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فهرست مطالب نویسنده:

saeed hossein abadi

  • هادی سلیمانی مقدم*، سعید حسین آبادی، زهرا ابراهیمی

    هدف این پژوهش ارزیابی مولفه های شکوفایی شهری در وضع موجود و شناسایی عوامل کلیدی موثر بر آینده شکوفایی شهری در شهر قاین است. برای ارزیابی وضع موجود از روش میدانی و با ابزار پرسشنامه به سنجش نظرات مردم در مورد شاخص های مختلف شکوفایی شهری در 5 بعد بهره وری، زیرساخت ها،کیفیت زندگی، عدالت و مشارکت و پایداری محیطی پرداخته شد. در این راستا، حجم نمونه 350 نفری از ساکنان این شهر به روش تصادفی ساده انتخاب شدند. برای تحلیل این داده ها از روش T تک نمونه ای استفاده شد. نتایج نشان داد که شکوفایی شهری قاین در کل در حد متوسط است. بعد بهره وری اقتصادی در حد متوسط، زیرساخت ها و پایداری محیطی در حد متوسط به بالا و کیفیت زندگی و مشارکت در حد پایین است. در بخش دوم پژوهش، با بهره گیری از نظر متخصصان و با استفاده از روش تحلیل اثرات متقاطع (ساختاری) در نرم افزار MICMAC به دسته بندی عوامل موثر بر شکوفایی شهری و شناسایی پیشران های کلیدی موثر بر آینده شکوفایی شهری در شهر قاین پرداخته شد. به گونه ای که متغیرهای شکوفایی به 5 دسته عوامل تاثیرگذار، تاثیرپذیر، دووجهی، مستقل و تنظیمی تقسیم شدند. در نهایت تاثیرگذارترین متغیرها بر اساس مجموع تاثیرگذاری مستقیم و غیرمستقیم شناسایی شدند که شامل این موارد می شود: ظرفیت راه اندازی کسب وکارهای جدید، مشارکت مردم در امور شهر، فرصت های شغلی،سیستم آب رسانی، ظرفیت بازار شهر برای پاسخگویی به نیاز شهر، اوقات فراغت، درآمد خانوارها،کیفیت معابر، امکانات گردشگری،کیفیت مدارس، فرصت های شغلی برای زنان، دسترسی به پارک، کتابخانه های عمومی ، دسترسی به اینترنت و سیستم حمل ونقل و توان مردم برای خرید خانه

    کلید واژگان: شکوفایی شهری, آینده پژوهی, تحلیل تاثیرات متقاطع, شهر قاین
    Hadi Soleimani Moghadam *, Saeed Hosseinabadi, Zahra Ebrahimi

    The purpose of this research is to evaluate the components of urban prosperity in the current situation and to identify the key factors affecting the future of urban prosperity in Qaen city. In order to evaluate the current situation, using the field method and the questionnaire tool, people's opinions were measured about various indicators of urban prosperity in 5 dimensions of productivity, infrastructure, quality of life, equity and participation, and environmental sustainability. In this regard, a sample size of 350 residents of this city was selected by simple random method. One-sample T method was used to analyze these data. The results showed that the urban prosperity of Qaen city is generally average. In terms of economic productivity, infrastructure and environmental sustainability are medium to high, and quality of life and participation are low. In the second part of the research, with the help of experts and using the method of cross-effects (structural) analysis in MICMAC software, the factors affecting urban prosperity were categorized and the key drivers influencing the future of urban prosperity in Qaen city were identified. In such a way that the prosperity variables were divided into 5 categories of influential, dependent, relay variables, independent variabels and regulator. Finally, the most influential variables were identified based on the sum of direct and indirect influence, which includes the following: The capacity to start new businesses, people's participation in city affairs, job opportunities, water supply system, city market capacity to respond to the city's needs, leisure time, household income, road quality, tourism facilities, school quality, job opportunities for women, access to the park, Public libraries, access to the Internet and transportation system, and housing affordability.

    Keywords: Urban Prosperity, Future Studies, Cross-Effects Analysis, Qaen City
  • سعید حسین آبادی*

    یکی از نتایج مهاجرت به شهرها، شکل گیری الگوهای خاصی از جدایی گزینی سکونتی است. هرچند پژوهش های مختلف جدایی گزینی مهاجران در شهرهای بزرگ را تایید می کنند، ولی کمتر به این موضوع در شهرهای کوچک پرداخته شده است. ازاین رو، تحقیق حاضر تلاشی است برای پاسخ به این پرسش که آیا در شهر کوچکی مانند قاین، مهاجران از نظر فضایی، جدایی سکونتی داشته اند یا خیر. داده های مورد نیاز از بلوک های آماری سرشماری 1395 شهر قاین استخراج و برای سنجش و تحلیل شاخص های جدایی گزینی، وارد نرم افزار Geo-Segregation Analyzer شد. همچنین برای انجام تحلیل های فضایی تکمیلی از نرم افزار Arc GIS و برای تحلیل رگرسیون چندگانه از SPSS استفاده شد. نتایج پژوهش نشان داد در بعد یک نواختی شاخص IS با مقدار 495/0 در حد متوسط، شاخص آنتروپی (H) با حدود 26/0 در حد کم و شاخص جینی با مقدار 685/0 در حد نسبتا بالا وجود دارد. براین اساس، می توان گفت توزیع مهاجران به صورت یک نواخت نبوده و در برخی بلوک ها بیشتر متمرکز شده اند. بعد مواجهه که با شاخص xPx سنجیده شد، با مقدار 258/0 در حد کم ارزیابی می شود. شاخص دلتا و تمرکز مطلق به عنوان شاخص های بعد تراکم ، هر دو در حد متوسط؛ اما شاخص خوشه بندی مطلق (ACL) با مقدار 274/0 در حد کم است. البته آماره های فضایی همچون: موران عمومی، G عمومی و Ripley's K Function نشان دهنده این است که مهاجران با الگوی خوشه ای ساکن شده اند. همچنین پایین بودن شاخص مرکزیت گرایی مطلق (ACL) نشانگر گرایش کمتر مهاجران به مرکز شهر است. درکل، براساس بیشتر شاخص ها، جدایی گزینی مهاجران از سایر جمعیت شهر تایید می شود. همچنین، براساس رگرسیون چندگانه، مهاجران بیشتر در مکان هایی با دسترسی کمتر به خدمات شهری، مساحت مسکونی کمتر و تراکم جمعیتی بیشتر در واحد مسکونی ساکن شده اند.

    کلید واژگان: جدایی گزینی فضایی, مهاجران, بلوک های آماری, شهر قاین
    Saeed Hossein Abadi *

    One of the outcomes of migration to cities is the formation of certain patterns of residential segregation. Although the bulk of research has demonstrated the segregation of immigrants in metropolises, this subject has not been sufficiently addressed in small towns. Therefore, the present research is an attempt to answer the question of whether in a small city like Qaen, the immigrants had resorted to spatial segregation from a spatial perspective. The data was extracted from the statistical blocks of the 2016 Census of Qaen City and entered into Geo-Segregation Analyzer software to measure segregation indicators. Also, Arc GIS was used for supplemental spatial analyses and multiple regression analysis was conducted by SPSS. The results revealed that in the Evenness dimension, IS was moderate (0.495), the entropy index (H) was low (0.26), and the Gini index was relatively high (0.685). Accordingly, it can be argued that immigrants have not been evenly distributed and concentration in some blocks is evident. The Exposure dimension measured by the xPx index was low (0.258). The Delta index and Absolute Concentration, as indicators of concentration, are both in the moderate range, but the Absolute Clustering index (ACL) is low (0.274) . Still, spatial statistics such as Global Moran's I, General G and Ripley's K Function suggest that immigrants have settled based on a clustered pattern. Also, the low Absolute Centralization index (ACL) indicates a lower tendency of immigrants to the city center. In general, as suggested by most of the indicators, the segregation of immigrants from the rest of the population is confirmed. Further, according to the multiple linear regression, immigrants tend to settle in areas with restricted access to urban services, limited residential areas, and higher population density.

    Keywords: Spatial Segregation, Immigrants, Statistical Blocks, Qaen City
  • سعید حسین آبادی*، ابراهیم اکبری

    هدف این پژوهش بررسی تغییرات کاربری اراضی و سیمای سرزمین در شهر شاهرود در بازه زمانی 1379 تا 1400 و پیش بینی آن برای سال 1410 است. تحقیق حاضر از نظر ماهیت، توصیفی - تحلیلی می باشد. داده های مورد نیاز از تصاویر ماهواره لندست (تصاویر سنجنده +ETM برای سال 1379 و 1389 و سنجنده OLI برای سال 1400) استخراج شد. طبقه بندی تصاویر در نرم افزار ENVI5.3 با بهره گیری از الگوریتم حداکثر احتمال انجام شد و سپس به منظور سنجش متریک های اکولوژی سرزمین وارد نرم افزار FRAHSTATS4.2 گردید. نتایج تحقیق نشان داد که در دوره مد نظر (1379 تا 1400)، مساحت زمینهای مرتعی تقریبا ثبات نسبی داشته، کاربری محیط ساخته شده 48/2 درصد و کشاورزی و باغی 32/1 درصد در سال افزایش مساحت داشته، در حالی که مساحت اراضی بایر، سالانه 03/1 درصد کاهش داشته است که نشان می دهد بخش زیادی از این اراضی بایر به نفع اراضی ساخته شده (محیط شهری و روستایی)، زراعی و باغی تغییر کاربری یافته اند. هر چند در دوره مورد بررسی، متریکهای میانگین مساحت لکه ها (MPS) و بزرگترین لکه (LPI) برای کاربری مرتع، محیط ساخته-شده و زمینهای زراعی و باغی بهبود یافته اما تغییرات شاخص مجاورت و پراکندگی (IJI) نشان از گرایش به پراکندگی این کاربری ها در طول زمان دارد. در مقیاس کل سیمای سرزمین، کاهش متریک پیوستگی (CONTAG) و مساحت بزرگترین لکه، افزایش تعداد لکه-ها (NP) و شاخص تنوع شانون (SHDI) بیانگر آن است که سیمای منطقه مورد مطالعه در جهت از هم گسیختگی و پراکندگی تغییر یافته است. گسترش فیزیکی شهر شاهرود که بیشتر با الگوی پراکنده رخ داده از عوامل اصلی شکل گیری چنین وضعیتی در سیمای سرزمین منطقه بوده است.

    کلید واژگان: کاربری اراضی, تغییر کاربری اراضی, سیمای سرزمین, اکولوژی سیمای سرزمین, شاهرود
    Saeed Hossein Abadi *, Ebrahim Akbari

    This research aims to investigate the changes in land use and landscape of Shahroud city from 2000 to 2021 and its forecast for 2031. Shahroud city, as the second population and economic center of Semnan province, has grown significantly in recent decades. The changes in the population of Shahroud city between 1956 and 2016 have shown this city's significant population and spatial growth in these 60 years. The physical expansion of the city has been accompanied by the dispersion of built-up elements such as roads, facilities, infrastructures, and buildings and the increase of distances between different places and the merge of nearby villages to the city boundaries and all of these processes change the land cover/use and landscape, whichultimately challenges the sustainable development of the region and the city. Therefore, this paper examines the past and future trends of land use and landscape changes in Shahroud using ecological metrics of landscape.In this research, it is intended to answer the following questions:- What has changed the land use pattern in Shahroud city based on the ecological metrics of landscape from 2000 to 2021?- How has the landscape of the studied area changed between 2000 and 2021?- How will be the pattern of land use and landscape of the studied area in 2031?


