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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


فهرست مطالب zahra nikousefat

  • علی قشقایی*، زهرا نیکوصفت، محمد کاظم پور

    با توجه به آن که اختلالات سدیم پدیده ای حایز اهمیت محسوب می شود، باید به سرعت تشخیص داده شود و متعاقبا  اقدامات درمانی مربوط انجام پذیرد. هرگونه غفلت در این امر می تواند در شرایط بحرانی منجر به ایجاد صدمات برگشت ناپذیر عصبی شود، همچنین در تمام حیوانات بستری، به خصوص موارد کاندیدای مایع درمانی، باید میزان الکترولیت های سرم و به ویژه غلظت سدیم به طور مرتب پایش شود. یک قلاده روباه نر قرمز (Vulpes vulpes) با سابقه استفراغ، ضعف و بی حالی شدید، آتاکسی، ریزش موی شدید و وضعیت عمومی نامناسب به کلینیک دانشکده دامپزشکی دانشگاه رازی کرمانشاه ارجاع شد. برای ارزیابی وضعیت بیمار و آغاز مایع درمانی نمونه خون وریدی اخذ گردید و پس از بررسی رادیوگرافی و تشخیص دررفتگی مفصل تالوکرورال، اقدام به جا اندازی به روش بسته و گچ گرفتن عضو درگیر شد. نتایج به دست آمده از آنالیز بیوشیمیایی حاکی از هایپوناترمی شدید بود. بررسی های بیشتر هیپواسمولالیتی ناشی از کاهش حجم خون و آلکالوز متابولیک متعاقب استفراغ را نشان داد و بر این اساس اقدامات درمانی لازم صورت گرفت. عدم تفریق هایپوناترمی کاذب از موارد حقیقی و در نتیجه اتخاذ روش درمانی نامناسب منجر به ورود بیش از حد و سریع سدیم به مایع میان بافتی می شود و ادم مغزی و تشنج را به همراه دارد، از این رو ارزیابی دقیق علل هایپوناترمی با توجه به اصول اساسی فیزیولوژیک و دست یابی به یافته هایی که با فرضیات تشخیصی سازگار باشد، برای مدیریت موثر این چالش مهم، ضروری است.

    کلید واژگان: هایپوناترمی, مفصل تالوکرورال, روباه قرمز, استفراغ}
    Ali Ghashghaii *, Zahra Nikousefat, Mohammad Kazempoor

    Disorder of the serum Na is an important phenomenon; it should be diagnosed as soon as possible and the patient should be treated promptly. Any delay in treatment can cause some irreversible neurological damages. In all hospitalized patients, especially those are candidate for fluid therapy, serum electrolyte, especially Na concentration should be monitored regularly. A red fox (Vulpes vulpes) with the history of vomiting, weakness and lethargy, ataxia, alopecia and a bad general condition was referred to the clinic of the faculty of veterinary medicine of Razi University. For assessing the patient’s condition and starting fluid therapy venous blood was taken and sent for hematology and biochemistry. Radiographic study of the right hind limb showed talocrural joint dislocation. It was managed by reducing and casting. The blood biochemical analysis showed severe hyponatremia, hypo-osmolality and metabolic alkalosis. Though, treatment was done based on these findings. Incorrect differentiation between false and true hyponatremia can lead to inappropriate treatment that can cause entrance of excessive Na to the interstitial tissues that can result in brain edema and convulsion. Though, careful assessment of the cause and type of hyponatremia based on physiological principles and in accordance with our suppositions is necessary for correct management of this important challenge.

    Keywords: Hyponatremia, Talocrural joint, Red fox, Vomiting}
  • Moosa Javdani *, Ali Hashemi, Amin Bigham Sadegh, Zahra Nikousefat


     The aim of this study was to evaluate etomidate as an injectable anesthetic in dogs and to use midazolam and methocarbamol in premedication.


     Experimental Study.


     Fourteen native young female dogs


     Dogs were randomly allocated to one of two groups to receive: midazolam (0.5 mg/kg; MiE group) or methocarbamol (20 mg/kg; MeE group) 5 minutes before etomidate (2 mg/kg) administered intravenously. In addition to recording anesthesia plan times, some physiological and hematobiochemical parameters were also measured at different times in the two groups.


