جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه "الرثاء" در نشریات گروه "ادبیات و زبان ها"
تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «الرثاء» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»-
یعتبر ابن کناسه احد الشعراء المغمورین فی العصر العباسی، الذی وعلی الرغم من اشتمال اشعاره علی الکثیر من الآراء والافکار الصوفیه، وشهرته فی عصر العباسی، إلا ان الکثیر من زهدیاته ومراثیه بقیت حتی یومنا هذا بعیده عن متناول الباحثین والدارسین فی الفکر الصوفی، الامر الذی دفع محققی هذا البحث إلی تقدیم قراءه جدیده لزهدیات ابن کناسه ومرثیاته. یسعی البحث لدارسه اهداف وموضوعات وخصایص الشعر الصوفی فی اشعار هذا الشاعر، بالاعتماد علی المنهج الوصفی - التحلیلی فی الادب. کذلک هدفت الدراسه إلی استکشاف وشرح اهداف الشاعر من نظم هذا النوع من الشعر، ومحاوله للإجابه عن سوال: هل یمکن اعتبار ابن کناسه من الشعراء الصوفیین فی العصر العباسی من خلال الاعتماد علی هذه الاشعار وتحلیلها ؟ ومن اهم النتایج المتوخاه من هذا البحث انه یمکننا تقدیم ابن کناسه کاحد الشعراء الإسلامیین الاوایل الذین قدموا افکارهم ومعتقداتهم الصوفیه علی قالب شعری. إلا ان شعره الصوفی لم یصل إلی مرحله نضوج واکتمال الشعر الصوفی الذی وصل إلیها فیما بعد، فلم یستطع ان یستحضر جمیع سمات واسالیب واسرار الشعر الصوفی فی شعره، وربما لان ابن کناسه کان من الشعراء الاوایل الذین بذلوا جهودا فی هذا المجال، وبالتالی فمن الطبیعی ان لا یصل شعره إلی النضوج الکامل، وان لا یتمتع بالشمولیه اللازمه للوصول إلی مرحله الشعر الصوفی المتکامل.
کلید واژگان: التصوف, الزهد, الرثاء, ابن کناسهSufism is regarded as an internal revolution and a mental evolution to perceive the unity of the existence and release from the materialistic world and its belongings. Sufism was first emerged in 2 A.D As time dragged on, the objectives and features of the mental flow emerged to expand it and the tendency of others to this school in poem. In consequence, the Sufi poet's sapped forward to compose their Sufi notions, thus; a new spectrum of poetry came into existence in literature called Sufi poetry. Undoubtedly, this type of poetry was first initiated among the Arab poets right from its emergence and the development of Sufism. However, it has not been well- developed and glorified by the pioneer poets. According to the fact that the Sufi poets had been anonymous and there is no written record of their poem books, researchers did not take steps to elucidate them. Ibn-e- Kenaseh is one of those poets who is less recognized. He lived in Abbasid dynasty. There are traces of Sufism thoughts in his Sufism thoughts. Up to now, researchers have not considered these issues. The authors have done this research based on a descriptive- analytical method to present a new review of asceticism and elegies to the addresses. Therefore, the authors of this research aim to dissect the Sufism thought in the asceticism and elegies of Ibn-e- Kenaseh. In fact, this research has tried to provide the addresses with a broad view of the features of these poems and the way of their emergences and the motifs of the poets. It also ims to identify the position of this anonymous poet among the Sufism poets during Safavide era. This research aims to respond the following questions: 1. How the intentions and subjects of the Sufism poems have emerged in the asceticism and elegies of Ibn-e-Kenaseh? 