همچنین عدم سمیت داربست ها برای اطمینان از تکثیر سلول ها توسط آزمون MTT مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. از مشاهده زیر میکروسکوپ، مشخص شد که داربست های مهندسی بافت منافذ مربعی شکل را به طور یکنواخت توزیع و بهم متصل کرده اند. داربست COL/PCL تفاوت معنی داری را از لحاظ قابلیت بقا نسبت به داربست PCL تنها در محیط تمایزی نشان داد (P ≤ 0.0001). نتایج ارزیابی فعالیت ALP در داربست PCL/COL به طور معنی داری بالاتر از داربست PCL بدون پوشش و کنترل بود (P ≤ 0.0001). نتایج بدست آمده در این تحقیق نشان داد استفاده از داربست PCL به همراه COL می تواند به عنوان محیط مناسبی به منظور تکثیر و تمایز سلول های MG63 در نظر گرفته شود. بنابراین، داربست کامپوزیت PCL/COL که توسط چاپگر FDM تهیه شده اند، بدلیل بقای سلولی بواسطه COL است، می تواند کاربرد وسیع تری در مهندسی بافت استخوان داشته باشد.
    کلید واژگان: پلی کاپرولاکتون, کلاژن, سلول های بنیادی, داربست سه بعدی, مهندسی بافت استخوان}
    Zahra Ebrahimi, Shiva Irani, Abdolreza Ardeshirylajimi, Ehsan Seyedjafari *
    3D printing of scaffolds at low temperatures is very promising for making artificial bone graft alternatives with more performance than traditional techniques. One of the most promising strategies in bone tissue engineering has focused on the development of biomimetic scaffolds. Ceramic-based scaffolds with osteogenic ability and mechanical properties are promising candidates for bone repair. The aim of this study was to adapt the flexibility and increasing the effect of inducing osteogenesis of Polycaprolactone (PCL) scaffold prepared by fused deposition modeling (FDM) method, using the combination of Collagen (COL) as a natural polymer with synthetic polymer and to investigate the behavior of MG63 cells on it. on it. After preparing the scaffold, scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) and ATR-FTIR spectroscopy were used. After 1,7,14 days, the ossification process of MG63 cells in different treatments was performed using alizarin red staining and alkaline phosphatase activity. The non-toxicity of scaffolds was also evaluated by MTT assay to ensure cell proliferation. From under a microscope, it was found that tissue engineering scaffolds distributed and connected almost rectangular pores evenly. The PCL/COL scaffold showed a significant difference in terms of viability compared to the polycaprolactone scaffold only in the differential medium (P ≤ 0.0001). The results of evaluating ALP activity in PCL/COL scaffolds were significantly higher than uncoated PCL scaffolds and control (P ≤ 0.0001). The results of this study showed that the use of PCL/COL scaffold can be considered a suitable medium for proliferation and differentiation of MG63 cells in bone tissue engineering. Therefore, the PCL/COL composite scaffold prepared by FDM printer can be widely used in bone tissue engineering due to the cell survival by COL.
    Keywords: Polycaprolactone, Collagen, stem cells, 3D printing scaffolds, Bone tissue engineering}
  • رامین بیرانوند*، منصور صاحب الزمانی، عبدالحمید دانشجو، احسان سیدجعفری

    مقدمه و اهداف:

     تمرینات آبی از مهم‌ترین مداخلاتی هستند که به‌منظور کاهش ریسک زمین خوردن سالمندان مورد استفاده قرار می‌گیرند. این درحالیست که تاثیر تمرین در عمق‌های مختلف آب کمتر مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. بنابراین هدف از تحقیق حاضر بررسی و مقایسه تاثیر 8 هفته تمرین در 2 قسمت کم‌عمق و عمیق استخر بر ثبات پاسچر و همچنین استراتژی‌های بازیابی تعادل سالمندان می‌باشد.

    مواد و روش‌ها :

    در این تحقیق نیمه‌تجربی تعداد 45 نفر از مردان سالمند 60-70 ساله به‌صورت تصادفی انتخاب شدند و در 1 گروه کنترل و 2 گروه آزمایش شامل گروه تمرینات آبی کم‌عمق و عمیق قرار گرفتند. گروه‌های تجربی به‌مدت 8 هفته‌ در یک برنامه تمرین در آب شرکت کردند؛ درحالی‌که گروه کنترل هیچ‌گونه مداخله‌ای را دریافت نمی‌کرد. شاخص‌های ثبات پاسچر و استراتژی‌های بازیابی تعادل آزمودنی‌ها قبل و بعد از برنامه تمرینی به‌ترتیب با استفاده از دستگاه تعادلی بایودکس و سیستم آنالیز حرکتی مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. در نهایت از آزمون تحلیل واریانس ترکیبی برای تجزیه‌وتحلیل اطلاعات استفاده شد (05/P≤0).


     نتایج نشان داد اجرای هر 2 نوع تمرینات آبی منجر به بهبود معنا‌دار ثبات پاسچر در سالمندان می‌شود (0/05<P). این درحالیست که بین استراتژی‌های بازیابی تعادل در گروه‌های تحقیق اختلاف معنا‌داری مشاهده نشد (0/05<P). نتایج همچنین نشان داد بین نمرات 2 گروه آزمایش با هم اختلاف معنا‌داری وجود ندارد (0/05<P).


     به‌طور کلی به ‌نظر می‌رسد تمرین در هر 2 قسمت کم‌عمق و عمیق استخر می‌تواند ثبات پاسچر سالمندان را به شکل معنا‌داری بهبود بخشد. این درحالیست که تمرینات مذکور قادر به ایجاد تغییرات معنا‌دار در استراتژی‌های تعادلی این افراد نمی‌باشند. البته باتوجه‌به نقش موثرتری که تمرینات کم‌عمق در انتقال استراتژی‌های تعادلی از ران به سمت مچ پا داشته‌اند، توصیه می‌شود نقش این تمرینات در بهبود تعادل سالمندان بیشتر مورد توجه قرار گیرد.

    کلید واژگان: ثبات پاسچر, استراتژی های بازیابی تعادل, تمرینات آبی, سالمندان}
    Ramin Beyranvand *, Mansour Sahebozamani, Abdolhamid Daneshjoo, Ehsan Seyedjafari
    Background and Aims 

    Water exercise is one of the most important interventions to reduce the risk of falls in the elderly. However, the effect of exercise in different depths of water has been less studied. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate and compare the effect of 8 weeks aquatic exercise in shallow and deep parts of the pool on postural stability and balance recovery strategies of the elderly.


     In this quasi-experimental study, a total of 45 elderly males (60-70 years old) were randomly selected and classified into a control and 2 intervention groups of shallow and deep-water exercises. The intervention groups participated in a water exercise program for 8 weeks, while the control group did not receive any intervention. Postural stability and balance recovery strategies of all groups before and after the intervention were evaluated using Biodex balance system and Motion Analysis system, respectively. Finally, the Mixed ANOVA test was used for data analysis(P≤0.05).


    The results showed a significant increase in postural stability after conducting both types of water exercise programs(P<0.05). However, there was no significant difference between balance recovery strategies of all groups(P>0.05). The results also showed that there was no significant difference between the scores of two intervention groups(P>0.05).