     It was found that there was no significant difference between the two groups at both induction and recovery time. Heart rate, respiratire rate, and rectal temperature changes in the MiE group were noticeably fluctuating, unlike the MeE group. There was a significant difference in the values of hematocrit, total protein, glucose, and cortisol between the two groups at some times. Significant increase in ALT and AST activity was observed in MeE group compared to MiE group at some times.

    Conclusion and clinical relevance:

     Intramuscular administration of methocarbamol such as midazolam prior to induction of anesthesia by etomidate in dogs, while providing similar anesthesia and recovery time, has minimal cardiopulmonary effects and hematobiochemical changes in dogs under anesthesia.

    Keywords: Etomidate, Midazolam, Methocarbamol, Dog}
  • ابوالفضل برزگر بفروئی*، موسی جاودانی، زهرا نیکو صفت، جهانگیر مدرسی، جمشید کبیری

    یک راس نریان نژاد کرد 6 ساله به سبب درگیری به دلیل جراحت وسیع پوست و بافت های زیرین در ناحیه پشتی و کف دستی ناحیه قلم هر دو اندام حرکتی قدامی، به درمانگاه دانشکده دامپزشکی دانشگاه شهرکرد ارجاع داده شد. بر اساس اخذ تاریخچه، حرکت زود هنگام نریان، بلافاصله پس از نعل شدن، بر روی آسفالت موجب تورم شدید ناحیه قلم گردیده و سیر خام کوبیده شده برای مدت 3 روز در ناحیه جهت درمان سنتی کاهش تورم انجام گردیده بود. معاینه بالینی و ارزیابی رادیوگرافی دال بر نکروز وسیع پوست، بافت های زیرین ناحیه، ایجاد بافت گرانوله حجیم و نیز درگیری استخوان متاکارپ بود. در ارزیابی آزمایشگاهی تابلوی خونی، لوکوسیتوز شدید همراه با انحراف به چپ ملایم، توکسیک نوتروفیل و افزایش فیبرینوژن مشاهده گردید که علامت وجود التهاب شدید بود. مدیریت زخم در جهت ترمیم ثانویه به فرم دبریمان وسیع بافت گرانوله و نکروزه انجام پذیرفت و در نهایت پانسمان جراحات همراه با تجویز موضعی سولفادیازین نقره، تجویز عمومی ضد التهاب غیر استروییدی و استراحت مطلق بیمار صورت گرفت. علی رغم فواید بی شمار سیر به عنوان گیاهی دارویی، به ندرت عارضه سوختگی پوست به دنبال کاربرد موضعی سیر خام در انسان گزارش شده است و گزارش حاضر اولین مورد سوختگی پوست پس از به کارگیری سنتی سیر بر روی پوست اسب است.

    کلید واژگان: اسب, سیر خام, کاربرد موضعی, جراحت پوست}
    Abolfazl Barzegar Bafrouei *, Moosa Javdani, Zahra Nikousefat, Jahangir Modaresi, Jamshid Kabiri

    A Kurdish 6 year-stallion referred to the Veterinary Clinic of ShahreKord University with complaint of enormous skin and subcutaneous tissue injuries and ulcer in dorsal and palmar side of both metacarpal regions. Based on the patient's history, walking of the stallion on the tarmac path immediately after shoeing caused severe swelling of metacarpal region and traditional remedy were performed by dressing crashed fresh garlic on the affected area for 3 days. Clinical examination and radiographic evaluation showed vast skin and subcutaneous wound and injury, tissue necrosis, massive granulation tissue formation and metacarpal bone involvement. In laboratory investigation of hemogram, severe leukocytosis along with mild left shift, toxic neutrophil and fibrinogen increase were observed. Wound management consisting of second intension of wound healing like as debridement of granulated and necrotic tissue and lastly, dressing the ulcers with local silver sulfadiazine, NSAID prescription and stall resting were ordered. Spite of many advantageous of fresh garlic as an herbal treatment, there were rarely documents of skin burn due to local application of raw garlic in human and the present study would be counted as the first report in horse after traditional remedy.