2. What are the aims and motifs of the poet of composing this type of poem? 3. What are the features of Sufi poetry in the poems of this poet? Conclusions Since the poet had been in the gatherings of the great men of this school, he had realized and comprehended the thoughts of this tendency. He had been affected by the concepts of prominent ones like Ibn-e-Adham, he achieved the glory and perfection of the existence. Hence, the asceticism and elegies of Sufism intensions are apparent in his poems. One of the main concerns of the poet is the arrogance of the boastful ones that has annoyed the Sufi one. He tried to guide those who have lost their way as well as the arrogant ones. Further, such attempts can be traced in his poems. Rasai, the son of the poet, and Yahya, his uncle and disciple express his honest emotions and his delicate spirit. Before, the poet commenced composing Sufism poems, he had experienced and joined the Sufism gatherings and he had learned their doctrines. Being meek and humble to God's will and determination are the prominent specifications of Sufism poetry. This is considered as the attributes of the great men the Prophet (peace upon him). As there are harmony and rhythm in his poems, it is easier to keep in mind the Sufism notions and thoughts. As a result, this type of poetry could be glorified. Hence, another aim of the poet is to expand the doctrines of Islam in the form of Sufism. Considering that Ibn Kenaseh was influenced by the Sufi views and thoughts of Ibrahim Ibn Adham and this figure was one of the first Sufis of the second century AH after Hassan Basri and Uthman Ibn Sharik known as Abu Hisham Kufi, he may be deliberated as one of the first Sufi poets. He considered himself a sect or even the first Sufi poet. Lucidity and clarity and dodging of ambiguity and vagueness and mystery and symbol are also the protruding features of Ibn Kenaseh's poetry in this field. As t Ibn Kenaseh lived in the first centuries of the emergence of Sufi poetry, this type of poetry has not yet developed and has not reached the stage of ambiguity, consequently the absence of Sufi mysteries and vagueness and complexity in his poems is quite natural. Furthermore, the lack of using complex poetic images and difficult metaphors similarly indicate the lack of maturity of Sufi poetry in the poet's era and accordingly in our poet's poetry.
Keywords: Abbasi Poetry, Sufism, Asceticism, L Rasai, Ibn Kenaseh -
الاسلوبیه منهج یرکز علی العناصر الاساسیه والداخلیه للعمل الفنی من اجل الکشف عن معاییر الاختراع والابتکار فیه. إن البحث عن اسلوب العمل الادبی طریقه لفهم الآراء والرویه الکونیه والثراء الادبی لذاک العمل، حیث یعبر عن کیفیه تفاعل الکاتب مع الإمکانات اللغویه التی تظهر علی مستویات مختلفه. فی المجال ذاته، إن الشیخ صالح بن عبد الوهاب، الشهیر بابن العرندس، احد اعیان الشیعه ومن علمایهم فی الفقه والاصول والمنطق، له مدایح ومراث فریده لاهل البیت (%)، ولا سیما الإمام الحسین (8)، تنم عن تفانیه فی ولایهم ومناویته لاعدایهم. ومن اشهر قصایده فی هذا المجال، راییته الشهیره (105بیتا) التی اشتهر انها ما قرات فی حفل إلا وحضره الإمام الزمان یبکی مع الباکین، علی مصاب جده الحسین (8). فی هذا المقال، تتم مراجعه هذه "الراییه" علی المستویات الفکریه والصوتیه والنحویه والدلالیه، وفقا للمنهج الاسلوبی الذی یرکز علی دراسه النص الادبی، معتمدا علی التفسیر والتحلیل. تشیر نتایج هذا البحث إلی ان ظاهره الجناس من اجمل آلیات الموسیقی والمحسنات اللفظیه التی اسرف فیها الشاعر جدا، حیث تمخضت عنها سمات اسلوبیه ودلالیه رایعه. سیطرت الجمل الاسمیه الخبریه السردیه علی معظم ابیات القصیده کظاهره اسلوبیه لافته للنظر؛ واما علی المستوی الادبی، فلقد صور الشاعر بعض الجمادات تبکی علی الحسین، وتذرف الدموع وتتحرک حتی کانه وضعها امامنا کجسم حی تنبعث فیه موجات متدفقه من الحراک والدینامیکیه.