    In brief, it seems that both types of shallow and deep-water exercises can significantly improve the postural stability of the elderly. While these exercises cannot significantly change their balance recovery strategies. However, due to the more effective role of shallow water exercises in transferring balance strategies from the hip to ankle joint, it is recommended to pay more attention to the role of these exercises in improving the balance of older people.

    Keywords: Postural stability, balance recovery strategy, Water exercise, older people}
  • Shabnam Aghayan*, Ehsan Seyedjafari, Shadi Hamidi

    Freeze dried bone allograft nanoparticles on a nanofiber membrane may serve as an ideal scaffold for bone regeneration. This study aimed to assess the biological behavior of human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in terms of proliferation and adhesion to nanoparticulate and microparticulate freeze dried bone allograft (FDBA) scaffolds on poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) nanofiber membrane.


    In this experimental study, PLLA nanofiber scaffolds were synthesized by the electrospinning method. The FDBA nanoparticles were synthesized mechanically. The FDBA nanoparticles and microparticles were loaded on the surface of PLLA nanofiber membrane. A total of 64 scaffold samples in four groups of n-FDBA/PLLA, FDBA/PLLA, PLLA and control were placed in 24-well polystyrene tissue culture plates; 16 wells were allocated to each group. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Bonferroni test.


    The proliferation rate of MSCs was significantly higher in the nanoparticulate group compared to the microparticulate group at five days (p = 0.034). Assessment of cell morphology at 24 hours revealed spindle-shaped cells with a higher number of appendages in the nanoparticulate group compared to other groups.


    MSCs on n-FDBA/PLLA scaffold were morphologically more active and flatter with a higher number of cellular appendages, as compared to FDBA/PLLA. It seems that the nanoparticulate scaffold is superior to the microparticulate scaffold in terms of proliferation, attachment, and morphology of MSCs in vitro.

    Keywords: Allografts, Bone regeneration, Mesenchymal stem cells, Nanofibers}
  • Shabnam Aghayan*, Ghazaleh Azari, Ehsan Seyedjafari

    Inflammatory bone resorption in periodontitis can lead to tooth loss. Systemic administration of bisphosphonates such as risedronate for preventing bone resorption can cause adverse effects. Alginate hydrogel (ALG) and poly (lactic acid-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) microparticles have been studied as drug delivery systems for sustained release of drugs. Therefore, the release pattern of risedronate from PLGA microparticles embedded with ALG was studied as a drug delivery system for sustained release of the drug, which can be used in local administrations.


    Risedronate-containing PLGA microparticles were fabricated using double emulsion solvent evaporation technique. Ionic cross-linking method was used to fabricate risedronate-loaded ALG. Risedronate-containing PLGA microparticles were then coated with ALG. The calibration curve of risedronate was traced to measure encapsulation efficiency (EE) and study the release pattern. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) imaging was carried out, and cell toxicity was examined using MTT assay. Statistical analysis of data was carried out using SPSS ver. 20 software, via one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s tests.  


    SEM imaging showed open porosities on ALGs. The mean EE of PLGA microparticles for risedronate was 57.14 ± 3.70%. Risedronate released completely after 72 h from ALG, and the cumulative release was significantly higher (p = 0.000) compared to PLGA microspheres coated with ALG, which demonstrated sustained released of risedronate until day 28. Risedronate-loaded ALG showed a significant decrease in gingival fibroblasts cell viability (p < 0.05).


    Alginate-coated PLGA microspheres could release risedronate in a sustained and controlled way and also did not show cell toxicity. Therefore, they seem to be an appropriate system for risedronate delivery in local applications

    Keywords: Alginates, Hydrogels, Polylactic acid-polyglycolic acid copolymer, Risedronic acid}
  • هنگامه مرادی، عبدالله محمدی سنگ چشمه*، سید داوود شریفی، سیم زر حسین زاده، احسان سید جعفری، عبدالرضا صالحی

    اورسولیک اسید (UA) به عنوان یک تری ترپن پنج حلقه ای شناخته می شود که در بعضی از گیاهان دارویی همچون مرزه و آویشن کوهی وجود دارد و روی توسعه عضلات اثر می گذارد. در مطالعه اخیر، تاثیر اورسولیک اسید بر روی سلول های C2C12 و همچنین سلول های ماهواره ای (SCs)  جدا شده از جوجه های گوشتی بومی مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. ابتدا در آزمایش In vitro، سلول های C2C12 از مرکز تحقیقات بنیاخته تهیه شدند و سلول های ماهواره ای از جوجه های یک روزه جداسازی و خالص سازی شدند، در نهایت تحت تاثیر اورسولیک اسید قرار گرفتند. در آزمایش In vivo، اورسولیک اسید بر اساس وزن بدن به صورت داخل عضلانی در شش روز اول در دو نوبت به جوجه ها تزریق شد، بطوریکه دوزهای مورد استفاده بر اساس دوزهای بدست آمده از آزمایش In vitro بود. سلول های ماهواره ای در روز هفتم از عضله پکتورال جوجه های تیمار شده جداسازی شدند. تشخیص SCs از طریق بیان ژن PAX-7 در آزمایشات In vitro و In vivo  تایید شد. در واقع، سلول های ماهواره ای و C2C12 در محیط کشت با اورسولیک اسید (0/00025، /0005، 0/001، 0/0015 و 0/002 میلی گرم در میلی لیتر) همراه با 1 سی سی  DMSO کشت شدند. نتایج بدست آمده از هر دو آزمایشات In vitro و In vivo نشان داد که اورسولیک در غلظت 0/00025 میلی گرم بر میلی لیتر بطور معنی داری بیان ژن های درگیر در تکثیر و تمایز سلول های ماهواره ای یعنی PAX-7، MyoD و میوژنین را افزایش داد و همچنین هایپرتروفی عضله را بهبود بخشید. در نتیجه، اورسولیک اسید می تواند به عنوان یک ماده موثر در کاهش دوره پرورش و افزایش سرعت رشد عضله اسکلتی در جوجه های گوشتی بومی پیشنهاد شود.

    کلید واژگان: اورسولیک اسید, توسعه عضله, فلوسیتومتری, PAX-7}
    Hengameh Moradi, Abdollah Mohammadi Sang Cheshme*, Seyed Davoud Sharifi, Simzar Hosseinzadeh, Ehsan Seyedjafari, Abdolreza Salehi

    Ursolic acid (UA) is known as a naturally occurring triterpene pentacyclic compound in some medicinal herbs including savory that affects the skeletal muscle. In the current study, the effect of UA was evaluated on C2C12 cells and satellite cells (SCs) isolated from native broiler chicks. First in the in vitro experiment, the C2C12 cell line obtained from the Stem Cell Technology Research Center and the SCs were isolated and purified from one-day chickens and then treated with UA. In the in vivo experiment, UA was injected intramuscularly based on the body weight to chicks during the first seven days, two times a day, from day one to day seven by the appropriate dose obtained in the in vitro experiment, and then SCs were isolated from pectoralis muscle at the last day. The purification was confirmed by assessment of PAX-7 expression in both in vitro and in vivo experiments. In fact, SCs and C2C12 cells were cultured for seven days in 10% serum medium with vehicle alone (0.1% DMSO) or UA (0.00025, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.0015 and 0.002 mg/mL) along with DMSO (1 mL). The findings from the in vitro and in vivo experiments revealed that UA at 0.00025 mg/mL significantly increased the expression of genes involved in the SCs proliferation and differentiation including PAX-7, MyoD and Myogenin, and improve the muscle hypertrophy. As a result, UA can be suggested as a suitable material to reduce the breeding period and faster growth of skeletal muscle in broiler chickens.