    Keywords: horse, Raw garlic, Local application, Skin injury}
  • سهیل نجفی، مراد رحیمی *
    سویه های بیماریزای اشریشیا کولای، در ایجاد طیف وسیعی از عفونت های خارج روده ای از جمله عفونت دستگاه ادراری در انسان و کلی باسیلوز در طیور نقش دارد. این سویه ها به اشریشیا کولای بیماری زای ادراری ( UPEC ) و اشریشیا کولا یبیماری زای پرندگان( APEC) براساس تشابهات و تنوع ژنتیکی تقسیم می شوند. بیماریزایی آن ها به ژن های کدکننده حدت نظیر sfa ، papG II ، ompT ، iutA و iss با قابلیت های بیماری زایی مشترک بستگی دارد. تعداد 100 جدایه اشریشیا کولا یجدا شده از بیماران واجد عفونت دستگاه ادراری و 100 جدایه از جوجه های مبتلا به کلی باسیلوز با استفاده از واکنش زنجیره ای پلیمراز چندگانه از نظر وجود معمولترین ژنهای کدکننده حدت شامل sfa، papG II ، ompT ،و iss مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفتند. در حالی که فراوانی ژن های sfa، pap GII ، ompT، iutA و iss در جدایه های APEC
    کلید واژگان: اشریشیا کولای, ژن های کدکننده حدت, عفونت دستگاه ادراری, کلی باسیلوز پرندگان}
    Soheila Najafi, Morad Rahimi *, Zahra Nikousefat
    Pathogenic Escherichia coli strains cause a wide range of extra intestinal infections including urinary tract infection in humans and colibacillosis in poultry. They are classified into uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) and avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC) with genetic similarities and variations. Their pathogenicity is related to the virulence-encoding genes like sfa, papG II, ompT, iutA, and iss with zoonotic potentials. One hundred isolated E. coli from patients with urinary tract infection and 100 E. coli from chickens with colibacillosis were evaluated for the presence of the most common virulence-encoding genes including sfa, papG II, ompT, iutA, and iss by multiplex polymerase chain reaction. While the frequency of sfa, papG II, ompT, iutA and iss encoding genes in APEC isolates were respectively 0.00%, 67.00%, 63.00%, 89.00% and 89.00%, the frequency of these encoding genes in UPEC isolates were 18.00%, 40.00%, 40.00%, 74.00% and 48.00%, respectively. Except for sfa, the frequencies of other encoding genes in APEC were more than those in UPEC isolates. The iutA as the most common UPEC encoding gene and iss as the most common APEC encoding gene were the most prevalent virulence factors in the examined E. coli isolates. Finding out the distribution of virulence-associated genes could be helpful to identify similarities and differences between APEC and UPEC isolates in order to provide more substantial evidence of their common virulence traits and potential zoonotic threats.
    Keywords: Avian colibacillosis, Escherichia coli, urinary tract infection, Virulence}
  • محمد ابراهیم نوریان سرور *، سعیده کاظمی، محمد مهدی معینی، زهرا نیکو صفت
    هدف از این مطالعه، بررسی تاثیر مکمل روی-متیونین و سولفات روی بر صفات رشد، خصوصیات لاشه و غلظت عنصر روی و عنصر مس سرم خون و غلظت روی (میلی گرم/کیلوگرم) در بافت های مختلف لاشه و خصوصیات لاشه شامل صفات طولی، وزن بخش های مختلف و آلایش های داخلی و خارجی آن در بره های سنجابی بود. نتایج نشان داد استفاده از مکمل سولفات روی سبب کاهش معنی دار ماده خشک مصرفی؛ وزن نهایی، وزن لاشه بدون دنبه و طول لاشه نسبت به دو گروه شاهد و مکمل روی آلی گردید (05/0>P). مکمل روی آلی سبب افزایش معنی دار طول ران و دست گردید (001/0=P). غلظت روی در دو عضله چهار سر ران (Quadriceps femoris) و راسته (Longissimus dorsi ) تحت تاثیر استفاده از مکمل روی آلی یا معدنی روی قرار نگرفت ولی غلظت روی در بافت های پانکراس، شش و قلب بره های دریافت کننده مکمل روی آلی؛ بیشتر از دو گروه دیگر بود (001/0=P). اندازه گیری غلظت عنصر روی در مدفوع نشان داد زیست فراهمی مکمل سولفات روی کمتر از مکمل روی-متیونین می باشد (001/0=P). غلظت عنصر روی و مس سرم در بره های دریافت کننده مکمل روی آلی و معدنی تحت تاثیر مکمل معدنی روی قرار نگرفت(05/0<P). نتایج این آزمایش نشان داد، استفاده از مکمل روی معدنی (سولفات روی)، رشد و مقدار خوراک مصرفی بره ها را کاهش می دهد؛ اگر چه ضریب تبدیل خوراک تحت تاثیر تیمارهای آزمایشی قرار نگرفت. همچنین استفاده از مکمل روی آلی (روی متیونین) تاثیری بر رشد بره ها نداشت ولی سبب افزایش غلظت عنصر روی در بافت شش و قلب گردید.
    کلید واژگان: روی-متیونین, سولفات روی, خصوصیات لاشه, رشد, بره}
    Mohammad Ebrahim NooriyanSoroor email, Saeideh Kazemi, Mohammad mahdi Moeini, Zahra nikousefat
    The aim of this study was to determine the effects of Zn-methionine (Zn-Met) and Zinc sulfate (ZnSo4) supplementation on growth performance, carcass characteristics, serum zinc and copper and zinc concentrations in some tissue i.e. length, weight, internal and external offal items in Sanjabi lambs. All lambs were slaughtered at end of fattening period and biometry of carcass was determined, also zinc concentration in five carcass tissues were analyzed. The results showed that ZnSo4 supplementation reduced dry matter intake, final body weight, carcass weight without fat-tail and carcass length as compared to the control group (P<0.05). The hind leg and fore leg length increased in the Zn-Met group (p=0.001). The Zn concentration of Quadriceps femoris and Longissimus dorsi were not significantly affected by organic and inorganic Zn supplementations, however, pancreas, lounges and heart concentrations of Zn were higher (P<0.01) in organic Zn groups as compared to other groups. The Zn concentration of feces showed that zinc sulfate bioavailability was lower compared to the Zn-Met group (p=0.001). The concentrations of Zn and Cu of serum were not affected by Zn supplementation in treated lambs (P> 0.05). The result of this study showed that zinc sulfate supplementation reduced lams growth and DMI, however feed efficiency ratio was not affect by treatments. The Zn-Met was not affected on growth of lamb, however the lounges and heart Zn concentrations increased.
    Keywords: Zinc-Methionine, Zinc Sulfate, Carcass characteristics, Growth, Lamb}
  • Zahra Nikousefat, Mohammad Hashemnia *, Moosa Javdani, Ali Ghashghaii