    A descriptive-analytical approach characterizes the present research. The data was obtained through Landsat satellite images - images of ETM+ for 2000 and 2010 and OLI for 2021-. After corrections and pre-processing operations, these images were classified in ENVI5.3 software using the maximum likelihood algorithm. Then, the produced maps were entered into the FRAHSTATS 4.2 software to measure landscape ecology metrics. The metrics used in this research are Number of Patches(NP), Class Area(CA), Percentage of landscape(PLAND), Means of Patch Size (MPS), Largest patch index (LPI), Shannon's Diversity Index(SHDI) and Interspersion Juxtaposition Index (IJI).

    Results and discussion

    The results of the research showed that in the period (2000 to 2031), the total area of rangelands was relatively stable; the area of the built environment increased by 2.48%, and croplands and orchards increased by 1.32% per year. The area of vacant lands has decreased by 1.03% annually, which shows that a large part of these vacant lands has been changed in favor of built (urban and rural) croplands and orchards. According to the PLAND index, which represents the share of each land use in the entire landscape, the largest area belongs to vacant lands. Although the share of this class has decreased from 66.5% in 2000 year to 55.49% in 2021, it is still the dominant land use in the landscape of Shahroud. At the beginning of the period, the share of the built environment was 13.04% of the total area, which reached 20.14% at the end of the period, and its rank was upgraded from third to second. The PLAND index of rangelands did not change significantly in this period, and its share in 2021 was about 6.68% of the total area. Even though the share of cropland and orchard class increased from 14.96 to 19.69 percent, its rank has degraded from second to third. Although, in the studied period, the metrics of Means Patch Size (MPS) and Largest Patch Index (LPI) for the rangeland, built environment, and agricultural and orchard lands have improved, the changes in the Interspersion Juxtaposition Index (IJI) show a tendency to interspersion of these land uses during the time. The highest amount of IJI belongs to vacant lands, followed by built-up lands; rangelands have the lowest amount. On the scale of the general landscape, the decrease in the metric of CONTAG and LPI and the increase in NP and SHDI indicate that the landscape of Shahroud has become more disintegrated and dispersed.


    The most important points that can be obtained from the study of land use changes and the landscape of Shahroud city and its surroundings consist of the following:1- The physical expansion of Shahroud city has mainly occurred in a sprawl pattern. It has led to the increasing dominance of built environments in the landscape, which has played an important role in the disintegration of the landscape.2-Maintaining the area and share of rangelands is a positive point. However, this class's decreased integrity and increased fragmentation are considered negative points due to their effect on ecological unsustainability.3- The area of orchards and croplands increased, and consequently, its share in the landscape has increased. A positive assessment can be made about the non-decrease of the area of this land use despite the city's physical growth. However, whether the increase in its area has negative ecological consequences depends on factors such as water and soil resources management, preservation of natural vegetation and rangeland, etc., which are not discussed in this research.4- The vacant lands have been faced with a decrease in area and an increase in fragmentation due to the change of this land use to other uses, especially the built environment.Finally, if land use changes continue until 2031, the region's landscape will be more fragmented and dispersed. Therefore, it is necessary to control urban sprawl by applying strategies such as infill development and focusing on the management and protection of rangelands and agricultural lands so that this process changes the direction of ecological sustainability.

    Keywords: land use, Land Use Change, landscape, Landscape Ecological Approach, Shahroud city
  • سعید حسین آبادی*

    رضایتمندی سکونتی را می توان درک ساکنان از میزان تامین انتظاراتشان از محیط مسکونی، تعریف کرد. عدم تامین این انتظارات باعث نارضایتی از محیط مسکونی می شود. نارضایتی سکونتی ضمن کاهش کیفیت زندگی فردی، می تواند آثار منفی اجتماعی نیز به همراه داشته باشد. از این رو سنجش رضایت سکونتی و عوامل موثر بر آن بسیار حایز اهمیت است. هدف این تحقیق، سنجش رضایتمندی سکونتی و تحلیل تاثیر ابعاد محیط مسکونی بر این متغیر در محله «بالا»ی قاین است. رویکرد پژوهش حاضر توصیفی- تحلیلی است و از نظر هدف، توسعه ای و از نظر روش، کمی و میدانی است. داده های میدانی با استفاده از ابزار پرسشنامه گردآوری شده است. جهت تحلیل داده ها از آزمون T تک نمونه ای، همبستگی پیرسون، تحلیل رگرسیون چندگانه و آزمون چاو استفاده شده است. نتایج پژوهش نشان می دهد رضایت ساکنان این محله از محیط مسکونی شان بالاتر از حد متوسط است. همچنین هر 4 بعد مسکونی مورد مطالعه (کیفیت مسکن، کیفیت محیطی-بصری، دسترسی به خدمات و محیط اجتماعی محله) تاثیر معنادار بر رضایت سکونتی دارد. با توجه به نتایج رگرسیون چند گانه متغیرهای مستقل مورد بررسی در مجموع 58 درصد واریانس متغیر رضایت سکونتی را تبیین می کند. در این بین کیفیت محیطی بصری با ضریب بتای 0/383 بیشترین سهم و پس از آن متغیر محیط اجتماعی با ضریب 0/326 رتبه دوم را دارد و کیفیت مسکن کمترین نقش را دارد. بنابراین می توان گفت نقش محله در رضایت سکونتی بیش از نقش مسکن است. همچنین نتایج آزمون چاو نشان داد که ویژگی های فردی و جمعیت شناختی پاسخ دهندگان نقش تعدیل کننده را در برخی از روابط بین متغیرهای مستقل و وابسته دارد.

    کلید واژگان: رضایتمندی سکونتی, مسکن, محله, محله بالا, شهر قاین
    Saeed Hossein Abadi *

    Residential satisfaction can be defined as residents' perception of the extent to which their expectations of the residential environment are met. Failure to meet these expectations will lead to dissatisfaction with the residential environment. Residential dissatisfaction, while reducing the quality of individual life, can also have negative social effects. Therefore, measuring residential satisfaction and the factors affecting it is very important. The purpose of this study is to measure residential satisfaction and analyze the impact of residential environment dimensions on this variable in Bâlâ neighborhood as an old neighborhood in Qaen city. This research is a field study and a questionnaire was used to collect data and sample size is 370 people. One-sample t-test, Pearson correlation, multiple regression analysis and Chow test were also used to analyze the data. The results show that people's satisfaction with their residential environment is above average. Also, all 4 studied residential dimensions (housing/dwelling, environmental quality, access to facilities and social environment of neighborhood) have a significant effect on residential satisfaction. According to the results of multiple regression, the independent variables explain and predict 58% of the variance of the residential satisfaction variable. The beta coefficient, the environmental-visual quality of the neighborhood with a coefficient of 0.383 has greatest impact on residential satisfaction and in the next rank is the social environment of the neighborhood with a coefficient of 0.326, and the variable of access to facilities and housing quality has been assigned the third and fourth ranks.Therefore, it can be said that the role of the neighborhood in residential satisfaction is more than the role of the housing. Also, the results of Chow test showed that demographic characteristics of residents have a moderating role in some relationships between independent and dependent variables.

    Keywords: Residential Satisfaction, Housing, Neighborhood, Bâlâ neighborhood, Qaen City
  • معصومه حاجی زاده کرقند*، محمد سلمانی مقدم، سعید حسین آبادی، هادی سلیمانی مقدم

    هدف از پژوهش حاضر تحلیل و بررسی مقایسه ای وضعیت حس باهمستان و کیفیت زندگی و رابطه بین این دو متغیر در دو محله متفاوت از هم (شهرک ولیعصر به عنوان محله جدید و محله پایین به عنوان محله قدیمی) در شهر قاین است. رویکرد کلی این تحقیق توصیفی - تحلیلی است و یک تحقیق پیمایشی محسوب می شود. جهت گردآوری داده های میدانی از پرسشنامه استفاده شده است. جامعه آماری پژوهش شامل جمعیت دو محله مذکور است. حجم کل نمونه بر اساس فرمول کوکران 370 نفر تعیین شد و سهم هر محله از این حجم نمونه با توجه به جمعیت آن مشخص گردید. برای تجزیه وتحلیل داده ها از آزمون T گروه های مستقل و همبستگی پیرسون در نرم افزار SPSS استفاده شد. نتایج تحقیق نشان می دهد که وضعیت کیفیت زندگی و حس باهمستان در هر دو محله مطالعاتی بالاتر از حد متوسط است و از این نظر تفاوت معناداری بین دو محله وجود ندارد. نتایج آزمون همبستگی پیرسون نیز نشان می دهد که در محدوده مطالعاتی بین «حس باهمستان» و «کیفیت زندگی» رابطه مثبت و معناداری وجود دارد. بنابراین تقویت حس باهمستان در محلات شهری می تواند به افزایش رضایت از زندگی کمک کند.

    کلید واژگان: حس باهمستان, شهر قاین, کیفیت زندگی, محله پایین, محله ولیعصر
    Masumeh Hajizadeh *, Mohammad Salmani Moghadam, Saeed Hossein Abadi, Hadi Soleimani Moghadam

    The purpose of the research was to analyze and compare the state of sense of community and quality of life and the relationship between the variables in two different neighborhoods (Vali- Asr neighborhood as the new neighborhood and Payin neighborhood as the old neighborhood) in Qaen city. The general descriptive-analytical study used a questionnaire to collect field data. The statistical population includes the population of two mentioned neighborhoods. The size of the sample was calculated based on Cochran's formula to be 370 people, and the share of each neighborhood from this sample size was determined according to its population. To analyze the data, the independent samples t-test and Pearson correlation were don using in SPSS.  The results of this research suggest that the quality of life and the sense of community in both studied neighborhoods are above average and there is no significant difference between the two neighborhoods in this respect. The results of the Pearson correlation also show that there is a positive and significant relationship between sense of community and quality of life in the study area. Therefore, strengthening the sense of community in urban neighborhoods can increase life satisfaction.