    Keywords: Flow-cytometry, Muscle development, Paired box protein Pax-7, Poultry, Ursolic Acid}
  • Mahsa Koochaki, Amirreza Hendi, Mahmood Ghasemi, Ehsan Seyedjafari, Mehdi Hamidain, Nasim Chiniforush

    This study aimed to compare the effects of root biomodification by citric acid and antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) with LED and laser on the proliferation of human gingival fibroblasts (HGFs).


    This in vitro experimental study evaluated 60 single-rooted teeth extracted due to periodontal disease. The teeth underwent scaling and root planing (SRP), and then 5 × 5 mm blocks were prepared from the cervical area of the teeth 1 mm apical tothe cementoenamel junction. The blocks were divided into 4 groups (n=15 blocks): SRP alone (control), SRP + citric acid, SRP + toluidine blue (TBO) + LED light, and SRP + TBO + laser. HGFs were seeded on the surface of the samples, and the methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium (MTT) assay was performed after 24, 48 and 72 hours. Group comparisons were performed using repeated measures ANOVA, while pairwise comparisons of the time points were performed by an LSD test.


    Cell proliferation was higher in all experimental groups at 48 and 72 hours, compared with 24 hours (P < 0.05). Cell proliferation was significantly different in the citric acid group at 24 hours (P = 0.016) and 48 hours (P = 0.015), compared with other groups. However, cell proliferation was not significantly different in the aPDT group with LED Photosan and a diode laser at 24 and 48 hours (P > 0.05).


    aPDT and citric acid can enhance the proliferation of HGFs on dentin blocks. Further studies can pave the way for their future use in the clinical setting.

    Keywords: Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy, Laser, LED, Human gingival fibroblasts, Citric acid}
  • Omid Moghaddas*, Behdokht Miremadi, Ehsan Seyed Jafari


    Periodontal regeneration is an essential goal of periodontal therapy. Acellular dermal matrix (ADM) has been recommended as an alternative to autogenous grafts. However, since it is devoid of cells and vasculature, there are concerns regarding the biological behavior of cells on ADM. This study aimed to assess the effects of two commonly used ADMs on biological behavior, i.e., attachment and proliferation, of human gingival fibroblasts (HGFs).


    This in vitro, experimental study was conducted on explanted and cultured HGFs. ADM types 1 and 2 (n=26; measuring 10×15 mm) were rinsed with saline solution, adapted to the bottom of 52 wells, exposed to HGFs with a cell density of 16,000 cells/mL, and incubated at 37°C for 12, 24, and 84 hours and seven days. Cell attachment was assessed 12 hours after incubation using 4›,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) and methyl-thiazol-diphenyl-tetrazolium (MTT) assay under a fluorescence microscope. Cell viability was assessed at 24 and 84 hours and one week using the MTT assay. Cells were then platinum-coated, and their morphology was evaluated under a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Data were analyzed using ANOVA.


     HGFs were evaluated in 60 samples in three groups (n=20). Cell attachment was the same in the three groups, as shown by the MTT assay and DAPI test (P=0.6). Cell viability at one week was 3.73±0.02, 2.88±0.29, and 2.13±0.24 in the control, ADM 1, and ADM 2 groups, respectively. The difference was statistically significant (P=0.01).


    Both scaffolds were the same in terms of attachment of HGFs. However, ADM 1 was superior to ADM2 in terms of cell viability and morphology at one week. It was concluded that the quality of acellular dermal scaffolds could significantly influence cellular behaviors and tissue maturation.

    Keywords: Acellular dermis, Cell survival, Fibroblasts, Tissue scaffolds}
  • هنگامه مرادی*، عبدالله محمدی سنگ چشمه، سیم زر حسین زاده، سید داوود شریفی، احسان سید جعفری اولیائی نژاد، عبدالرضا صالحی

    اسید اورسولیک یک ترکیب طبیعی تری ترپن پنتا سیکلیک است که در گل ها و میوه ها و همچنین در برخی گیاهان دارویی همانند نعناع و ریحان و مرزه یافت می شود و روی ماهیچه اسکلتی تاثیر می گذارد. در این مطالعه اثر اسید اورسولیک بر سلول هایC2C12  و سلول های ماهواره ای (SC) جدا شده از جوجه های بومی یک روزه مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. ابتدا  سلول ها با استفاده از روش pre-plating کشت داده شدند. سپس، برای تعیین دوز مناسب اسید اورسولیک از تکنیک MTT استفاده شد. برای بررسی بیان ژن های دخیل در تکثیر و تمایز سلول های ماهواره ای از تکنیک qRT-PCR استفاده شد. تصاویر میکروسکوپی و نتایج تکنیک فلوسیتومتری با استفاده از آنتی بادیPAX7 ، ماهیت سلول های ماهواره ای رو تایید کرد. نتایج نشان داد که اسید اورسولیک در غلظت 00025/0 میلی گرم در میلی لیتر، بیان ژن های دخیل در تکثیر و تمایز سلول های ماهواره ای نظیر PAX7، MyoD و Myogenin را افزیش داد (p<0/05). با توجه به نتایج این آزمایش، اسید اورسولیک با افزایش بیان ژن های PAX7، Myogenin و MyoD موجب هیپرتروفی عضله در جوجه های بومی می شود. درنتیجه، می توان استفاده از اسید اورسولیک را به عنوان یک مکمل غذایی برای بهبود رشد جوجه های بومی پیشنهاد کرد.

    کلید واژگان: اسید اورسولیک, سلول های ماهواره ای, جوجه های بومی, هیپرتروفی ماهیچه اسکلتی}
    Hengameh Moradi*, Abdollah Mohammadi Sangcheshme, Simzar Hosseinzadeh, Seyed Davoud Sharifi, Ehsan Seyed Jafari, Abdoalreza Salehi

    Ursolic acid is a natural compound of tryptophan pentacyclic which is found in flowers and fruits, as well as in some medicinal plants such as mint, basil, savory. In this study, the effect of ursolic acid on C2C12 cells and satellite cells (SC) which are isolated from native day-old chicks was investigated. First, the cells were cultured using the pre-plating method. Then, to determine the appropriate dose of ursolic acid, the MTT technique was used. Also, qRT-PCR technique was used to investigate the expression of genes involved in the proliferation and differentiation of satellite cells. Data were analyzed using SPSS software, the independent t-student test was used for mean comparison between the treated and control groups.  Microscopic images and the results of the flow cytometry technique using PAX7 antibodies confirmed the nature of satellite cells. Also, the results have been illustrated  that ursolic acid at a concentration of 0.00025 mg / ml significantly increased the expression of genes involved in the proliferation and differentiation of satellite cells, including PAX7, MyoD and Myogenin (p <0.05). Ursolic acid appears to increase muscle hypertrophy in native chickens through increasing the expression of the PAX7, Myogenin and MyoD genes. As a result, ursolic acid can be suggested as a suitable material for improving the growth in native chickens.