    Feline lower urinary tract diseases are known to be life threatening conditions in cats, especially when they occur as obstructive diseases in males. Early diagnosis and treatment is necessary, otherwise it may lead to death. A 3-year-old male Persian cat was referred to the clinic with a history of anuria, lethargy, loss of appetite and exploratory cystotomy 6 months ago due to urethral obstruction following urolithiasis. Urinary bladder was enlarged and painful on palpation and urine accumulation was observed in ultrasonography. Biochemical and hematological analyses revealed hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia and hyperkalemia and increase in blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, white blood cell (WBC), red blood cell (RBC) and hematocrit. Urine analysis showed a turbid appearance, protein 1, blood 3, pH reduction, increased WBCs and RBCs and presence of bacteria, calcium oxalate crystals and epithelial cells. Urine culture reveled Staphylococcus saprophyticus. Postoperatively, microscopic examinations of the urinary bladder biopsy showed pathological lesions of bacterial cystitis. Based on these findings, bacterial cystitis and urethral obstruction due to post-operative urinary tract infections were diagnosed. For treatment, electrolyte imbalances were corrected firstly, cystotomy was performed and a catheter was conducted into the urethra; then, urethra was flushed and obstruction was resolved. Ampicillin was effective in reducing the bacterial count in urine. Despite the fact that cystotomy is a common procedure in veterinary medicine, clinicians should be aware of its complications such as post-operative urinary tract infections.