    Keywords: neighborhood, sense of community, quality of life, Qaen city
  • سعید حسین آبادی*، ابراهیم اکبری
    توسعه میان افزای شهری که تاکید بر بهره گیری از ظرفیت زمین های خالی و بدون استفاده در درون نواحی ساخته شده، ساختمان های مخروبه و اراضی قهوه ای  دارد راهبردی در جهت کنترل پراکنده رویی شهری و پیامدهای مرتبط با آن است. از این رو در این پژوهش به سنجش ظرفیت های توسعه میان افزا در شهر سبزوار -که با مشکل پراکنده رویی روبروست-پرداخته شد. پژوهش حاضر از نظر رویکرد، توصیفی-تحلیلی و از نظر ماهیت، توسعه ای- کاربردی است. داده های مورد نیاز با استفاده از روش کتابخانه ای و اسنادی گردآوری گردید. 13 معیار جهت سنجش ظرفیت های توسعه میان افزا تعیین شد و با بهره گیری از نظر متخصصان در قالب فرایند تحلیل سلسله مراتبی (AHP) وزن و اولویت هر معیار  مشخص گردید.همچنین از مدل فازی برای تولید، استانداردسازی، فازی سازی و تلفیق لایه ها در محیط GIS استفاده گردید.نتایج پژوهش نشان داد در شهر سبزوار،  نواحی مرکزی نسبت به نواحی حاشیه شهر، قابلیت بیشتری از نظر توسعه میان افزا دارد. با اینکه نواحی مرکزی، زمین های خالی کمتری دارد اما استقرار این زمین ها در درون بافت موجود و فاصله کمتر آن ها با اراضی ساخته شده  و همچنین عوامل دیگری  از جمله وجود ساختمان های مخروبه، قدیمی و با کیفیت پایین در بافت های فرسوده ،  دسترسی بیشتر به خدمات و امکانات شهری و... باعث شده که این نواحی قابلیت بیشتری از نظر توسعه میان افزا نسبت به نواحی حاشیه داشته باشد.در کل،  حدود 29/20 درصد مساحت شهر  سبزوار برای توسعه میان افزا کاملا مناسب ،15/13 درصد  مناسب، 33/41 درصد متوسط ، 98/ 16درصد نامناسب و  25/8 درصد کاملا نامناسب می باشد.بنابراین در شهر سبزوار ظرفیت قابل توجهی برای توسعه میان افزا وجود دارد که بهره گیری از آن می تواند به کاهش پراکنده رویی در این شهر کمک کند.
    کلید واژگان: توسعه کالبدی شهر, توسعه میان افزا, منطق فازی, AHP, سبزوار
    Saeed Hossein Abadi *, Ebrahim Akbari
    Urban infill development that emphasizes on utilizing the capacity of vacant and unused land within the built-up areas, dilapidated and brownfield areas is a strategy for controling urban sprawl and its associated effects. Therefore, this study aimed to measure the capacities of infill development in Sabzevar city that is facing challenge of urban sprawl. The required data of the descriptive-analytical study were collected using library and documentary methods. Thirteen criteria were considered to measure the infill development capacities. Then, using the opinion of experts in Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), the weight and priority of each criterion was determined. Moreover, the Fuzzy model was used to standardize, fuzzificate and integrate of layers in GIS software. The results indicated that in Sabzevar city, the central zones have more potential in terms of infill development compared to the skurt zones. Although the central zones have less vacant lands, the placement of these lands within existing neighborhoods and their less distance from built-up lands, as well as other factors such as the existence of dilapidated, old and low-quality buildings, worn-out textures, better access to urban services and facilities, have made central zones of the city have more potential for infill development. About 20.29% of the area of Sabzevar city is quite suitable for infill development, 13.15% is suitable, 41.33% is average, 16.98% is unsuitable, and 8.25% is quite unsuitable. Therefore, there is a significant capacity for infill development in Sabzevar city which, if used, can reduce its sprawl.
    Keywords: Physical Development, infill development, Fuzzy logic, AHP, Sabzevar City
  • سعید حسین آبادی*، الهه الهیان کیکانلو
    احساس امنیت در فضاهای شهری یکی از مهمترین نیازهای شهروندان و از شاخصهای مهم کیفیت زندگی شهری است که تحت تاثیر عوامل متعددی قرار دارد. یکی از این عوامل، حس اجتماع محلی است . در این تحقیق رابطه بین حس اجتماع و احساس امنیت در محلات شهر آشخانه مد نظر است.حس اجتماع در این پژوهش شامل 4 مولفه عضویت(تعلق)، تامین نیازها، پیوند عاطفی مشترک و حس تاثیرگذاری می باشد و منظور از احساس امنیت، ارزیابی افراد از امنیت محله شان است. این پژوهش، از نوع پیمایشی است که طی آن از پرسشنامه برای گردآوری داده ها استفاده شده است. جامعه آماری شهروندان بالای 15 سال شهر آشخانه ، حجم نمونه 377 نفر و روش نمونه گیری تصادفی ساده است.برای تحلیل داده ها نیز از روشT تک نمونه ای ،همبستگی پیرسون و رگرسیون چندگانه استفاده شده است. طبق یافته های این پژوهش میزان حس امنیت و حس اجتماع در محلات شهر آشخانه به ترتیب با میانگین 7/3 و 52/3 بالاتر از حد متوسط است. همچنین با توجه به ضریب همبستگی 45/0 در سطح معناداری کمتر از آلفای 01/0 می توان گفت بین حس اجتماع و احساس امنیت ساکنان شهر آشخانه رابطه مثبت و معنادار وجود دارد و میزان شدت همبستگی در حد متوسط است. نتایج رگرسیون چندگانه نیز بیان می کند که از بین شاخصهای حس اجتماع، به ترتیب دو شاخص تامین نیازها و پیوند عاطفی مشترک بیشترین تاثیر را بر احساس امنیت شهروندان دارد.
    کلید واژگان: اجتماع محلی, حس اجتماع, احساس امنیت, آشخانه
    Saeed Hossein Abadi *, Elahe Elahian Keykanlou
    Feelings of security is one of the most important needs of citizens and one of the indicators of urban quality of life that is influenced by several factors. One of these factors is sense of community.In this research, the relationship between the sense of community and the security feeling of the citizens of Ashkhaneh is considered. In this research ,sense of community includes 4 components of membership (belonging), fulfillment of needs, shared emotional connection and sense of influence, and the sense of security is people's evaluation of the security of their neighborhood.This research is a survey research and a questionnaire was used to collect data.. The statistical population is citizens over 15 years of age in Ashkhaneh city . The sample size is 377 people and the sampling method is random simple.The data analysis method is one-sample t-test , Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis.According to the findings of this research, the mean of feeling of security and sense of community in the neighborhoods of Ashkhaneh city are 3.7 and 3.52, respectively, that are higher than the average.Also, according to the correlation coefficient of 0.45 at a significance level of P-value<0.1 it can be said that there is a significant and positive relationship between the sense of community and the sense of security of the residents of Ashkhaneh city, and the intensity of the correlation is moderate.The results of multiple regression also show that among the indicators of community sense, the two indicators of fulfillment of needs and shared emotional connection, respectively, have the greatest impact on citizens' sense of security.
    Keywords: community, sense of community, feeling of security, Ashkhaneh city
  • سعید حسین آبادی*، محمد یاپنگ غراوی

    هدف اصلی این پژوهش، سنجش وضعیت زیست پذیری اجتماعی در شهر قاین و مدل سازی ساختاری تفسیری مولفه های زیست پذیری اجتماعی است. این تحقیق، جزو تحقیقات پیمایشی است و ابزار اصلی گردآوری داده ها، پرسشنامه است. جامعه ی آماری پژوهش، شهروندان بالای 15 سال شهر قاین و نمونه ی مورد بررسی 360 نفر است که به روش نمونه گیری تصادفی ساده انتخاب شدند. برای سنجش وضعیت شاخص های زیست پذیری اجتماعی از روش T تک نمونه ای استفاده شد. در بخش دیگر تحقیق با بهره گیری از روش مد ل سازی ساختاری تفسیری (ISM) روابط درونی مولفه های زیست پذیری اجتماعی مشخص و به صورت یکپارچه تحلیل شد. برای انجام تحلیل ساختاری-تفسیری از نظر متخصصان مرتبط با موضوع که به شیوه ی نمونه گیری هدفمند انتخاب شدند، استفاده گردید. نتایج تحقیق نشان داد که طبق تحلیل T تک نمونه ای، میانگین شاخص های امنیت و تعلق مکانی، بالاتر از حد متوسط؛ شاخص آگاهی و آموزش در حد متوسط؛ و شاخص های تعاملات اجتماعی، اعتماد، همبستگی و مشارکت اجتماعی در حد پایینی قرار دارند. درمجموع، میانگین زیست پذیری اجتماعی نیز در این شهر در حد متوسط ارزیابی می شود. همچنین نتایج حاصل از مدل ساختاری تفسیری زیست پذیری اجتماعی 4 سطح از مولفه ها را نشان داد. در بین این مولفه ها، حس تعلق مکانی و همبستگی اجتماعی، اساسی ترین مولفه های موثر بر زیست پذیری اجتماعی شهری است که باید در سطح اول بر آن ها تاکید شود. به عبارتی دیگر، هرگونه اقدام برای ایجاد زیست پذیری اجتماعی، مستلزم زمینه سازی برای ارتقاء این مولفه هاست.

    کلید واژگان: زیست پذیری شهری, زیست پذیری اجتماعی, مدل سازی ساختاری تفسیری, شهر قاین
    Saeed Hossein Abadi*, Mohammad Yapang Gharavi

    In the current century, known as the century of cities, a significant part of the world's population lives in cities and the trend of increasing urbanization continues. In such circumstances, the important question is to what extent cities are suitable places for human life. Hence, the concept of urban livability and livable city has become one of the most widely used concepts in urban studies. A livable city is a city that provides suitable living conditions from various economic, social and environmental dimensions. A neighborhood or city is socially livable when it provides a sense of security, sense of belonging and place identity, social interactions, participation, social cohesion, and etc. Addressing livability indicators can be a criterion for the sustainability of cities, their success and a guide for urban planning and management. The main purpose of this study is to assess the situation of social livability in Qaen city and Interpretative structural modeling (ISM) of social livability components. Qaen city with a population of about 43,000 people (according to the 2016 census), is the second city in South Khorasan province located in east of Iran.

    Materials and methods

    This study is an applied research in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of approach. The field method has been used to measure the social livability status. The collection of data tool is a questionnaire. The statistical population of the study is the population over 15 years old in Qaen city and the sample size is 360 people using Cochran's method. Components of social livability in this study include social trust, social participation, cohesion, social interaction, place attachment, feeling of security, social norms, education and public awareness. One-sample t-test was used to analyze and measure the status of these components, and interpretative structural modeling (ISM) was used for modelling of these components. For structural-interpretive modeling, the opinions of 20 experts were collected by a questionnaire.

    Discussion and Results

    A one-sample t-test was used to analyze the mean of each component of social livability. Considering that in the design of the questionnaire items, the 5 Likert spectrum including very low (with code 1), low (code 2), medium (code 3), high (code 4) and very high (code 5) has been used; in this test, the mean of the variables was compared with the mean (3), which is test value. The results of one-sample t-test showed that mean of components of security and place attachment in Qaen city are above test value (3). In fact, this city can be considered a city with high security and place attachment. In contrast, the components of social interaction, trust, cohesion, participation and social norms have mean below test value .Low levels of trust, cohesion and social participation could be considered as barriers to the development and livability of the city. Especially that, according to the results of this study, citizens' trust in urban management is low and this can be an obstacle for citizens to participate with urban management in urban development projects. The findings of this study also indicate that the component of education and awareness is at a moderate level.The interpretative structural modeling (ISM) indicated that the research model consists of 4 levels. The most effective is the fourth level, which includes two factors of social cohesion and sense of place attachment. This level directly affects the third level factors, namely social interactions and public awareness.  Third level also directly affects on the second level, which includes the observance of social norms in the community and social trust, and also the second level factor has a direct effect on the components of the first level, which is social participation and individual and social security.The results of MICMAC analysis of the identified components showed that components of social interaction, education and public awareness are in the autonomous cluster; these components have weak influence and dependence.
    In the dependent cluster, the components are social participation, personal and social security, which have weak influence but high dependence and effectiveness. In the linkage cluster is social trust. Finally, the key cluster includes the components of a place attachment, cohesion, and social norms. These components have high driving power and low dependence; and these components are needed first to create social livability.


    According to this study, in general, the level of social livability in the city of Qaen is assessed as moderate level. Among the eight components of social livability, the two components have a higher than average mean: sense of security and place attachment. Awareness and education are moderate, and the components of participation, interaction, norms, and social cohesion are low.
    The results of the interpretive structural modeling of social livability of this city showed that among these components, sense of place attachment and social cohesion are the most basic components affecting on urban social livability that should be emphasized at the first level.