    Keywords: ursolic acid, satellite cells, native chickens, skeletal muscle hypertrophy}
  • Shabnam Aghayan *, Hooman Ebrahimi, Ehsan Seyedjafari, Setareh Sadat Hashemi, Maryam Sheidaeian

    Mechanical debridement of diseased root surfaces produces a smear layer that encompass microorganisms and residual cementum which may interfere with periodontal healing and regeneration of connective tissue attachment. Accordingly, this study aimed to determine impact of 940nm diode laser on adhesion of fibroblasts to root surface of extracted teeth from patients with chronic periodontitis.


    Twenty extracted single-rooted teeth with hopeless prognosis were collected and debrided with hand curettes. Afterward, two specimens were obtained from each tooth by splitting them with a sterile diamond disk. Samples were submerged in fibroblast suspension and randomly divided into two groups. Group A comprised of 20 specimens subjected to scaling and root planing only and group B included 20 specimens which received SRP and and 940 nm diode laser irradiation. The adhesion of fibroblasts was investigated by MTT and cell morphology was assessed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM).


    The extent of adhesion was higher in group B compared with group A, though this difference was not statistically significant. In the laser group, fibroblast cells showed more elongated morphology and a smaller number of rounded forms was found. But no significant difference was observed between the two groups.


    A diode laser with a wavelength of 940 nm has a negligible effect on adhesion of fibroblasts to the root surface of teeth extracted because of chronic periodontitis

    Keywords: chronic periodontitis, Diode laser, laser(s), Fibroblast(s), Root planing}
  • Yashar Rouzbahani, Mousa Kehtari, Mahdi Imani, Mehrdad Saviz *, Iman Shabani, Farzad Moradikhah, Farhad Alizadeh, Mohammad Hossein Karami, Ehsan Seyedjafari, Najmeh Jooyan, Zahra Mostajabi, Reza Faraji Dana

    Weak microwave radiation (WMR) in our environment has raised health concerns in the public. Among those, communication frequencies are more than ever becoming widespread and their effects need thorough studies. A correct understanding of these effects in-vivo by in-vitro experiments shall preferentially use primary cells. In this study we compared non-modulated (CW) and modulated WMR exposure of biological cells in-vitro. Human ADMSC (Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells) were exposed to very weak non-thermal levels of microwave Electromagnetic fields at 1135 MHz ,SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) 0.002 W/kg (Watt per Kilogram) for 30 minutes daily for 4 days. A statistically significant decrease in proliferation rate of these stem cells was observed compared to the control group with no exposure. When amplitude-modulated exposure (15 Hz (Hertz) with a depth of 80%) was used with the same carrier frequency of 1135 MHz (Mega Hertz) and consistent average power, the cell numbers showed no statistically significant difference from the non-modulated exposure, but were nevertheless lower than the not-exposed control. The observed decrease in proliferation in response to -weak microwavefields supports the hypothesis that non-excitable cells, such as undifferentiated mesenchymal stem cells can interact with, and respond to weak electromagnetic radiation at communication frequencies. Possible mechanisms responsible for the observed results have been hypothesized and directions provided for future research.

    Keywords: Microwave EM fields, Stem cell, weak field, non-thermal effects, Proliferation}
  • Ramin Fazel, Fereidoun Mahboudi, Ehsan Seyedjafari, Soroush Sardari, Behrouz Vaziri *
    Etanercept is prescribed for the rapid and effective treatment of chronic immune-mediated inflammatory disorders. Due to the expiration of etanercept patents and worldwide demand for comparable and more affordable substitutes, several biosimilars of etanercept have been approved in different countries and new ones are in the process of approval.
    In the present study, Altebrel™ as an etanercept proposed biosimilar was investigated in a side by side comparison using various orthogonal analytical methods.
    Materials and Methods
    Three batches of the Altebrel™ and Enbrel® samples were used for the study. Several physicochemical properties of samples were compared according to international guidelines, incliding; sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), Capillary electrophoresis sodium dodecyl sulfate (CE-SDS), size exclusion high performance liquid chromatography (SE-HPLC), hydrophobic interaction chromatography high performance liquid chromatography (HIC-HPLC) and its biological activity was evaluated using surface plasmon resonance affinity analysis and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) neutralization biological assay. Amino acid analysis was applied to check the primary sequence and far-UV circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy investigated the secondary structure.
    The obtained results indicated a high degree of similarity between Altebrel™ and Enbrel®. Results of SDS-PAGE, CE-SDS, HIC-HPLC and SE-HPLC implied a comparable pattern of size variants for all samples. Based on the data achieved via in vitro bioactivity assays and SPR analysis, the functional property of Altebrel™ was proved comparable to that of the reference product. Moreover, amino acid analysis indicated similar primary structure and circular dichroism study implied a similar secondary structure for Altebrel™ and Enbrel®.
    Overall, our data provide analytical evidence for structural and in vitro functional similarity between Altebrel™ and Enbrel®.
    Keywords: Etanercept, Biosimilar, comparability study, physicochemical characterization}
  • Shabnam Aghayan*, Roya Assadi, Abdolmajid Bayandori Moghaddam, Ehsan Seyedjafari
      This study sought to assess the cytotoxic effects of nanoparticulate and microparticulate calcium sodium phosphosilicate mouthwashes on human gingival fibroblasts (HGFs).
    This in vitro study was conducted on HGFs isolated and cultured in a 48-well plate containing standard culture medium for evaluation of four concentrations of the two mouthwashes at two time points plus a positive and a negative control group. The HGFs were exposed to 0.001, 0.01, 0.1 and 1 mg/mL concentrations of mouthwashes for 1 and 24 hours. Positive and negative control cells were exposed to saline and distilled water, respectively. Cell viability was assessed using the methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium (MTT) assay, and the number of viable cells was counted in triplicate using a cell counter after transfection (trypsin-EDTA 0.25%, 20 minutes) and exposure to trypan blue. The optical density (OD) values were read by ELISA reader and analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test.
    Number of viable cells was not significantly different between the two mouthwashes at the two time points (P>0.05). At one hour, number of viable cells was higher in the nanoparticulate group while the number of viable cells in the microparticulate group was higher at 24 hours.  
    Nanoparticulate and microparticulate calcium sodium phosphosilicate mouthwashes have no cytotoxicity against HGFs. Cytotoxicity of the nanoparticulate mouthwash was less than that of the microparticulate mouthwash. Also, increased proliferation of fibroblasts was noted over time in both groups of mouthwashes.
    Keywords: Cytotoxicity, Human Gingival Fibroblasts, Mouthwash, Calcium Sodium Phosphosilicate, Nanoparticles}
  • کاوان نیک دل، مهدی امین افشار*، احسان سیدجعفری، عبدالله محمدی، ناصر امام جمعه
    در این تحقیق  اثرات تنش القایی ملایم هیدروژن پراکسید در گامت های نر بر رشد رویان های حاصل  از روش برون تنی مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. بدین    منظور، نمونه های اسپرم در آزمایشگاه با غلظت های 0، 10، 50 ، 100 و 200 میکرومول بر لیتر هیدروژن پراکسید تیمار شدند و فراسنجه های مربوط به حرکت کل، حرکت پیش رونده، حرکت سریع، زنده مانی و کیفیت غشاء اسپرم ثبت و در گروه های تیماری مختلف مقایسه گردید. نتایج نشان داد که افزایش هیدروژن پراکسید تا سطح 50 میکرومولار با گروه شاهد تفاوت معنی داری ندارد و بیش از آن نیز باعث کاهش معنی دار در فراسنجه های حرکتی، زنده مانی و سلامت غشاء اسپرم می شود.
    کلید واژگان: تنش ملایم القایی, هیدروژن پراکسید, اسپرم, گامت نر}
    Kavan Nikdel, Mehdi Aminafshar *, Ehsan Seyedjafari, Abdollah Mohammadi, Nasser Emamjomeh
    In this research, the effects of induced mild stress of hydrogen peroxide was investigated on bovine male gametes quality. For this purpose, Semen samples were treated with 0, 10, 50, 100 and 200 μmol / L of hydrogen peroxide concentrations, and the parameters related to the total motility, progressive motility, fast motility, survival and quality of sperm cell membrane were recorded and compared in all treatments. Results showed that, increasing of hydrogen peroxide concentration up to 50 μM did not have a significant effect on parameters in compare with control group, but all parameters were decreased when the concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide was going up to 100 and more.
    Keywords: Induced mild stress, Hydrogen peroxide, Sperm, Male gametes}
  • Mahmood Ghasemi, Ardavan Etemadi, Niknam Jahanfar Jahanfar, Ghazal Anoosh*, Ehsan Seyed Jafari, Nasim Chiniforush, Mohammadjavad Kharazifard
    Background and Aim