    Keywords: Bacterial cystitis, Cat, Cystotomy, Urinary tract infection}
  • Moosa Javdani, Zahra Nikousefat, Fatemeh Heydarpour *
    Dogs as a valuable large animal model display important roles for investigation of diagnosis and treatment of different disorders of human diseases such as pain relieving procedures. Analgesic efficacy of preoperative administration of piroxicam, ketamine and lidocaine combined with local anesthesia for management of intra and early post-operative pain in the three equal groups of dogs undergoing bone marrow aspiration was evaluated in twenty-four immature female stray dogs that had been referred for FNA technique. Some clinical, physiological and biochemical parameters of the animals were studied before and during the three hours after the BMA. In the ketamine group, hyperglycemia was found to be less than piroxicam and lidocaine groups. A maximum increase of heart rate and respiratory rate was recorded 0.5 h after premedication in all the groups and these variations were significantly recorded in the piroxicam group. Immediately after FNA, clear increments of rectal temperature, especially in the piroxicam group, were also seen in all used drug groups. Evaluation of sedation and analgesia results of the present study indicated no analgesic effect of piroxicam in bone marrow FNA and minor sedative effect just immediately before aspiration. Ketamine with its analgesic nature provided more sedation and adequate pain relief due to FNA technique rather than other groups. Therefore, pain therapy can be improved using preoperative sub-anesthetic dose of ketamine combined with local anesthesia for bone marrow FNA in dogs.
    Keywords: Preemptive Analgesia, Piroxicam, Ketamine, Lidocaine}
  • Ali Ghashghaii*, Mohammad Hashemnia, Zahra Nikousefat, Mohammad Mahdi Zangeneh, Akram Zangeneh
    Scrophularia striata is a well-known plant in Iranian traditional medicine and its anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties make it a logical adjuvant to improve wound healing. This study was designed to evaluate the wound healing potential of S. striata on cutaneous wounds in rat.
    A full-thickness excisional wounds was induced on the back of 75 Sprague-Dawley rats. The animals were randomly allocated into five groups, treated with 1ml basal cream, 1ml tetracycline (3%), 1ml S. striata 5%, 1ml S. striata 10% and untreated (control). Five animals of each group were euthanized at each of 10, 20 and 30-days post-injury (DPI) and wounds were assessed through gross and histopathological analyses.
    Treated rats with S. striata showed a significant decrease in the wound area during the experiment compared to other groups. Additionally, treatment with S. striata decresed the number of lymphocytes and enhanced the number of fibroblasts at the earlier stages and increased number of fibrocytes at the later stages of wound healing. Other parameters such as alignment of the healing tissue, re-epithelilization and epithelial formation, enhanced maturity of the collagen fibers and fibroblasts and large capillary-sized blood vessels showed significant changes when compared to control. The best wound healing activity was observed with the high dose of S. striata.
    The present study showed that application of S. striata extract on wounds induces considerable wound contraction and accelerates healing and it may be suggested for treating different types of wounds in animal and human beings.
    Keywords: Mmethanolic extract, Rat, Scrophularia striata, Wound healing}
  • Moosa Javdani, Mohammad Hashemnia *, Zahra Nikousefat, Mohammad Ghasemi
    Osteoma is an uncommon bone tumor in avian species and other animals. A 2-year-old male canary (Serinus canaria) with a history of an oval mass in the left wing for several months was examined. Radiographs showed a radio-opaque mass. Upon the bird’s owner request, the canary was euthanatized and submitted for necropsy. The histopathologic examination revealed numerous trabeculae consisting of both woven and lamellar bone covered by one to several rows of normal osteoblasts. The trabeculae were closely packed, having only small intertrabecular spaces which contained proliferating osteoblasts, sinusoids and myeloid tissue. Based on clinical, radiographic, and histopathologic findings, the mass was diagnosed as extraskeletal osteoma. To the best of authors’ knowledge, extraskeletal osteoma has not been reported in in avian species so far, and this is the first report of osteoma tumor in the birds. However, benign tumors of bones are extremely rare in the birds, osteoma should be considered as a differential diagnosis in the birds with bone lesions.
    Keywords: Avian, Canary (Serinus canaria), Extraskeletal osteoma, Histopathology}
  • Sarah Niakan, Banafsheh Heidari*, Ghasem Akbari, Zahra Nikousefat
    Electroporation can be a highly efficient method for introducing the foreign genetic materials into the targeted cells for transient and/or permanent genetic modification. Considering the application of this technique as a very efficient method for drug, oligonucleotide, antibody and plasmid delivery for clinical applications and production of transgenic animals, the present study aimed to optimize the transfection efficiency of sheep testicular cells including spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) via electroporation.
    Materials And Methods
    This study is an experimental research conducted in Biotechnology Research Center (Avicenna Research Institute, Tehran, Iran) from September 2013 to March 2014. Following isolation and propagation of one-month lamb testicular cells (SSCs and somatic testicular cells including; Sertoli, Leydig, and myoid cells), the effect of different electroporation parameters including total voltages (280, 320, and 350 V), burst durations (10, 8, and 5 milliseconds), burst modes (single or double) and addition of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) were evaluated on transfection efficiency, viability rate and mean fluorescent intensity (MFI) of sheep testicular cells.
    The most transfection efficiency was obtained in 320 V/8 milliseconds/single burst group in transduction medium with and without DMSO. There was a significantly inverse correlation between transfection efficiency with application of both following parameters: addition of DMSO and double burst. After transfection, the highest and lowest viability rates of testicular cells were demonstrated in 320 V/8 milliseconds with transduction medium without DMSO and 350 V/5 milliseconds in medium containing DMSO. Addition of DMSO to transduction medium in all groups significantly decreased the viability rate. The comparison of gene expression indicated that Sertoli and SSCs had the most fluorescence intensity in 320 V/double burst/DMSO positive. However, myoid and Leydig cells showed the maximum expression in 320 V/single burst and/or 350 V/double burst/ DMSO positive.