    Keywords: Urbran livability, Social livability, Interpretive structural modeling, Qaen city
  • سعید حسین آبادی*

    امروزه به سرعت بر میزان خودروها و اتکای انسان به این وسیله نقلیه افزوده می شود و به تبع آن محیط های شهری و حمل ونقل از انسان محوری به سوی محوریت خودرو سوق می یابد. وابستگی به ماشین، تهدیدی برای پایداری شهرهاست. ازاین رو در چهار دهه اخیر توجه خاصی به تغییر نوع حمل و نقل و نیز طراحی و برنامه ریزی شهرها صورت گرفته است. به طوری که پارادایم توسعه پایدار شهری و نظریات همراستا با آن مثل نوشهرگرایی نیز بر محدود کردن خودرو شخصی و قابلیت پیاده روی محیط های شهری تاکید می ورزد. هدف از این تحقیق بررسی رابطه بین شاخصهای محیطی و میزان پیاده روی شهروندان شهر قاین است.تحقیق حاضر از نوع تحقیقات پیمایشی است، شیوه گردآوری داده ها، پرسشنامه ای و جامعه آماری جمعیت شهر قاین است که در حدود 43 هزار نفر،است حجم نمونه 360 نفر از ساکنان این شهر و روش نمونه گیری تصادفی ساده است. سهم هر محله از این حجم نمونه نیز بر اساس سهم جمعیتی آن محله از کل شهر تعیین گردید. نتایج تحقیق نشان می دهد قابلیت پیاده روی محیط در شهر قاین در حد متوسط است. همچنین آزمون رگرسیون چندگانه نشان می دهد که سه متغیر تنوع کاربری ها، پیوستگی شبکه معابر و کیفیت پیاده روها تاثیر مثبتی بر میزان پیاده روی افراد دارند اما رابطه معناداری بین کیفیت بصری با متغیر وابسته (پیاده روی) وجود ندارد.

    کلید واژگان: محیط مصنوع, پیاده روی, قابلیت پیاده روی, شهر قائن
    Saeed Hossein Abadi *

    In the last few decades, the number and use of motor vehicles have increased dramatically in cities across the world and urban spaces and mobility have been dominated by motor vehicles. Thistrend has made various environmental, social, and economic issues for cities and has threatened their sustainable development. Therefore, in recent years, special attention has been paid to changing the mobility model as well as urban design and planning. So that the urban sustainable development paradigm and theories like New Urbanism emphasize the reduction of automobile dependence and increasing the walkability of urban space.Walkability refers to the extent to which an environment is suitable for walking. There are various environmental, social, and economic benefits for walkability in urban spaces. Therefore, recognizing the various factors affecting the walking of citizens, including physical-spatial indicators and planning to improve these indicators can be effective in the sustainable development of cities. Consequently, in the study, the relationship between physical indicators of urban space and citizens' walking rate in Qaen city neighborhoods is analyzed. 

    Data and Method

    The general approach of the present study is descriptive-analytical. This research is applied research and correlational research that seeks to investigate the relationship between a set of variables. The data collection method is library and field study. Statistical population is the inhabitants of Qaen city, that are about 43,000 people. The sample size is 360 people and the sampling method is simple random. The share of each neighborhood in this sample size was determined based on the population share of that neighborhood from the whole city. The dependent variable in this study is citizens' walking rate and the independent variable is composed of the physical-environmental factors, such as access to diverse land uses(land use mix), visual quality of urban spaces, quality of sidewalks, and connectivity of the street network. Multiple regressionhas been used to analyze the data and test the hypotheses.

    Results and Discussion

    The results suggest that there is a positive relationship between the level of land use  diversity and the rate of citizens' walking. So it can be expected that with the increase in the land uses diversity in urban neighborhoods, the probability of walking will increase. The land uses diversity and proximity of residential units to various urban and neighborhood activities (commercial, office, green space, schools, parks, restaurants etc.) makes less need to use motor vehicles and instead, walking is considered as a basic mode of mobility within neighborhoods. On the other hand, the mixture and diversity of land uses in an urban area can cause more people to be present in urban spaces and this presence increases the sense of security that encourages walking.Another finding is that the connectivity of the street network has a positive effect on the level of citizens’ walking. In fact, the connectivity of streets, based on the frequency of intersections and their short distance from each other in a range, helps to connect multiple paths and, on the other hand, reduce the speed of vehicles. This makes it possible, firstly, to select a variety of routes for walking within the neighborhood, and secondly, due to the close distance of the intersections in reducing the speed of motor vehicles, the safety of walking increases.The results also showed that the effect of sidewalk quality is significant on people's walking rate. Thus, it can be said that improving the quality of sidewalks can increase the desire of citizens to walking. However, the relationship between visual quality and walking in the neighborhoods of Qaen city was not conformed. So the visual quality of urban spaces (beauty, cleanliness, lighting, etc.) has not affected the level of citizens’ walking.


    The study examined four important physical indicators of walkability to determine how much it affects walking in Qaen city. According to the findings, 3 indicators including diversity of land use, connectivity of the street network, and sidewalk quality have a positive and significant effect on the amount of walking, but the visual quality indicator does not have a significant effect on  people's walking. Thus, it can be said that by improving these three indicators along with social and cultural planning, citizens' walking rate is expected to increase in this small city.

    Keywords: Built environment, Walking, Walkability, urban sustainability, Qaen city
  • سعید حسین آبادی*، محمدرضا پور محمدی، میرستار صدر موسوی

    امروزه یکی از دغدغه های برنامه ریزان شهری، رسیدن به پایداری شهری و از آن جمله پایداری اجتماعی است. از نظر نوشهرگرایان، یکی از مهم ترین عوامل کالبدی- فضایی موثر بر پایداری اجتماعی، قابلیت پیاده روی می باشد که بیانگر پتانسیل محیط مصنوع در تسهیل پیاده روی است. از نظر پیروان این رویکرد شهرسازی، قابلیت پیاده روی می تواند به ایجاد جامعه ای سالم و پایدار کمک کند. با توجه به اهمیت بحث، در این نوشتار، تلاش شده که با انجام یک پژوهش پیمایشی، رابطه بین قابلیت پیاده روی و مولفه های پایداری اجتماعی در شهر سبزوار موردبررسی و تحلیل قرار گیرد. حجم نمونه 400 نفر تعیین شده و سهم هر محله از حجم نمونه به تناسب سهم جمعیتی آن در کل شهر محاسبه شده است. روش نمونه گیری در این تحقیق، به صورت تصادفی ساده بوده و جهت تحلیل، از آزمون همبستگی پیرسون استفاده شده است. نتایج تحقیق نشان دهنده رابطه مثبت قابلیت پیاده روی با متغیرهای تعلق مکانی، رضایت سکونتی و عدالت در دسترسی به خدمات است؛ اما این متغیر با دو بعد دیگر پایداری اجتماعی یعنی احساس امنیت و سرمایه اجتماعی رابطه معنادار ندارد. درمجموع، یافته های پژوهش، رابطه معنادار بین قابلیت پیاده روی و پایداری اجتماعی را تایید می کند؛ بنابراین می توان گفت، افزایش قابلیت پیاده روی محلات شهری می تواند به پایداری اجتماعی کمک کند.

    کلید واژگان: توسعه پایدار, پایداری اجتماعی, قابلیت پیاده روی, شهر سبزوار
    Saeed Hossein Abadi *, MohammadReza Pour Mohammadi, MirSattar Sadr Mousavi

    Nowadays, one of the concerns of urban planning is achieving urban sustainability in all dimensions, including social sustainability. According to the New Urbanism approach, a very important physical-spatial factor affecting social sustainability is the walkability. According to the followers of this approach, walkability can help to create a healthy and sustainable community. This paper has investigated the relationship between the walkability and the components of social sustainability in the city of Sabzevar by a survey research. The sample size is 400 people selected randomly and according to the population share of each neighborhood of the total population of the city. Pearson correlation was used to analyze the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. The results of the research show the positive effect of walkability on place attachment, residential satisfaction and social equity in access to services, but walkability does not have a significant effect on the sense of security and social capital. In general, there is a significant relationship between walkability and social sustainability in neighborhoods. Therefore, it can be said that increasing the walkability in urban areas can help social stability.

    Keywords: Sustainable development, Social sustainability, Walkability, City of Sabzevar
  • ملیحه آشنا*، سعید حسین ابادی

    استفاده گسترده از سوخت های فسیلی در بخش های مختلف حمل ونقل، صنعت، مصرف خانگی، نیروگاه ها و... با انتشار آلاینده های متعدد در اتمسفر، بروز تبعات مختلفی را برای محیط زیست و سلامتی انسان به دنبال داشته است. در به وجود آمدن چنین شرایطی عوامل مختلفی از جمله صنعتی شدن جوامع، رشد اقتصادی، رشد جمعیت، رشد شهرنشینی، تغییر سبک زندگی و... نقش دارند. شناخت عوامل مهم تاثیرگذار و تعیین سهم هرکدام می تواند در مواجهه بهتر با این معضل زیست محیطی کمک کند. ازاین رو هدف از پژوهش حاضر بررسی عوامل موثر بر تغییرات انتشار دی اکسید کربن با تاکید بر دو عامل مهم تغییرات جمعیتی و شهرنشینی در ایران است. این تحقیق از نظر ماهیت روش، جزو تحقیقات کمی و از نظر شیوه گردآوری داده ها، جزو تحقیقات کتابخانه ای محسوب می شود. داده های مورداستفاده در این تحقیق، آمار مربوط به میزان دی اکسید کربن هوا، مصرف انرژی، تعداد جمعیت و نرخ شهرنشینی بین سال های 1376 تا 1395 در کشور می باشد که از گزارش های مرکز آمار ایران استخراج شده است. برای تحلیل داده ها از مدل محاسباتی تحلیل تجزیه استفاده شده است. نتایج تحقیق نشان می دهد هم جمعیت و هم شهرنشینی بر افزایش مصرف انرژی و انتشار دی اکسید کربن هوا نقش مهم داشته است.

    کلید واژگان: آلودگی هوا, انرژی, دی اکسید کربن, شهرنشینی, ایران
    Malihe Ashena *, Saeed Hossein Abadi

    The need to energy for doing economic activities, and meeting the growing population demand have increased in the recent years. Energy consumption is a prerequisite for economic progress in societies, and its increasing consumption has led to environmental problems, the most important of which is air pollution emissions resulting  from fossil fuel combustion. Due to the wide range of effects of air pollution on local to planetary scales, identifying the factors affecting pollution like carbon dioxide and determining the share of each can be a guide for environmental management in any country. Therefore, this study seeks to investigate and analyze the share of factors affecting the emissions of air pollution in Iran. The innovation of this study is emphasizing on the effect of urbanization along with population growth on air pollution. There are many theories about the effect of urbanization on the environment. Some believe that urbanization is an important factor in increasing environmental pollution and climate change. Others believe that urbanization is a factor in improving the quality of the environment due to high efficiency in energy consumption, and can lead to air pollution reduction. In this study, the amount of CO2 emissions is considered as an indicator of air pollution, and the impacts of factors including population change, urbanization growth and energy intensity on CO2 emissions changes in Iran is analyzed during the period 1997 -2016.2. Study AreaIn Iran, per capita carbon dioxide emissions in 2014 was equal to 8.4 metric tons, and its emission growth during 1990-2014 was about 127 percent, i.e., more than doubled (World Bank, 2014). Energy consumption and energy intensity in Iran have decreased in some years due to the relatively low increase in energy consumption compared to the urban population and have increased in some other years. Considering increasing energy consumption, carbon dioxide emissions have increased by the whole economy.