    Previous studies have shown that some dyes used in photodynamic therapy (PDT) have a low pH and may cause root demineralization and remove the smear layer. This study aimed to assess and compare the effects of root biomodification with citric acid and PDT on the adhesion and proliferation of human gingival fibroblasts (HGFs).

    Materials and Methods

    In this in vitro experimental study, 75 single-rooted teeth extracted due to periodontal disease were assigned to the following treatment groups: (I) Scaling and root planing (SRP) alone; (II) SRP + citric acid (pH=1, 60 s); (III) PDT with toluidine blue (TB; 635 nm laser,150 mW for 30 s); (IV) PDT with methylene blue (MB; 660 nm laser, 150 mW for 30 s) and (V) PDT with indocyanine green (ICG; 810 nm laser, 150 mW for 30 s). Fibroblasts were then cultured in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium along with the treated root pieces. Adhesion and proliferation of fibroblasts were quantified using the methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium (MTT) assay at 24, 48 and 72 hours. Data were analyzed using SPSS ver-sion 22 by repeated measures ANOVA. Pairwise comparisons were performed by the LSD test.


    Adhesion and proliferation of HGFs significantly increased in all groups from 24 to 72 hours (P=0.0001). There was no significant difference in this respect among the groups at the three time points (P=0.143).


    PDT did not have any adverse effect on the adhesion and proliferation of HGFs on dentin, which confirms the safety of this treatment modality.