    We optimized the electroporation method for transfection of sheep testicular cells and recommended the application of 320 V/8 milliseconds/single pulse/DMSO negative for transduction of plasmid vector into these cells. Among testicular cells, the most external gene expression was demonstrated in SSC population.
    Keywords: Electroporation, Testicular Cells, Transfection, Sheep, Spermatogonial Stem Cells}
  • علی اصغر مقدم، پیمان رحیمی فیلی*، زهرا نیکوصفت، سجاد ضرغامی
    سابقه و هدف
    سلول های بنیادی اسپرماتوگونی کاربردهای فراوانی در طب تولید مثلی و زیست فناوری دارند. جهت نگهداری طولانی مدت این سلول ها از تکنیک انجماد استفاده می شود. هدف از مطالعه حاضر، بررسی تاثیر غلظت های مختلف FBS و ساکاروز روی درصد حیات اسپرماتوگونی بره بود.
    مواد و روش ها
    سلول های بیضه بره های نابالغ با روش هضم آنزیمی دو مرحله ای استخراج شده و با حذف تمایزی خالص سازی گردید. سپس، سلول ها به 6 گروه آزمایشی تقسیم بندی شدند. در گروه های 1، 2 و 3 از FBS با غلظت 10 درصد و از ساکاروز به ترتیب با غلظت های 0/07، 0/14 و 0/21 مولار و در گروه های 4، 5 و 6 از FBS با غلظت 20 درصد و از ساکاروز به ترتیب با غلظت های 0/07، 0/14 و 0/21 مولار استفاده شد. درصد حیات سلول ها در گروه های مختلف آزمایشی در سه مرحله مختلف (بلافاصله پس از استخراج، متعاقب افزودن محیط انجماد و پس از یخ گشایی) مورد سنجش قرار گرفت. جهت شناسایی سلول های اسپرماتوگونی تیپ A از رنگ آمیزی ایمنوسیتوشیمی علیه PGP9.5 استفاده شد.
    نتایج این مطالعه نشان می دهد مواد محافظ در برابر انجماد اثرات سمی روی اسپرماتوگونی بره ندارند. هم چنین، درصد زنده مانی این سلول ها در محیط حاوی 10 درصد FBS به طور معنی داری بیشتر از درصد زنده مانی آنها در محیط حاوی 20 درصد FBS بود. علاوه بر این، افزایش غلظت های ساکاروز (0/07، 0/14 و 0/21) تاثیر مثبتی روی درصد زنده مانی اسپرماتوگونی نداشت.
    نتیجه گیری
    در مجموع به نظر می رسد استفاده از محیط انجماد حاوی 10 درصد DMSO توام با 10 درصد FBS و 0/07 مولار ساکاروز برای انجماد اسپرماتوگونی بره مناسب است.
    کلید واژگان: اسپرماتوگونی بره, انجماد, ساکاروز, سرم جنین گاو, PGP9, 5}
    Ali Asghar Moghaddam, Peyman Rahimi *, Feyli, Zahra Nikousefat, Sajad Zarghami
    Spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) have diverse applications in reproductive medicine and biotechnology. Cryopreservation is the well-known method for long-term storage of these cells. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different concentrations of fetal bovine serum (FBS) and Sucrose on the viability rate of spermatogonial cells.
    Materials And Methods
    Testicular cells of pre-pubertal lambs were separated in a two-step enzymatic isolation and purified by differential plating. Then, the cells were divided in 6 groups. Groups 1, 2 and 3 were treated with FBS (10%) and Sucrose (0.07, 0.14 and 0.21 molar concentration (M) ) and groups 4, 5 and 6 with FBS (20%) and Sucrose (0.07, 0.14 and 0.21 M), respectively. The viability rate of the cells was evaluated immediately after isolation, addition of cryoprotectant agents and thawing procedures. Identification of spermatogonial cells in the culture was performed using the immunocytochemistry staining against PGP9.5.
    The results showed that cryoprotectant do not have any harmful effects on lamb´s SSCs. Moreover, viability rate of the cells in freezing media containing FBS (10%) is significantly higher than the media containing FBS (20%). Furthermore, increasing concentrations of Sucrose (0.07, 0.14 and 0.21 M) had no beneficial effect on the spermatogonial viability rate.
    It was concluded that freezing media containing dimethyl sulfoxide (10%) and FBS (10%) and Sucrose (0.07 M) is appropriate for cryopreservation of lamb spermatogonial cells.
    Keywords: Lamb Spermatogonia, Cryopreservation, Sucrose, Fetal bovine serum, PGP9.5}
  • Zahra Nikousefat, Mohammad Hashemnia*, Moosa Javdani
    In the present study, we described cyto-histopathological features and immunophenotyping of the large B-cell lymphoma in an 8-year-old mixed breed dog with applying the World Health Organization (WHO) system of classification of canine lymphomas. In fine-needle aspiration (FNA), lymph nodes were involved by neoplastic cells of intermediate to large size with deep blue cytoplasm; consist of centroblasts, immunoblast and medium-sized cells. Histopathologically, the follicles and sinuses of lymph nodes were replaced by sheets of numerous immunoblasts (less than 90.0% of total cells) and centroblasts. Numerous mitotic figures were also observed. Immunohistochemical analysis presented that the neoplastic cells express B-cell phenotype CD20 and CD79a, but do not stain for T phenotype CD3. On the basis of cytology, histopathology and immunohistochemical findings, the present tumor was diagnosed as diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, high-grade centroblastic type (DLBCL-CB) according to WHO histological classification. Applying this classification system for diagnosis of canine lymphomas is very useful and has a high accuracy and consistency. However, further co-operative studies between clinicians and pathologists should be performed, in order to improve the effectiveness of this classification.
    Keywords: Canine lymphomas, Cyto, histopathological features, Immunohistochemistry}
  • Zahra Nikousefat, Moosa Javdani, Mohammad Hashemnia, Abbas Haratyan, Ali Jalili
    Autoimmune haemolytic anemia (AIHA) is a complex process characterized by an immune reaction against red blood cell self-antigens. The analysis of specimens, drawn from patients with cold auto-immune hemolytic anemia is a difficult problem for automated hematology analyzer. This paper was written to alert technologists and pathologists to the presence of cold agglutinins and its effect on laboratory tests..
    Case Presentation
    A 72-year-old female presented to the Shafa laboratory for hematology profile evaluation. CBC indices showed invalid findings with the Sysmex automated hematology analyzer. Checking the laboratory process showed precipitation residue sticking to the sides of the tube. After warming the tubes, results become valid and the problem attributed to cold agglutinin disease. In this situation, aggregation of RBCs, which occurs at t < 30°C, causes invalid findings meanwhile working with automated hematology analyzer..
    Knowledge of this phenomenon can help prevent wasting too much time and make an early and accurate diagnosis.
    Keywords: Cold Agglutinin Disease, Hemolytic Anemia, Sysmex Autoanalyzer}
  • مریم قلی زاده، موسی توسلی*، فرید رضایی، زهرا نیکوصفت