    Materials and Methods

    The first method (IPAT) for analyzing the main factors of environmental degradation is determined by the destructive effect on the environment (I), multiplied by population (P), economic prosperity in terms of the level of production or consumption (A), and technology as the environmental effect of economic activity (T). Some studies replaced the concept of IPAT with IMPACT. In IMPACT model, technology is divided into two parts; the term technology (T) and another term in the sense of energy relative to GDP (C). In this study, complete decomposition method was used to analyze the factors affecting the emission changes. Four factors have been selected in this study: the pollution coefficient effect, energy intensity effect, population structure (urbanization) effect, and population effect. The pollution coefficient effect is determined by the rate of carbon dioxide emission and energy consumption, which is called the carbon dioxide emission intensity. This variable evaluates fuel quality, fuel change (fuel replacement), and the installation of pollution reduction technologies. The energy intensity of urban household effect is determined by the rate of energy consumption and urban population. The energy consumption is mostly related to some variables such as economic and urban structure, transportation efficiency and energy systems of the city, energy use technologies, energy prices, energy saving policy and investment to reduce energy consumption. Urbanization effect is determined by the ratio of urbanization to population. This coefficient measures the relative position of the urban and rural population in an economy and changes with the evolution of urban structure. The population effect is expressed in the size of the total population in an economy.

    Results and Discussion

    The results show that the effect of carbon intensity is the most important factor influencing on the increase of carbon emissions. This shows that fossil fuels are widely used, and substitution for clean fuels and pollution reduction technologies in the economy are low. During the considered period, the energy consumption of the urban population has decreased. Decreases in the energy intensity can be due to increased energy efficiency, acceptance of new manufacturing technologies, reduced use of fossil fuels, or changes in fossil energy prices. Despite the declining energy consumption of the urban population, there is still great potential for reducing energy intensity due to the gap in the production process, technology, and level of management.In the whole period of 1997 to 2016, both population and urbanization changes have increased the emissions of carbon dioxide. Urbanization has contributed 52% to carbon emissions change over the entire period. Although urbanization has had a declining effect on carbon emissions between 2007 and 2011, it has had a positive effect throughout the whole period. So, it can be said that the expansion of urbanization in Iran is a factor in increasing air pollution. In previous studies done on Iran, less attention has been paid to the effect of these two variables, and more attention has been paid to the effect of economic growth and the structure of society's products.


    Considering the rapid growth of industrial activities and urbanization, the consumption of different types of energy plays an important role in influencing the local environment and changing the global climate. Increasing environmental degradation at the local, national and global levels has raised policymakers' concerns about the side effects of energy consumption and related social welfare. Recognizing the important factors influencing on pollution emissions, and determining the share of each can help in better dealing with this environmental problem. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting changes in carbon dioxide emissions with emphasis on two important factors of demographic change and urbanization in Iran. For data analysis, the computational model of decomposition analysis has been used. The results show that both population and urbanization have played an important role in increasing energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. According to the results, strategies such as reducing pollution by changing fuel and switching to cleaner energy, implementing energy optimization plans and upgrading equipment technology, guiding household consumption toward improving fuel consumption patterns, and enforcing pricing and incentive policies should be considered for carbon decrease and sustainable development.

    Keywords: Air Pollution, energy, Carbon Dioxide, Urbanization, Iran
  • سعید حسین آبادی، ابراهیم اکبری*، افسانه نقدبیشی

    برای استفاده بهینه از زمین، آگاهی از تغییرات کاربری اراضی و نوع استفاده از آن ضروری است؛ که این امر با ارزیابی و پیش بینی تغییرات کاربری اراضی امکان پذیر می گردد. مقاله حاضر به ارزیابی و شبیه سازی تغییرات کاربری اراضی شهر بیرجند با استفاده از تصاویر چندزمانه ماهواره ای در سال های 1379،1389 و 1396 و پیش بینی تغییرات آن ها تا سال 1404 پرداخته است. تحقیق حاضر به لحاظ ماهیت توصیفی- تحلیلی و از نظر هدف کاربردی است. در این نوشتار با استفاده از تصاویر ماهواره ای لندست، سنجنده ETM و OLI و روش طبقه بندی شی گرا به طبقه بندی کاربری ها در بازه زمانی پرداخته شده است. در ادامه به منظور ارزیابی و پیش بینی تغییرات کاربری اراضی (محدوده های ساخته شده، باغات و اراضی کشاورزی، اراضی بایر و مراتع) از مدل زنجیره مارکوف استفاده شده است. بر اساس مدل زنجیره مارکوف طی سال های 1379 تا 1396 مساحت محدوده ساخته شده، کشاورزی و باغات افزایش یافته است و از مساحت اراضی بایر و مراتع کاسته شده است. تغییرات مساحت کاربری ها در سال 1404 نسبت به 1396 نیز به همین صورت است. بیش ترین تغییرات مربوط به کاربری محدوده ساخته شده است؛ به طوری که تا سال 1404 مساحت محدوده ساخته شده 13/17 درصد، کاربری باغات و کشاورزی 8/9 درصد، افزایش و در مقابل مساحت اراضی بایر 81/1 درصد و مساحت مراتع 32/2 درصد کاهش خواهد یافت.

    کلید واژگان: تغییرات کاربری اراضی, طبقه بندی شی ءگرا, زنجیره مارکوف, توسعه کالبدی, بیرجند
    Saeed Hossein Abadi, Ebrahim Akbari *, Afsaneh Naghdbishi

    The global expansion of urbanization has created a motive for turning green and natural spaces into urban or human environments. On the one hand, increasing demand for land and housing, and on the other hand, limitation of land within cities, are pushing residents to find alternative housing in the surrounding areas. This process leads to increasing conversion and change of land cover and land use in the periphery of cities. Land use change is a process by which human activities transform the natural landscape and usually refers to the functional role of land for economic activities. This change of use can take place in the agricultural lands and orchards, or the ranges and forests and the slopes of mountains and hills. Therefore, one of the environmental hazards and ecological crises that the world faces is the phenomenon of land use change. Given the importance of the land use change process, it is necessary to estimate the rate and extent of land use or land cover changes in the region and the main drivers of these changes. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing techniques provide effective tools in studying and monitoring land use change / land cover in space and time. In general, the classification of satellite data refers to the separation of similar spectral sets and their classification. In other words, it expresses the classification of pixels constituting images, assigning or introducing each pixel to a class or a particular phenomenon. Object-oriented method is one of the methods of classifying images. In object-oriented classification, in addition to spectral features, geometric features of phenomena are also considered. In this way, object-oriented classification is a process that links land cover classes to visual objects. After the classification process, each image object is assigned to one (or none) of the class. In this research, it has been tried to analyze the land use change of Birjand city using two models of object-oriented classification and Markov chain model and to predict its trend for 2025.

    Study Area 

    Birjand is a city in eastern Iran and the center of Birjand city and the capital of South Khorasan province. The city is located at 59 degrees and 13 minutes of longitude and 32 degrees and 53 minutes of latitude and at an altitude of 1470 meters above sea level. According to Population and Housing Censuses of Iran in 2016, the population of this city was about 203,000 people and it is a city with relatively high and physical and population growth in the east of the country.

    Materials and Methods

    In this research, the land use changes in Birjand city were evaluated and simulated using satellite imagery images from 2000 to 2017 and predicted their changes by 2025. For this purpose, the object-oriented classification method has been used to classify the images. In this classification, for segment generation, the scale parameter is 10, the color parameter is 0.8, and the compression is 0.1 and shape is considered 0.4. In order to increase the resolution of classification classes for each class, further classes were created that merged with the main classes at the end. The final result is the segmentation of 4 general classes including vacant land, rangelands, built-up area, orchards and agriculture lands. After the classification of images, the CA-Markov model was used to predict of land use changes in the Birjand city.

    Results and Discussion

    According to satellite images, in 2010 compared to 2000, the built-up areas have been stretched discontinuously to the north and northeast direction of Birjand city, as well as to the west and to some extent to the east, which indicates that the physical growth of the city follows the pattern of sprawl in this period. The results of the classification of images in this study show that the area of ​​built—up lands  and the orchards and agricultural lands increased during the period between 2000, 2010 and 2017, and this increase is more significant between 2010 and 2017. The pattern of change has been such that the share of vacant lands and rangeland has been reduced. During the 17-year period, 0.48% of the area of rangelands and 0.38% of vacant land have been reduced annually. In contrast, the largest increase is related to built-up area, so that 6.12% has been added to this land use annually. Orchards and agricultural lands have also increased in area with a growth rate of 2.61% per year. According to the Markov chain model, the changes in the area of land uses in 2025 compared to 2017 will be similar to 2000-2017, so that orchards and agricultural lands (1.09), built-up areas (1.17), vacant lands (0.98), rangelands (0.97) will be.


    In the present study, using satellite images during the period from 2000 to 2017, changes in land use of orchards and agricultural land, built-up areas and rangelands were investigated. In order to evaluate these changes, the object-oriented classification method in Ecogonation software was used and to predict and simulate the future, Markov chain method was used. Using the Markov chain model, the pattern of land use change for 2025 was predicted and modeled. The model consists of three steps: 1. calculating the conversion probabilities by using Markov chain analysis. 2. Calculating suitability of land use/land cover maps based on the multi-criteria evaluation. 3. The allocation of the land cover based on the CA's spatial operator. Based on the changes made in previous years, this model examines the probability of future changes and the spatial allocation of these changes. According to the Markov chain model, during the years 2000 to 2017, the area of the built-up lands, agriculture and orchards increased and the area of vacant lands and range decreased. If the same trend continues, between 2017 and 2025, the area of the built-up area will increase by 17.13%, orchards and agricultural lands by 9.8%, and in contrast, the area of vacant lands will decrease by 1.81% and the area of rangelands will decrease by 2.32%. In general, this pattern of land use change indicates an increase in human intervention and the dominance of human landscapes (settlements, orchards and agricultural lands) over the natural environment (especially rangelands). The next point that can be understood from the comparison of the maps is the development and sprawl growth of the settlements, which causes a part of rangeland and even agriculture and orchards to be changed to use for construction. In general, this abnormal trend of land use change should be controlled with a systemic approach to the study area, taking into account urban-rural, environmental and socio-economic dimensions in planning. This means that the change of use of good agricultural lands, orchards and rangelands must be controlled. This means that the change of use of good agricultural lands, orchards and rangelands must be controlled. One of the most important measures that can be considered is to follow the pattern of compact and urban infill growth with a focus on the use of urban brownfields and eroded texture.