    Keywords: Photochemotherapy, Lasers, Fibroblasts, Cell Adhesion, Cell Proliferation}
  • رضا راه چمنی، عبدالله محمدی سنگ چشمه، احسان سیدجعفری، یوسف مصطفی لو، بهناز بگشلوی افشار *
    هدف از این مطالعه بررسی امکان جداسازی سلول های بنیادی مزانشیمی از بافت چربی اسب و مطالعه بازده تمایز استخوانی این سلول ها در شرایط کشت تک بعدی (در ظرف کشت بافت پلاستیکی) و سه بعدی (روی داربست های پلی-ال-لاکتیک-اسید) بود. بافت چربی به روش بیوپسی از ناحیه قاعده دم اسب تهیه و سلول های بنیادی مزانشیمی با کمک هضم مکانیکی و آنزیمی از بافت چربی جدا شد. سلول ها بنیادی جداشده، در دو شرایط جداگانه شامل شرایط ظرف کشت بافت پلاستیکی (گروه شاهد) و شرایط داربست پلی-ال-لاکتیک-اسید با سه تکرار، به رده استخوان تمایز داده شدند. در طول 21 روز تمایز آزمون های آلیزارین رد، اندازه گیری آنزیم آلکالین‏ فسفاتاز و اندازه گیری میزان کلسیم رسوبی برای ارزیابی راندمان هر یک از این شرایط در تمایز سلول ها به رده استخوان مورد استفاده قرار گرفت. دادهای حاصل در قالب طرح کاملا تصادفی تجزیه شدند. رنگ آمیزی آلیزارین رد به عنوان یک آزمون کیفی نشان داد در هر دو شرایط سلول‏ های بنیادی مزانشیمی مشتق شده از بافت چربی اسب می توانند به رده استخوان تمایز یابند. با این حال سلول های بنیادی مزانشیمی کشت داده شده روی داربست پلی-ال-لاکتیک-اسید در مقایسه با سلول های کشت داده شده در شرایط ظرف کشت بافت پلاستیکی دارای فعالیت آنزیم آلکالین‏ فسفاتاز و مقدار کلسیم رسوبی بیشتری بودند. یافته های این مطالعه نشان داد استفاده از داربست های پلی-ال-لاکتیک-اسید امکان رشد و تمایز بهینه سلول های بنیادی مزانشیمی مشتق شده از بافت چربی اسب را به رده استخوانی فراهم می سازد.
    کلید واژگان: بافت چربی, پلی-ال-لاکتیک-اسید, تمایز استخوانی, داربست, سلول های بنیادی مزانشیمی}
    Reza Rahchamani, Abdollah Mohammadi, Sangcheshmeh, Ehsan Seyedjafari, Yussof Mostafaloo, Behnaz Bageshlooyafshar*
    This study was conducted to investigate the differentiation potential of equine adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell into bone in single-dimensional culture system (in plastic tissue culture) and in three-dimensional system (on poly-l-lactic acid scaffolds; PLLA). A porous structure that allows use of three-dimensional distribution and provides optimal growth of cells is of great clinical significance in the field of tissue engineering. In current study using equine adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs), we intended to compare the osteogenic differentiation potential of PLLA nanofibrous scaffold with tissue culture plastic (TCP). Adipose tissues were collected from 3 adult horses, and ASCswere isolated by enzymatic digestion. PLLA nanofibrous scaffold was successfully prepared using a phase separation method. Viability and growth characteristics of ASCs on TCP and scaffold were investigated by tetrazolium (MTT) based colorimetric assay. Alizarin Red staining was performed for determination of calcium deposition following osteogenic differentiation. Furthermore, other common osteogenic markers such as alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, and calcium content were also analyzed. Our data showed that the PLLA scaffold had no detrimental effect on the cell growth rate as evaluated by MTT assay. However, ASCs that differentiated on PLLA nanofibrous scaffolds indicated higher ALP activity and more calcium content than that on TCP. Adequate proliferation rate and higher expression of osteogenic markers of stem cells cultured on PLLA nanofibrous scaffolds provide this scaffold as a suitable substrate to support proliferation and differentiation of ASCs in equine.
    Keywords: adipose tissue, mesenchymal stem cells, osteogenic differentiation, poly-L-lactic-acid, scaffolds}
  • رامین بیرانوند، منصور صاحب الزمانی، عبدالحمید دانشجو، احسان سیدجعفری
    سابقه و هدف
    تحقیقات پیشین حاکی از آن است که بهبود قدرت در عضلات اندام تحتانی، نقش مهمی در پیشگیری از زمین خوردن سالمندان دارد. هدف از تحقیق حاضر، بررسی ارتباط بین تغییرات قدرت در عضلات اندام تحتانی و توانایی کنترل پاسچر سالمندان پس از یک دوره تمرینات آبی می باشد.
    مواد و روش ها
    در این کارآزمایی بالینی، تعداد 30 نفر از مردان سالمند به صورت تصادفی انتخاب شدند و در دو گروه تجربی و کنترل (به ترتیب با میانگین سنی 4/65 و 6/63 سال، قد 3/169 و 8/168 سانتی متر و وزن 8/70 و 9/70 کیلوگرم) قرار گرفتند. گروه تجربی به مدت 8 هفته در یک برنامه تمرینات آبی شرکت کردند، در حالی که گروه کنترل هیچ گونه مداخله ای را دریافت نمی کردند. شاخص های نوسان پاسچر و قدرت عضلانی آزمودنی ها قبل و بعد از برنامه تمرینی به ترتیب با استفاده از سیستم تعادلی بایودکس و دستگاه دینامومتر دستی مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. در نهایت از آزمون همبستگی پیرسون به منظور تجزیه و تحلیل اطلاعات به دست آمده از تحقیق استفاده شد (05/0≥P).
    یافته ها
    نتایج این تحقیق نشان داد که متعاقب 8 هفته تمرینات آبی، بین تغییرات صورت گرفته در قدرت عضلات پلانتار فلکسور و توانایی کنترل پاسچر سالمندان ارتباط معنی داری وجود دارد (05/0>P)؛ این در حالی است که ارتباط مذکور در مورد سایر عضلات مورد بررسی معنی دار نبود (05/0استنتاج: به نظر می رسد که افزایش قدرت در عضلات پلانتارفلکسور نقش مهم تری در بهبود توانایی کنترل پاسچر سالمندان در مقایسه با سایر عضلات اندام تحتانی داشته باشد. بر همین اساس توصیه می شود که در برنامه ریزی های تمرینی جهت بهبود تعادل سالمندان، نقش ویژه ی عضلات خلفی ساق بیش تر مورد توجه قرار گیرد.
    کلید واژگان: قدرت عضلانی, کنترل پاسچر, تمرینات آبی, سالمند}
    Ramin Beyranvand, Mansour Sahebozamani, Abdolhamid Daneshjoo, Ehsan Seyedjafari
    Background and
    Previous research has shown that improving lower extremity muscle strength plays an important role in prevention of falls in older people. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the changes of lower extremity muscle strength and postural control ability in elderly after a hydrotherapy program.
    Materials And Methods
    In a clinical trial, 30 elderly male were randomly selected and classified into intervention (mean age 65.4 years, mean height 169.3 cm, and mean weight 70.8 kg) and control groups (mean age 63.6 years, mean height 1688 cm, and mean weight 70.9 kg). The intervention group participated in an aquatic exercise program for 8 weeks while the control group had no intervention. Postural sway parameters and muscle strength were evaluated before and after the program using the Biodex balance system and hand held dynamometer (HHD) respectively. Pearson correlation test was used for data analysis (P≤0.05).
    The results showed a significant relationship between the changes of plantar flexors muscle strength and postural control ability after the intervention (P0.05).
    Compared with other lower extremity muscles, increase in plantar flexors muscle strength seems to have a major role in improving the postural control ability in elderly people. So, posterior muscles of the leg should be considered in planning exercises that aim at improving balance in older people.
    Keywords: muscle strength, postural balance, hydrotherapy, aged}
  • احسان سیدجعفری، منصور صاحب الزمانی، احسان ابراهیمی پور *
    اهداف در این تحقیق 30 مرد سالمند به طور داوطلبانه و به شکل تصادفی در دو گروه 15 نفری کنترل و تجربی شرکت کردند. گروه تجربی در برنامه تمرین های آبی در قسمت عمیقاستخر به مدت هشت هفته که شامل سه جلسه یک ساعته در هفته بود شرکت کردند؛ درحالی که گروه کنترل در این مدت در هیچ برنامه تمرینی شرکت نکردند. در هر دو گروه تعادل ایستا قبل و بعد از دوره اندازه گیری شد. شاخص های نوسانات پاسچر (تعادل ایستا) با استفاده از دستگاه تعادلی بایودکس و آزمون ثبات پاسچرال اندازه گیری شد. برای مقایسه تغییرات درون گروهی از آزمون تی همبسته و برای مقایسه شاخص های تعادل بین دو گروه از آزمون تی مستقل استفاده شد.