    آرگاس رفلکسوس یک انگل خونخوار اجباری است که ممکن است باعث واکنشهای قرمزی پوست و تورم موضعی شود. در مطالعه حاضر به منظور ارزیابی چهره هیستوپاتولوژیک ناشی از گزش این کنه، از کبوتر به عنوان میزبان طبیعی انگل استفاده گردید. کنه های بالغ از شهرستان ارومیه در شمال غرب ایران جمع آوری شدند و تا زمان آزمایش در دسیکاتور مناسب نگهداری شدند. شانزده کبوتر به طور تجربی توسط کنه های بالغ آلوده شده و در 4 گروه 4 تایی تقسیم شدند و به ترتیب پس از 30 دقیقه، 4 ،24 و 48 ساعت پس از آلودگی جهت ارزیابی تغییرات هیستوپاتولوژیک محل گزش کنه آسان کشی شدند. ضایعات هیستوپاتولوژیک اولیه بسته به زمان آلودگی شامل ادم، نقاط خونریزی، تورم عروق، نکروز و واکنش های التهابی خفیف تا شدید بود. در مراحل پایانی، ظهور کانون های آبسه های ریز در درمیس چهره غالب آسیب شناسی بود. این تحقیق به خوبی تغییرات پاتولوژیک متفاوت را در پوست کبوترهای آلوده نشان میدهد. با اینحال، مطالعات بیشتری جهت ارزیابی پاسخهای ایمنوآلرژیک و تغییرات پاتولوژیک در دیگر گونه های حیوانی و همچنین انسان مورد نیاز است.