    Keywords: Land use change, Object-Oriented Classification, Markov chain, Birjand
  • احمد اسدی*، مهدی مودودی، سعید حسین آبادی

    سرزندگی یکی از معیارهای اصلی شهرهایی است که از کیفیت بالای برنامه ریزی و طراحی برخوردارند. محیط های شهری سرزنده، زمینه ساز تعاملات اجتماعی، خلق و افزایش سرمایه اجتماعی و حس تعلق به مکان می گردند. هدف این مطالعه تحلیل رابطه سرزندگی و حس تعلق مکانی در شهر قاین است. این تحقیق جزو تحقیقات پیمایشی و ابزار جمع آوری داده ها، پرسشنامه می باشد. حجم نمونه آماری 382 نفر از شهروندان شهر قاین می باشد که با استفاده از فرمول کوکران انتخاب شده است. متغیرهای مستقل این تحقیق شاخص های سرزندگی شهری (دسترسی، پویایی اجتماعی، سرزندگی اقتصادی، امنیت شهری، طراحی معابر، مبلمان، روشنایی فضاهای شهری، سیما و منظر شهری و خوانایی) و متغیر وابسته، حس تعلق مکانی می باشد. برای تحلیل رابطه متغیرها از مدل های k- نزدیک ترین فاصله و الگوریتم جنگل های تصادفی استفاده شده است. شاخص سرزندگی از 28 گویه تشکیل شده است. یافته های تحقیق نشان می دهد که میانگین 17 گویه آن در سطح مناسبی قرار ندارد و 11 گویه آن در سطح قابل قبولی هستند. در کل سرزندگی شهری در شهر قاین پایین است. همچنین میانگین متغیر حس تعلق مکانی در سطح متوسطی قرار دارد. با توجه به خروجی مدل ها روش K نزدیک ترین همسایه نتایج بهتری از مدل جنگل تصادفی داشته است. عملکرد مدل K-NN گویای آن است که این مدل تاثیر سرزندگی بر  تعلق مکانی را با ضریب همبستگی 0/82و میزان خطای 66/0 و ریسک برآورد 0/43 شبیه سازی کرده است. بر اساس مدل ایجاد شده توسط الگوریتم جنگل تصادفی متغیر دسترسی بیشترین و خوانایی کمترین تاثیر را در حس تعلق در شهر قاین را دارند.

    کلید واژگان: سرزندگی شهری, حس تعلق مکانی, K نزدیک ترین همسایه, الگوریتم جنگل تصادفی, شهر قائن
    Ahmad Asadi *, Mehdi Mododi, Saeed Hossein Abadi

    The vitality is one of the main criteria for cities with high quality planning and design. Lively urban environments create social interactions, increase social capital and place attachment. The aim of this paper is to analyze the relationship between urban vitality and Place attachment in Qaen city. This study is a survey research and data collection tool is a questionnaire. The sample size is 382 citizens of Qaen city, which is calculated using the Cochran formula. Independent variables of this research are urban vitality indicators (access, social dynamics, economic vitality, urban security, street design, furniture, urban spaces lighting, urban landscape, and readability) and dependent variable, is sense of place attachment. For analysis of the relationship between variables, the k-Nearest Neighbors model (K-NN) and Randomized Forest Algorithm (RF)have been used. The vitality indicator consists of 28 items, that averages of 17 items are not at the appropriate level and 11 of them are at acceptable level. In general, the urban vitality is low in Qaen city. Also, the mean of the sense of place is at a moderate level. According to the output of the models, the K nearest neighbor method provides better results than the random forest model. K-NN model simulated impact of   vitality on   place attachment with a correlation coefficient of 0.82 and an error level of 0.66 and a risk of estimating of 0.435. Therefore, this model can correctly simulate place attachment in 57% of cases. Based on the model generated by the random forest algorithm, the access variable has the most and legibility has the least effect on the sense of place attachment in the city of Qaen. Extended Abstract


             Vitality as a component of the overall quality of urban design of an environment can affect the location Belong and Improve the social health of citizens Hence the need to enhance the vitality of urban spaces and urban neighborhoods emerge as one of the paradigms in urban planning. The ultimate goal of urban planning is to provide suitable living conditions in the city and urban residential environments that are closely related to the concept of vitality and livability of the city. A city where people live should be inviting and create a passionate environment. In the cities of Iran, the component of vitality has not received much attention. Influenced by the dominance meaningless without regard to the background and nature of traditional neighborhoods, the conquest of material factors over the spiritual, and the dominance of machines over humans. And used at the same level as urban divisions. The continuation of such a trend has made the civic life of neighborhoods and urban spaces lack vitality. At the same time, the physical spaces of neighborhoods in Iranian historical cities were influenced by various factors, including cultural, social, natural, and so on. Increasing urban vitality, on the one hand, makes the population living in a city more willing to stay, and on the other, it also attracts a population that intends to migrate to the metropolitan areas of the country. In this research, we try to study the relationship between the vitality of urban spaces and the sense of belonging of citizens to the city of Qaen. The importance of this research is that location belongs to an important role in the development of any city; On the other hand, location affiliation reduces migration from one region to another. This is largely felt in the South Khorasan region. The increase in location Belong is influenced by various factors, one of which is urban vitality. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to model the relationship between urban vitality and sense of belonging using k-nearest distance and random forest algorithm in Qaen.


            The research method is applied in terms of descriptive-analytic nature and the method of data collection is library and field method. The population of the study is the population of Qaen with about 42323 populations (according to the year 1395). The sample size is based on Cochran method of 382 persons and the sampling method is simple random. This study investigates the relationship between vitality index and sense of belonging. The vitality index includes variables such as accessibility, social dynamics, economic vitality, urban security, passage design, furniture, urban lighting, urban landscape and readability. In this study variables of vitality index are considered as independent variables and sense of belonging as dependent variable. In this study, K-nearest neighbor and random forest were used to model the independent variables of urban vitality and the dependent variable of sense of belonging.

    Results and discussion

             Among the variables related to the urban vitality index, urban access had the highest score and urban furniture had the lowest score. The sense of belonging in the city of Qaen is at a moderate level, with only "this is where I want it" somewhat lower. Thus, the level of satisfaction of the citizens of Cain is at a moderate level, and none of the sense of belonging is at a very high level. In this study, two methods of K nearest neighbor and random forest were used to model the independent variable (urban vitality) and the dependent variable (sense of belonging). Performance evaluation of the K-NN model shows that the model simulated the sense of belonging with a correlation coefficient of 0.82 with a 0.66 error rate and a risk estimate of 0.435. Therefore, this model was able to correctly simulate the sense of belonging in 66% of cases. Evaluation of other statistical indices shows that this model overall simulates the sense of belonging less than the observed value. That is, the model shows a negative bias. But this bias is not much to distort the model's results. As such, the mean and standard deviation of the sense-of-belonging variable simulated by the model have very little difference with the observed values of these two statistical indicators. Evaluation of model validation criteria shows that with 200 trees in addition, the best results are obtained with the least modeling error but also the error rate is stable and achieves a consistent trend. As this model was able to accurately simulate the sense of belonging based on independent variables with error of 0.82, 0.68 in 32% of cases. Important in this modeling process is the negligible bias. t is noteworthy that with respect to residual mass factor (CRM), although the model overall has a negligible bias, the simulation values are more than the observed values. But fitting the observed and simulated sense of belonging values and comparing the mean and standard deviation of these two data sets show that the random forest model failed to estimate the upper and lower values of the sense of belonging variable with a slight error, as in the K-NN model. In general, the K-NN model exhibits much higher flexibility than the RF model in simulating the sense of belonging. According to the outputs of the models, the K-nearest neighbor method had better results than the random forest model. The performance of the K-NN model show that the model simulated the sense of belonging with a correlation coefficient of 0.82 with an error rate of 0.66 and an estimated risk of 0.3535. Therefore, this model was able to correctly simulate the sense of belonging in 66% of cases.


              According to the model created by random forest algorithm respectively accessibility variables, social dynamics, economic vitality, urban security, passage design, furniture, urban spaces lighting, urban landscape and readability have the most to least effect on sense of belonging in Qaen city. The reason that accessibility variables have the most impact on sense of belonging is due to the existence of proper passageways in the city of Qaen, and some variables such as simplicity and urban landscape and readability that have the least impact on sense of belonging are due to their weakness in the city. The vitality index consists of 28 items with an average of 17 not good and 11 items are acceptable. Also, the sense of belonging is at a moderate level. One of the reasons for the weakness of urban vitality in Qaen is the weak economy of the city. This is also due to the lack of appropriate potentials for private sector investment.