    مواد و روش ها 30 مرد سالمند، به طور داوطلبانه و به شکل تصادفی در دو گروه 15 نفره کنترل و تجربی در این تحقیق شرکت کردند. گروه تجربی در برنامه تمرینات آبی در قسمت عمیقاستخر به مدت هشت هفته که شامل سه جلسه یک ساعته در هفته بود شرکت کرد. این در حالی بود که گروه کنترل در این مدت در هیچ گونه برنامه تمرینی شرکت نکردند. در هر دو گروه تعادل ایستا قبل و بعد از دوره اندازه گیری شد. شاخص های نوسانات پاسچر (تعادل ایستا) با استفاده از دستگاه تعادلی بایودکس و تست ثبات پاسچرل اندازه گیری شد. از آزمون تی همبسته برای مقایسه تغییرات درون گروهی و از تست تی مستقل برای مقایسه شاخص های تعادل بین دو گروه استفاده شد.
    یافته ها نتایج مربوط به مقایسه دو گروه از نظر ویژگی های جمعیت شناختی و تن سنجی نشان داد گروه تجربی میانگین سن 481/50±3/65، قد 215/10±5/168، جرم 775/87±7/70 و شاخص توده بدنی483/781±2/24 و گروه کنترل میانگین سن232/50±3/66، قد 314/20±6/169، جرم 531/322±8/71 و شاخص توده بدنی 535/982±3/24 دارند. این نتایج حاکی از نبود تفاوت و درنتیجه همگنی دو گروه است. همچنین نتایج نشان داد هشت هفته تمرین های آبی در قسمت عمیقاستخر، باعث بهبود محسوسی در تعادل ایستا آزمودنی ها شده است. نتایج آزمون های تی مستقل و همبسته نشان دهنده تفاوت معناداری بین گروه تجربی وکنترل در پس آزمون و در گروه تجربی بین پیش آزمون و پس آزمون بعد از انجام برنامه هشت هفته ای است.
    نتیجه گیری با توجه به یافته های تحقیق می توان گفت که اعمال برنامه آبی در قسمت عمیقاستخر می تواند در بهبود تعادل ایستا و درنهایت کاهش خطر افتادن در سالمندان موثر باشد.
    کلید واژگان: تمرین های آبی, سالمندان, تعادل ایستا, افتادن}
    Ehsan Seyedjafari, Mansour Sahebozamani, Ehsan Ebrahimipour *
    Objectives The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of deep aquatic exercises on balance among elderly men.
    Methods & Materials Thirty elderly men voluntarily participated in this experiment. Subjects were randomly divided into two equal groups including experimental and control groups. The experimental group participated in a deep aquatic exercise program that consisted of 60-minutes sessions three times a week for eight weeks, while the control group was not into any exercise. Postural stability (static balance) was assessed before and after the program as pre-test and post-test by Biodex Balance System (BBS) respectively. Independent sample t-test and paired sample t-test (P≤0.05) were performed on outcome variables.
    Results The results of the comparison between the two groups of 15 individuals in terms of demographic and anthropometric features[experimental group with mean age of (65.50±3.481), height (168.10±5.215), weight (70.865±7.775) and body mass index (24.781±2.483) and the control group with an average age of (66.50±3.232), height (169.20±6.314), weight (71.322±8.531) and body mass index (24.982±3.535) were divided], the two groups showed no difference in results is homogeneity. The findings of the study showed that aquatic exercises program has significant effect on the static balance (P≤0.05). The results indicated significant differences between the subjects of experimental and control groups after the exercise program, and also paired sample t-test showed significant differences between pre and post-tests in experimental group while no differences observed in control group.
    Conclusion According to this study, doing the deep-aquatic exercises is effective on improving the static balance of old people and reducing their risk of falling.
    Keywords: Water exercises, Elderly, Static balance, Falling}
  • مریم عطایی، عاطفه سلوک، فاطمه باقری*، احسان سیدجعفری
    افزایش میانگین سنی جامعه و فعالیت های ورزشی که سیستم اسکلتی-عضلانی درگیر می شود و نیز تنوع بیمارانی که با این آسیب ها دست و پنجه نرم می کنند، هزینه های زیادی به جامعه تحمیل می نماید. گرفت های استخوانی یک استاندارد برای درمان یا جایگزینی بافت آسیب دیده هستند. اتوگرفت ها رایج ترین گرفت ها هستند اما مشکلاتی چون درد، عفونت، ایجاد جای زخم و آسیب به محل دهنده دارند. آلوگرفت ها یک روش جایگزینند اما آن ها نیز خطر انتقال عوامل عفونی و رد ایمنی را به همراه دارند. بنابراین، جراحان و پژوهشگران به دنبال روش های درمانی جدید برای بهبود ترمیم استخوانند. در سال های اخیر مهندسی بافت و استفاده از سلول های بنیادی به عنوان یک روش امیدبخش پدیدار شده است. سه بخش اصلی مهندسی بافت، داربست، سلول و فاکتورهای رشد هستند که ترکیب آن ها منجر به شکل گیری سازه های مهندسی بافت می شود که باعث ترمیم و بازسازی بافت ها می شود. استفاده از داربست هایی با ویژگی های مناسب می تواند در جهت بهبود عملکرد یا حتی بازسازی بافت آسیب دیده موثر باشد. زیست مواد مورد استفاده در ساخت داربست ها می توانند مواد طبیعی یا سنتزی زیست تخریب پذیر یا زیست تخریب ناپذیر باشند. پلیمرها عمده مواد مورد استفاده در مهندسی بافت هستند. فاکتورهای رشد گروهی از پروتئین ها هستند که موجب تکثیر و تمایز سلولی می شوند. دو منبع اصلی سلولی، سلول های بافت مورد نظر و سلول های بنیادی هستند اما به علت تکثیر پایین و محدودیت دسترسی به سلول های بافت، استفاده از سلول های بنیادی پیشنهاد مناسب تری است. ترکیب سلول های بنیادی مزانشیمی حاصل از مغز استخوان، بافت چربی و بندناف، با داربست ها و فاکتورهای رشد مناسب، می تواند روش کارآمدی در درمان آسیب های اسکلتی باشد. در این مطالعه مروری، به بررسی استفاده از سلول های بنیادی مزانشیمی در ترمیم استخوان، غضروف، منیسک، رباط، تاندون و ستون فقرات آسیب دیده پرداخته شده است.
    کلید واژگان: سیستم اسکلتی - عضلانی, مهندسی بافت, سلول بنیادی}
    Maryam Ataie, Atefeh Solouk, Fatemeh Bagheri*, Ehsan Seyed Jafari
    An increase in the average age of the population and physical activities where the musculoskeletal system is involved as well as large number of people suffering from skeletal injuries which impose high costs on the society. Bone grafting is currently a standard clinical approach to treat or replace lost tissues. Autografts are the most common grafts, but they can lead to complications such as pain, infection, scarring and donor site morbidity. The alternative is allografts, but they also carry the risk of carrying infectious agents or immune rejection. Therefore, surgeons and researchers are looking for new therapeutic methods to improve bone tissue repair. The field of tissue engineering and the use of stem cells as an ideal cell source have emerged as a promising approach in recent years. Three main components in the field of tissue engineering include proper scaffolds, cells and growth factors that their combination leads to formation of tissue-engineered constructs, resulting in tissue repair and regeneration. The use of scaffolds with suitable properties could effectively improve the tissue function or even regenerate the damaged tissue. The main idea of tissue engineering is to design and fabricate an appropriate scaffold which can support cell attachment, proliferation, migration and differentiation to relevant tissue. Scaffold gives the tissue its structural and mechanical properties, for instance flexibility and stiffness that is related with the tissue functions. Biomaterials used to fabricate scaffolds can be categorized into natural or synthetic biodegradable or non-biodegradable materials. Polymers are the most widely used materials in tissue engineering. Growth factors are a group of proteins that cause cell proliferation and differentiation. Two main cell sources are specialized cells of desired tissue and stem cells. However, according to the low proliferation and limited accessibility to the cells of desired tissue, stem cells are better suggestion. Combination of mesenchymal stem cells harvested from bone marrow, adipose tissue and cord blood with proper scaffolds and growth factors could be a useful method in treatment of skeletal injuries. In this review paper, we focus on the application of mesenchymal stem cells in the repair of damaged bone, cartilage, meniscus, ligaments, tendons and spine tissue.