    کلید واژگان: آرگاس رفلکسوس, کنه, کبوتر, هیستوپاتولوژی}
    Maryam Gholizadeh, Mousa Tavassoli *, Farid Rezaei, Zahra Nikousefat

    Argas reflexus is considered obligate blood feeder that may cause skin redness and local swelling. For histopathological evaluation of biting site, pigeons were used as natural host species in this study. Adult ticks were collected from Urmia, North-west of Iran and kept in a desiccator before their use in the experiment. Sixteen Pigeons were infested experimentally and were divided into 4 groups, euthanized after 30 min, 4, 24 and 48h for evaluation of histopathological changes in biting sites. Early histopathologic lesions due to time of infestation included edema, hemorrhagic foci, vascular congestion, necrosis and mild to severe inflammatory reaction in dermis. In late lesions, presence of micro abscess foci in dermis was prominent. This study well documented the different pathological changes of skin of pigeons with Argas reflexus. However, further study should be performed to evaluate allergic immune responses and pathological changes in other animal species including human.

    Keywords: Argas reflexus, tick, pigeon, histopathology}
  • در این صفحه نام مورد نظر در اسامی نویسندگان مقالات جستجو می‌شود. ممکن است نتایج شامل مطالب نویسندگان هم نام و حتی در رشته‌های مختلف باشد.
  • همه مقالات ترجمه فارسی یا انگلیسی ندارند پس ممکن است مقالاتی باشند که نام نویسنده مورد نظر شما به صورت معادل فارسی یا انگلیسی آن درج شده باشد. در صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته می‌توانید همزمان نام فارسی و انگلیسی نویسنده را درج نمایید.
  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را با شرایط متفاوت تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مطالب نشریات مراجعه کنید.
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