    Keywords: urban vitality, sense of place attachment, K-nearest neighbor, random forest algorithm, Qaen city
  • سعید حسین آبادی*، محمد سلمانی مقدم، مریم نوری دشتبان
    مکان ها سازنده بخشی از هویت افرادند؛ اما امروزه مکان های شهری ازجمله محلات متاثر از شهرنشینی و شهرسازی جدید معنای خود را از دست داده اند که نتیجه این فرایند، تضعیف هویت مکانی شهروندان امروزی بوده است. با وجود این ممکن است بعضی محلات قدیمی همچنان به مثابه عناصری هویت بخش به حفظ و ارتقای هویت مکانی شهروندان کمک کنند و به سبب همین نقش مهم، شایسته توجهی دوچندان باشند.
    با توجه به اهمیت موضوع، هدف این پژوهش، مطالعه سطح هویت مکانی و عوامل موثر بر آن در یکی از محلات قدیمی سبزوار با نام «محله کلاه فرنگی» است. این پژوهش جزو پژوهش های پیمایشی است. داده های میدانی لازم با پرسش نامه و روش نمونه گیری تصادفی ساده، گردآوری و با استفاده از آزمون های آماری T تک نمونه ای، همبستگی پیرسون و همبستگی لامبدا، تحلیل و هویت مکانی با پنج مولفه ارزیابی بیرونی، آشنایی، تداوم با گذشته، تعهد و تعلق به مکان سنجیده شده است.
    نتایج نشان می دهد به جز مولفه ارزیابی بیرونی، سایر مولفه های هویت مکانی در سطح مناسبی قرار دارد و برخلاف تغییراتی که در بافت فیزیکی محله کلاه فرنگی به وجود آمده است، ساکنان این محله همچنان احساس هویت مکانی نسبتا زیادی را تجربه می کنند. همچنین مدت اقامت در محله، مالکیت مسکن، تعاملات اجتماعی و احساس امنیت بر هویت مکانی تاثیرگذار است.
    کلید واژگان: هویت مکانی, محلات قدیمی, محله کلاه فرنگی, شهر سبزوار
    Saeed Hossein Abadi *, Mohammad Salmani Moghadam, Maryam Nouri Dashtban
    Places form part of people's identity. But today, urban places, including neighborhoods –affected by urbanism and urbanization- have lost their meaning, resulting in the weakening of today-citizens’ place identity. However, some old neighborhoods -as Identity-maker elements- may still maintain and enhance citizens’ place-identity, and due to this important role, this calls for double attention.
    Regarding the importance of this subject, the aim of this research is to analyze the place identity level, and its affecting factors, in one of the oldest neighborhoods in Sabzevar, named Kolah Farangi Neighborhood .This is a survey research, the required data of which, have been collected by questionnaire with simple random sampling, then analyzed using one-sample T-test and Pearson correlation and Lambda correlation. In the paper, place-identity has been evaluated with five components, including external evaluation, familiarity, past-continuity, place commitment and attachment. Results show that, except of the external evaluation component, other components of place-identity are at the appropriate level and despite the changes that have taken place in the physical context of the Kolah Farangi neighborhood, the neighborhood still has a high level of identity for its inhabitants. Also, the length of residence in a neighborhood, housing ownership status, social interactions and the sense of security, affect the place-identity.
    Keywords: Place Identity, Old Neighborhoods, Kolah Farangi Neighborhood, Sabzevar
  • سید علیرضا میر محمد صادقی، مهدی مغان، سعید حسین آبادی
    در این مقاله با بررسی و تحلیل جامع نقشه های دانش سازمان به عنوان یکی از ابزارهای اصلی مدیریت دانش، الگویی برای تدوین نقشه دانش مراکز رشد علم و فناوری توسعه داده شده است. بدین منظور، ابتدا پژوهش های انجام شده طی سال های 1998 تا 2018 میلادی مورد بررسی قرار گرفته و الگوهای مختلف تدوین نقشه دانش و عوامل اثرگذار بر تدوین آن با تحلیل محتوا استخراج شده است. ازسوی دیگر، با مطالعه ویژگی های مراکز رشد علم و فناوری، عوامل اثرگذار بر تدوین نقشه های دانشی این مراکز با در نظرگرفتن تاثیرگذارترین عوامل تدوین نقشه دانش ازنظر فراوانی و تناوب در پژوهش های محققان، شناسایی شده است. سپس یک الگوی کاربردی تدوین نقشه دانش با درنظرگرفتن این عوامل، در هفت گام اساسی و متناسب با ویژگی های مراکز رشد و مبنتی بر نقشه فرایند این مراکز، طراحی شد. برای پیاده سازی گام های پیشنهادی تدوین نقشه دانش مراکز رشد، کاربرگه های متناظر تهیه شد که مسیر و نحوه تدوین نقشه دانش را به صورت اجرایی و عملیاتی در این مراکز به طور مشخص نشان می دهد. در پایان، این الگوی تدوین نقشه دانش برای بخش خدمات پشتیبانی مرکز رشد علم و فناوری دانشگاه موردمطالعه به عنوان پایلوت، تهیه شده است.
    کلید واژگان: مدیریت دانش, نقشه دانش, نقشه فرایند, مراکز رشد علم و فناوری
    Seyed Alireza Mir Mohammad Sadeghi, Mahdi Moghan, Saeed Hossein Abadi
    Conducting a comprehensive study on organizational knowledge maps as a main technique for knowledge management, a model of knowledge map of science and technology incubators is developed. Given this purpose, we reviewed all related investigations and models between 1998 and 2018, we identified the knowledge maps models and the factors affecting them through content analysis. Moreover, having studied the characteristics of science and technology incubators and the factors affecting the design and development of incubator’s knowledge maps, we identified the components according to frequency of their repetition in the researches. Considering these factors, an applied model for developing knowledge maps was developed in 7 stages in accordance with suitable conditions for incubators. The model is consistent with the incubator's features, and is developed in seven steps. To implement the proposed steps of developing incubator’s knowledge map, the corresponding work sheets were made ready to show practically and executively the process and methods of developing knowledge maps in such centers. The proposed model for the development of knowledge map is implemented in the servicing department of a particular university as a pilot study.
    Keywords: knowledge management, knowledge map, process map, science, technology incubators
  • سعید حسین آبادی، یعقوب زنگنه
    حقوق شهری به طور خاص تنظیم کننده رابطه بین شهروندان و مدیریت شهری است. آگاهی از این حقوق سبب می شود که فرد نظارت بهتری بر مدیریت شهری داشته باشد، بهتر بتواند حقوق خود را مطالبه کند و وظایفی که طبق قانون در مقابل دیگران و مدیریت شهری دارد را بشناسد و در جهت انجام آن ها اقدام کند. ازاین رو، آگاهی از حقوق شهری می تواند منجر به شهروندی فعال شود. هدف این تحقیق بررسی و تحلیل تاثیر آگاهی از حقوق شهری بر شهروندی فعال در شهر سبزوار است. رویکرد کلی تحقیق حاضر توصیفی-تحلیلی است. داده های میدانی از طریق پرسش نامه جمع آوری شده است. جامعه آماری شهروندان شهر سبزوار و حجم نمونه براساس روش کوکران 384 نفر است. روش نمونه گیری، تصادفی ساده و روش تحلیل شامل آزمون t تک نمونه ای و هم بستگی پیرسون است. یافته های این تحقیق نشان می دهد که سطح آگاهی شهروندان سبزواری از حقوق شهری در سطح پایینی است و شهروندان نسبت به حقوق و تکالیف مابین خود و مدیریت شهری (شهرداری و شورای شهر) آگاهی نسبتا کمی دارند.همچنین طبق آزمون همبستگی پیرسون، بین میزان آگاهی شهروندان از حقوق شهری و شهروندی فعال رابطه معنادار وجود دارد و افراد دارای آگاهی بیشتر، شهروندانی فعال تر می باشند.
    کلید واژگان: آگاهی از حقوق شهری, حقوق شهری, شهروندی, شهروندی فعال, سبزوار
    Saeed Hossein Abadi, Yaghoob Zanganeh
    Citizenship represents a set of rights and obligations between people in the society and to the society administrators. Urban law, specifically, regulates the relationship between citizens and urban management. Awareness of this law causes the people to have better monitoring of urban management, to better claim their rights, and to know their tasks towards the others and urban management and to do them. Thus, awareness of the urban rights could lead to active citizenship. The aim of this study is to investigate and analyze the impact of urban right awareness on the active citizenship in Sabzevar. The hypothesis of the present study is that citizen's awareness of urban rights has a significant effect on their active citizenship.
    This study takes the descriptive-analytical approach. It is a correlational study in which the correlation between awareness of the urban law and active citizenship is concerned. Data collection is conducted through library and field. To collect the data a questionnaire was designed for the field study. The geographical scope of the research is Sabzevar in Khorasan Razavi province and the North East of Iran. The target population include the citizens of the city (about 243000 people) from which the sample size of 384 people were randomly selected. The statistical test includes simple-sample t-test and Pearson correlation.
    To measure variables of awareness of urban law and active citizenship, items have been introduced to be asked from the residents in 5-point Likert scale. To test the levels of these variables, one-sample t-test has been used. The research revealed that awareness of urban law is low.
    Citizens of Sabzevar have little awareness about the administrative structure of urban management, municipal revenue sources, electoral laws such as elections of city council, awareness of Article 100 of municipal act (related to urban constructions), rules of sidewalks, laws of maintenance, repair, and construction of public places, the responsibilities of urban management (municipality, city council) to the citizens and also the citizens’ duties for urban management.
    This research also revealed that, some of the components of active citizenship are at a low level and some of them have high level .In general the level of active citizenship is higher than average.
    The main hypothesis of this study is related to the effect of legal awareness on active citizenship. According to Pearson analysis, the correlation coefficient between the effect of awareness of citizenship rights and active citizenship is about 0.409. The significance level (sig = .00) approves the significance of the relationship between the variables at a significance level of 99 percent. Accordingly, the people who have more knowledge of urban rights have more active intervention in the urban affairs.
    An important conclusion of the study is that the citizen's awareness of urban rights has significant impact on active citizenship, so, increasing this awareness can increase the active participation of the citizens and active citizenship. Therefore, it is suggested to municipalities and other urban management institutions to have massive effort to train citizens to improve their legal awareness. This increase in awareness makes people have a better understanding of the legal framework of the duties of municipality and the urban management institutions which can help them not to have high expectations. Instead, with the correct understanding of the responsibilities of the institutions, they can better monitor their performance in case of violation or the failure of duty. Citizens who were aware of their responsibilities attempt to help the urban development. However, this active intervention cannot be achieved only through awareness and other criteria are required for the active participation. Including the fact that the structure of decision making and urban management must be participatory.
    Keywords: Active citizenship, Awareness of urban right, Citizenship, Sabzevar, Urban rights
  • Saeed Hosseinabadi, Mohammad Ranjbar *, Sepehr Ramyar, Masoud Amel-Monirian
    In this paper, we consider a scheduling problem for a set of agile Earth observation satellites for scanning different parts of the Earth’s surface. We assume that preemption is allowed to prevent repetitive images and develop four different preemption policies. Scheduling is done for the imaging time window and transmission time domain to the Earth stations as well. The value of each picture from different target regions and the limitations of the satellite constellation in terms of memory and energy cause high computational complexity for this problem and thus obtaining an optimum solution with a deterministic method is very time-consuming. Consequently, a genetic-based metaheuristic algorithm with a specific solution representation is developed in order to maximize the total value of the observation process by establishing heuristic rules in the initial population of this algorithm. Comparison of the results from the proposed model with the results of cases where repetition of observed areas is not ignored indicates that the proposed model can bring about a significant increase in profits in the planning horizon.
    Keywords: scheduling, agile earth observation satellite, preemption, genetic algorithm
  • محمدرضا پورمحمدی، میر ستار صدر موسوی، سعید حسین آبادی *
    امروزه با گسترش پارادایم هایی چون شهر فشرده، رشد هوشمند و نوشهرگرایی، کاربرد اختلاط کاربری زمین شهری- به عنوان یکی از اصول مهم این پارادایم ها- در شهرسازی کشورهای پیشرفته گسترش یافته است و محققان مختلف سعی در گسترش ادبیات موضوع و روش های ارزیابی کاربری زمین بر اساس مفهوم اختلاط کاربری داشته اند. مفهوم اختلاط کاربری به آن کاربری ها و فعالیت هایی اشاره دارد که در یک فضای محدود در ارتباط با هم هستند و بر یکدیگر تاثیر می گذارند. یکی از علایق پژوهشگران حوزه ی کاربری اراضی شهری سنجش مناسب میزان اختلاط کاربری ها بوده است و سعی شده با استفاده از شاخص هایی درجه ی اختلاط و تنوع کاربری ها را در سطح بخش های مختلف یک شهر بسنجند. با توجه به اهمیت موضوع در این تحقیق سعی شده است با استفاده از شاخص های سنجش اختلاط کاربری (آنتروپی، دسترسی، آماره کانونی) به ارزیابی کاربری اراضی در شهر سبزوار پرداخته شود. نتایج تحقیق نشان می دهد که اعداد به دست آمده از این شاخص ها نزدیک به هم است. با ترکیب این چند شاخص، شاخص نهایی به دست آمد که بر اساس آن مشخص شد که تفاوت زیادی بین محلات مختلف از نظر میزان اختلاط کاربری ها وجود دارد. همچنین نتایج حاکی از آن است که بین فاصله از مرکز شهر و اختلاط کاربری ها همبستگی منفی وجود دارد به صورتی که با دور شدن از مرکز شهر از میزان اختلاط کاربری کاسته می شود. آماره موران نیز نشان داد که بین محلات مختلف از نظر میزان اختلاط کاربری همبستگی فضایی وجود دارد.
    کلید واژگان: اختلاط کاربری, شاخص آنتروپی, شاخص دسترسی, آماره کانونی, شهر سبزوار
    Mohammad Reza Pour Mohammadi, Mir Sattar Sadr Mousavi, Saeed Hossein Abadi *