    Keywords: musculoskeletal system - stem cell_tissue engineering}
  • Zahra Goli Malekabadi, Mohammad Tafazzoli-Shadpour*, Ali Tamayol*, Ehsan Seyedjafari
    Substrate stiffness regulates cellular behavior as cells experience different stiffness values of tissues in the body. For example, endothelial cells (ECs) covering the inner layer of blood vessels are exposed to different stiffness values due to various pathologic and physiologic conditions. Despite numerous studies, cells by time span sense mechanical properties of the substrate, but the response is not well understood. We hypothesized that time is a major determinant influencing the behavior of cells seeded on substrates of varying stiffness.
    We monitored cell spreading, internal structure, 3D topography, and the viability of ECs over 24 hours of culture on polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) substrates with two different degrees of elastic modulus.
    Despite significant differences in cell spreading after cell seeding, cells showed a similar shape and internal structure after 24 hours of culture on both soft and stiff substrates. However, 3D topographical images confirmed existence of rich lamellipodia and filopodia around the cells cultured on stiffer PDMS substrates.
    It was concluded that the response of ECs to the substrate stiffness was time dependent with initial enhanced cellular spreading and viability on stiffer substrates. Results can provide a better comprehension of cell mechanotransduction for tissue engineering applications.
    Keywords: Time dependency, HUVECs, Substrate stiffness, Morphology, 3D topography}
  • Afsaneh Fazili, Soghra Gholami, Bagher Minaie Zangi, Ehsan Seyedjafari, Mahdi Gholami*
    This study examined the in vivo differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) into insulin producing cells (IPCs) on electrospun poly-L-lactide acid (PLLA) scaffolds coated with Matricaria chammomila L. (chamomile) oil.
    Materials And Methods
    In this interventional, experimental study adipose MSCs (AMSCs) were isolated from 12 adult male New Zealand white rabbits and characterized by flow cytometry. AMSCs were subsequently differentiated into osteogenic and adipogenic lines. Cells were seeded onto either a PLLA scaffold (control) or PLLA scaffold coated with chamomile oil (experimental). A total of 24 scaffolds were inserted into the pancreatic area of each rabbit and placement was confirmed by ultrasound. After 21 days, immunohistochemistry analysis of insulin-producing like cells on protein levels confirmed insulin expression of insulin producing cells (IPSCs). Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) determined the expressions of genes related to pancreatic endocrine development and function.
    Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) results confirmed the existence of oil on the surface of the PLLA scaffold. The results showed a new peak at 2854 cm-1 for the aliphatic CH2 bond. Pdx1 expression was 0.051 ± 0.007 in the experimental group and 0.009 ± 0.002 in the control group. There was significantly increased insulin expression in the scaffold coated with chamomile oil (0.09 ± 0.001) compared to control group (0.063 ± 0.009, P≤0.05). Both groups expressed Ngn3 and Pdx1 specific markers and pancreatic tissue was observed at 21 days post transplantation.
    The pancreatic region is an optimal site for differentiation of AMSCs to IPCs. Chamomile oil (as an antioxidant agent) can affect cell adhesion to the scaffold and increase cell differentiation. In addition, the oil may lead to increased blood glucose uptake in pathways in the muscles, liver and fatty tissue of a diabetic animal model by some probable molecular mechanisms.
    Keywords: Differentiation, Transplantation, Scaffold, Insulin}
  • Fatemeh Jamshidi, Adegani, Ehsan Seyedjafari, Nematollah Gheibi, Masumeh Dodel, Abdollah Mohammadi, Sangcheshmeh, Masoud Soleimani, Mehdi Sahmani
    In this study, we compared the effect of ibuprofen (IB) while incorporating by Poly Lactic-co-Glycolic Acid (PLGA) nanofiber on expression of adhesion molecules ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 in a mice adhesion model.
    Materials And Methods
    Using an adhesion model were induced in mice, PLGA-IB and PLGA membranes and IB were sutured between the abdominal wall and peritoneum after surgical operation to reveal the best membrane for prevention of postoperative adhesion bands by comparison of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 expression.
    Compared with other groups, PLGA-IB showed a greater ability to reduce ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 expression.
    These results suggested that in considering the FDA approved polymers, PLGA-IB could be introduced as a potential candidate for prevention of abdominal post-surgery inflammation and adhesion band formation after surgeries.
    Keywords: Intraperitoneal adhesion, PLGA, ibuprofen, ICAM, 1, VCAM, 1}
  • احسان سیدجعفری، منصور صاحب الزمانی، عبدالحمید دانشجو
    زمینه و هدف
    از جمله عواملی که می تواند مفصل را مستعد آسیب کند کاهش در حس عمقی است. هدف از این مطالعه، بررسی تاثیر خستگی عملکردی بر روی حس وضعیت مفصل شانه شناگران فعال بود.
    مواد و روش ها
    به روش نمونه گیری هدفمند و در دسترس و مطابق معیارهای مورد نظر، 24 شناگر مرد با میانگین سنی 49/3±33/18سال و میانگین وزن 33/4±68 کیلوگرم و میانگین قد 09/0±73/1 متر از میان شناگران فعال استان کرمان انتخاب شدند و پس از اعمال پروتکل خستگی عملکردی، حس عمقی مفصل شانه ی شناگران با استفاده از دوربین و نرم افزار اتوکد مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. از آزمون آماری تی مستقل در سطح معنی داری 5 درصد برای تحلیل داده ها استفاده گردید.
    یافته ها
    افزایش معناداری(Δ% 37/2) در میزان خطای بازسازی حس عمقی در زاویه 45 درجه در پس آزمون نسبت به پیش آزمون مشاهده شد(001/0=p).همچنین افزایش معناداری(Δ%80/2) در میزان خطای بازسازی حس عمقی در زاویه 80 درجه در پس آزمون نسبت به پیش آزمون مشاهده شد(001/0=p).
    نتیجه گیری
    خستگی عملکردی موجب کاهش حس عمقی در زاویه های 45 و 80 درجه در مفصل شانه ی شناگران می شود و این امر می تواند شناگران را در معرض آسیب قرار دهد از این رو شناگران و مربیان شنا باید توجه ویژه ای به این امر داشته باشند و از شدت تمرینات پس از خستگی بکاهند.
    کلید واژگان: حس عمقی, خستگی عملکردی, مفصل شانه, شناگران}
    Ehsan Seyedjafari, Mansour Sahebozamani, Abdolhamid Daneshjoo
    Background And Aim
    The decrease in proprioception is one of the main risk factors. The aim of this study was to investigate, the effect of functional fatigue program on shoulders’ proprioception among active swimmers.
    Twenty four swimmers 18.33 ± 3.49 years among active swimmers of Kerman city objectively were selected. After performed functional fatigue program, shoulder proprioception by digital camera recorded and AutoCAD software was used for analysis. Pair t-test was used for analysis (p>0.05).
    The proprioception error significantly increased from pre- to post-test by 2.37% at 45⁰ shoulder outward rotation (p=0.001). Furthermore, The proprioception error significantly increased from pre- to post-test by 2.80% at 80⁰ shoulder outward rotation (p=0.001).
    In brief, fatigue increased proprioception error in 45⁰ and 80⁰ shoulder outward rotation angles and this may be caused shoulder injuries among swimmers. It is suggested that swimmers and coaches must be attention to this issue and decreased intensity of exercise after fatigue.
    Keywords: Proprioception, Functional fatigue, Shoulder joint, swimmers}
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