    Today, with the development of paradigms such as the compact city, smart growth and new urbanism, mixed land use-as one of principles of this paradigm- has been expanded in urban planning of developing countries and various researchers tried to develop literature and assessment methods of land use based on the concept of mixture of land use.
    The concept of urban land use mix implies that nearby land uses or activities have an influence over each other across a limited spatial range.One of the interests of researchers in field of land use studies is appropriate assessing of land use mix and therefore some researchers have tried to measure mixture of land use in different parts of a city using specific indicators. Given the importance of the subject, this paper tried to measure mixture of land use in neighborhoods of Sabzevar City using defined indicators (entropy, accessibility , focal statistics). The results indicate that the values obtained from these indicators is closely together. Final index was calculated by combining these3 indices that It was determined the significant difference between different neighborhoods. The results show a negative correlation between the distance of neighborhood from the city center and mixture of land use ,So with distance from the downtown, land use mix is reduced. Moran statistics also show that there is spatial autocorrelation between different neighborhoods in terms of land use.
    Keywords: land use mix, entropy index. accessibility index, focal statistics. Sabzevar city
  • یعقوب زنگنه، سعید حسین آبادی
    در این پژوهش وضعیت ابعاد تعلق مکانی ساکنان سکونتگاه غیر رسمی شرق کال عیدگاه سبزوار و عوامل موثر بر آن مورد سنجش قرار گرفته است. تعلق مکانی که بیانگر پیوند یا ارتباط عمیق افراد با مکانهای خاص است، نقشی تعیین کننده در بهره مندی و تداوم حضور انسان در مکان دارد.هویت مکانی، وابستگی مکانی، تعلق عاطفی و پیوند اجتماعی ابعاد این مفهوم را شکل می دهند که تحت تاثیر مجموعه شرایط محیطی، اجتماعی، فردی قرار دارند؛ بنابراین هر مکانی با توجه به شرایط خاص خود سطح متفاوتی از تعلق مکانی را به ساکنان خود عرضه می کند. در کل طرح موضوع تعلق مکانی در سکونتگاه های غیر رسمی که از نظر پایداری شرایط اجتماعی، اقتصادی و محیطی دچار مساله هستند؛ هم از جهت نقش آن از منظر انسان شناسی و جامعه شناختی(ایجاد هویت فردی و جمعی، همبستگی بین افراد و...) و هم از منظر برنامه ریزی اجتماع محور (نقشی که تعلق مکانی می تواند در افزایش تمایل افراد برای مشارکت در امر به سازی محله داشته باشند) دارای اهمیت است. تحقیق حاضر از نوع پیمایشی است و از پرسشنامه برای جمع آوری داده های میدانی استفاده شده است؛ حجم نمونه 130 نفر،روش نمونه گیری، تصادفی ساده و واحد تحلیل سرپرست خانوار می باشد. روش تحلیل این داده ها نیز آزمون های آماری شامل آزمون برابری نسبت ها، آزمون دوجمله ای، آزمون همبستگی لامبدا و ضریب همبستگی اسپیرمن است که هرکدام با توجه به نوع فرضیه و مقیاس متغیرها مورد استفاده قرار گرفته است.
    در کل نتایج این تحقیق نشان می دهد که سطح تعلق مکانی ساکنان محدوده ی شرق کال عیدگاه در 4 بعد تعلق عاطفی،وابستگی مکانی، پیوند اجتماعی و هویت مکانی در حد بالایی است که این امر متناقض با تصور رایج و نقض کننده ی فرضیه ی اول تحقیق مبنی بر پایین بودن سطح تعلق مکانی ساکنان اینگونه مکانهاست. علاوه بر این، تحقیق حاضر این نتیجه را به دست می دهد که ارتباط معناداری بین میزان رضایت ساکنان از وضعیت اجتماعی و کالبدی محیطی سکونتگاه با میزان تعلق مکانی آنان وجود دارد؛ اما ارتباط بین ویژگی های فردی و سطح تعلق مکانی معنادار نیست.
    کلید واژگان: تعلق مکانی, سکونتگاه های غیر رسمی, تعلق عاطفی, وابستگی مکانی, پیوند اجتماعی, هویت مکانی
    Yaghoub Zanganeh, Saeed Hosseinabadi
    Place attachment which refers to the deep relations that people have with particular places, has a determining effect on peoples’ presence in and making use of those places. Place attachment consists of elements like place identity, place dependence, emotional attachment and social bonds which are influenced by social, environmental, and individual variables. Therefore, depending on their particular circumstances, different places can cause different levels of place attachment in their residents. In this regard, the issue of place attachment in slums, which have social, economic, and environmental problems, becomes important; both from an anthropological and sociological point of view (the creation of individual and collective identity, causing solidarity among individuals) and also from a society-based social planning point of view (encouraging residents to participate in neighborhood development programs). This is a survey research which uses a questionnaire to collect the needed data. Research sample consisted of 130 individuals that were selected randomly and the head of the household was the unit of analysis. Binomial test, Lambda and Spearman correlation coefficients were used to test the hypotheses. Research results showed that contrary to common perceptions about slum-dwellers, place attachment in all four dimensions of emotional attachment, place dependence, social bonds, and place identity was at a high level. It was also shown that there was a significant relationship between residents’ level of satisfaction with social and physical circumstances of the residence and their place attachment. Individual characteristics however were not significantly related to place attachment.
    Keywords: place attachment, emotional attachment, place dependence, social bonds, place identity
  • سعید حسین آبادی، حسن لشکری، محمد سلمانی مقدم
    ناسازگاری بین معماری و نوع اقلیم باعث افزایش استفاده از انرژی برای سرمایش یا گرمایش مساکن می گردد و این امر هم از نظر اقتصادی و هم از نظر زیست محیطی تاثیرات منفی بر جای می گذارد. از این رو لازم است با شناخت ویژگی های اقلیمی هر سکونتگاه ضوابطی مطابق اقلیم آن محل برای طراحی فضاها تعیین گردد. با توجه به اهمیت بحث مذکور هدف این مقاله تعیین جهت مناسب ساختمان و عمق مناسب سایبان برای ساختمان های مسکونی شهر سبزوار، در راستای تحقق قسمتی از اصول طراحی اقلیمی است. از این رو ابتدا با استفاده از داده های اقلیمی ایستگاه هواشناسی سینوپتیک سبزوار (شامل حداقل و حداکثر دما و رطوبت نسبی) نمودار زیست اقلیمی ساختمانی، ترسیم و بر روی آن آستانه ها و نیازهای حرارتی ساختمان، مواقع نیاز و عدم نیاز به آفتاب (مواقع سرد و گرم)، و اولویت های طراحی اقلیمی شهر مزبور مشخص شد. سپس با استفاده از روش محاسباتی میزان انرژی تابیده شده بر سطوح قائم بنا، در مواقع گرم و سرد و در نهایت بهترین جهت قرارگیری ساختمان در این شهر مشخص گردید. بر این اساس، جهت 15 و 30 درجه شرقی (15 و 30 درجه از جنوب به-سمت شرق چرخیده باشد) در ساختمان های یک طرفه و جهت 165+ و 15- و شمالی- جنوبی در ساختمان های دو طرفه بهترین جهت های قرارگیری ساختمان با توجه به عامل تابش آفتاب است. در مورد وزش باد نیز این جهات مناسب می باشد. در قسمت بعدی عمق مناسب سایبان در ارتباط با زاویه تابش آفتاب برای شهر مورد مطالعه معین شد. بهترین عمق سایبان در صورت داشتن پنجره ای به ارتفاع 1 متر برای دیوار جنوبی 26/0 متر محاسبه شد.
    کلید واژگان: ساختمان های مسکونی, جهت ساختمان, عمق سایبان, طراحی اقلیمی, سبزوار
    Saeed Hosseinabadi, Dr. Hasan Lashkari, Dr. Mohammad Salmani Moqadam
    Considering the impact of climatic and environmental factors in creation of residential spaces is not a new debate. From the beginning, human has tried to create a favorable living place based on the temperature and climatic conditions of his living area. Also in terms of scientific and technical point of view, the climatic design or compatible architecture with the climate has been developed as a scientific debate for many years.The discussion of climatic design has two important aspects,creating better quality and thermal comfort in the buildings and saving fuel required for heating control of such building.Therefore, it is required to determine design regulations based on the climatic conditions o f that area.Considering the importance of the said subject, the goal of this article is to determine the proper direction and orientation of buildings and proper depth of the canopy for residential buildings of Sabzevar for achieving part of climatic design principles.Research
    The method used in this study is a combination of mathematical relations, models and bio - climatic indices. Firstly by using Givani building bio-climatic graph, the thermal requirements of the building,welfare borders, lack of requirement to sun and the priorities of climatic design for the under study city were determined. The data used for bio-climatic graph are the statistics related to climatic factors of medium, minimum and maximum temperature and medium, minimum and maximum relative humidity (monthly) of a 51 years period (1954eo up to 2005), gathered from climatologic station of Sabzevar After determining the thermal needs and the need for directing or preventing the sun light penetration,the amount of received energy in vertical walls of the buildings were calculated by using computation methods.. Finally with respect to the angle and direction of the sun light in geographical latitude of the area, the most appropriate depth for canopy of the windows were also determined.Discussion and
    Each place has his own special climatic conditions and hence first it is necessary to identify thermal needs of the spaces for determining the design criteria including building orientation and depth of the canopy. Thus in this paper, by transferring the climatic data of Sabzevar city on the building bioclimatic graph, its most important thermal needs and priorities were determined. The most important priorities obtained from the city's Bio -climatic graph, include the followings:1) To protect the building against the sun, during warm seasons 2) Using solar energy for heating thebuilding during cold seasons. 3) Using daily temperature fluctuations D) Decreasing the wind effects on building heat loss 4) protect of building against outside warm air. F) Provision of facilities for increasing humidity in the dry and hot seasons.This study tries to realize the Priorities of 1, 2 and 4 (above) by determining the appropriate orientation of the building and depth of canopy. The direction of the building is one of the most important factors in creating thermal comfort. In order to achieve climatic design goals, angle of the building place shall be determined with regard to the impacts of the two climatic factors of sunlight and wind direction.In fact, if proper angel of the building be determined exactly, the three goals listed above may be achievable. Of course, In addition of choosing the proper direction, appropriate depth of canopies shall be determined for the windows.Basically, building direction shall be so that it receives the highest energy in cold times and the lowest one in warm seasons.The difference amount of energy in cold and warm times can be used for determining the best direction (energy of cold time minus warm times). If the result of this subtraction is a large number, it represents a more suitable building direction.Accordingly165 degrees (15 degrees east) are best direction for building.In two sided buildings of the city, the best direction of the building settlement for receiving the solar energy is angle 15 degrees east.In this case, one of faces is placed at angle +165 degrees and the other will be placed at 15 degree.Also the north - south direction has the second rank in terms of level of importance.In the next step, for realization of another determined goal i.e. decreasing the effect of cold winter winds, the direction of winter winds was compared with the direction determined for sun light. The results of this study showed that the selected direction for sun radiation is appropriate also for wind.
    In this study, determining the principles was considered for the design of residential buildings according to the environmental conditions. Therefore, firstly, the thermal and environment needs of buildings and the principles that should be considered in the design of buildings were determined. On this basis, items including directing solar energy during cold times, protecting buildings against the penetration of sunlight into the building in warm times and decreasing the effect of cold winds in lossof heat in buildings is one of the purposes and principles that should be considered in climatic design of buildings of Sabzevar. One of the solutions to achieve these goals is the proper orientation of building with respect to factors of wind, sun and determining proper depth of canopy. According to the recognized principles and priorities, main face or faces of building should be placed in the direction that receive less solar energy in warm times and more energy in cold times. Result of this Climatic Design of Residential Building of Sabzevar with Emphasis on. .. Geography and Development, 10nd Year, No.27,Summer 2012 28 calculation was that direction 15 and 30 degrees east in one sided buildings and angle 15 degree east and north - south direction is the best placement angles in two sided building.In the next step, for realization of another determined goal i.e. decreasing the effect of cold winter winds, the direction and angle of winter winds were compared with the direction determined for the sunshine. It concludes that the selected directions for sun are also suitable for wind. So that in case of choosing the said directions, winter winds will have less influence on the buildings.Determination of proper depth of the canopy was another issue that was discussed in the paper. In this regard, the depth of canopy shall be determined so that decreases the arrival of sun in warm times and doesn’t prevent its penetrating into the building in cold times. Calculations illustrated that if there is a window with 1 meter elevation, depth of canopy should be 0.26 meter in south direction. Canopy depth increases with the increase of window elevation.
    Keywords: residential building, direction of building, depth of canopy, climatic design, Sabzevar
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  • مهندس سعید حسین آبادی
    مهندس سعید حسین آبادی
    (1397) کارشناسی ارشد مهندسی کامپیوتر - گرایش هوش مصنوعی، دانشگاه خوارزمی
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