کلید واژگان: الاسلوبیه, الشعر العربی القدیم, ابن العرندس, الرثاء, الإمام الحسین)IntroductionSome of the Arabic poems sought in the mourning of the Master of the Martyrs (peace be upon him) have taken on an eternal color, including the “seer” of Sheikh Saleh bin Al-Arandas. He is considered one of those who confined his poetry to the people of the house in praise, lamentation, and mourning, including his famous seer who became famous in Islamic history because of what received special attention from Imam Al-Mahdi (may God bless him and grant him peace). He did not recite in a gathering unless attended by the presence of the greatest remnant of God. Given the importance of this poem, and in order to understand more of the hidden meanings behind the text of the poem, to clarify the ideas presented in it, and then to reveal its stylistic phenomena, the present study investigates the text of the poem, relying on the stylistic approach and its different levels to produce the meanings of the intellectual and suggestive poem and to indicate its important stylistic indicators.
Ibn Al-Arandas and its Raeea:
Sheikh Saleh bin Abdul-Wahhab bin Al-Arandas Al-Hilli, nicknamed Ibn Al-Arandas, was one of the great scholars, poets, and scholars of the Shiites in the ninth century AH. He died about 840 in Al-Hilla Al-Fayhaa, and was buried there, and has a grave to be visited. Scholars such as Abd al-Hussein al-Amini in Al-Ghadeer, Seyyed Mohsen al-Amin in Shiite Notions, al-Samawi in Al-Tali’a, Jawad Shubar in Adab al-Tuff, and Al-Tarihi in Al-Muktab praised him for his mastery in the sciences of jurisprudence and principles, his piety and his sincere love for Ahl al-Bayt (AS). Also, they mentioned some of the poems of this great poet. His poetry tells about his skill in Arabic literature and his victory over language, morphology, grammar, and rhetoric. He has sad praises and elegies for Ahl al-Bayt (AS), especially the martyr Hussain (peace be upon him). Among the most famous of them is his famous seer in lamenting al-Hussain (AS), with this beginning:طوایا نظامی فی الزمان لها نشر یعطرها من طیب ذکراکم نشر This poem is full of emotions, soft feelings, and verbal and moral improvements prevailing in that era, with the support of faith and Qur’anic themes, in honor of the position of Ahl al-Bayt, especially Abu Abdullah al-Hussain (peace be upon him). The poem recounts the painful events that took place in Tuff, as well as the crimes of Yazid and his soldiers reprimanding them and talking about the sacrifices of Imam Hussein (AS) and his companions. This poem comes from a sad heart filled with sincere sad feelings spreading throughout the poem.
Stylistics and the Stylistic Approach:
Stylistics is one of the new topics that researchers have paid close attention to in recent years. Stylistics was at first concerned only with classical rhetoric. Today, however, it is also associated with several branches of science such as new criticism, literary history, linguistics, cognitive science, media, language education, and explores the characteristics of the text. The most important features of stylistics are the discovery of linguistic relationships in the text and the discovery of the special phenomena that produce valuable features of the text. In addition, in style, some try to find out the relationship of some traits to the personality of the author by studying the words of his poetry. Stylistics has different methods that examine each literary text from a certain angle. One such linguistic style is the structuralist style.Structuralism is one of the schools that today in the field of criticism and analysis of literary issues has presented and welcomed new literary perspectives and ideas. Structuralists believe that no single component makes sense and that each component of the work must be taken into account in relation to other elements and ultimately to the system as a coherent whole. It is worth noting that in stylistics, cases are studied that show a prominent style in the text (poetry or prose) and lead to the highlighting of the discourse and giving it a special form. The stylistic researcher touches on several levels in his analysis and focuses on them to achieve accurate and objective results. From this perspective, according to the point of view of stylistic researchers, a stylistic study of texts requires an approach that is considered one of the most effective methods of text analysis on three levels: linguistic, literary, and intellectual. It is throughcooperation and interdependence between these distinct linguistic levels that the stylistic study of a text is organized.In this way, while investigating the components of the text, we analyze the structure of the work to find the stylistic elements contained in it. Based on the principles of stylistics at the intellectual level, we investigate the main idea of the text and try to draw the recipients to what the author of the text wants to say, and what his interests are. On the literary level, attempts are made to investigate the techniques involved in the text, including rhetorical issues such as simile, metaphor, and idiosyncratic and semantic issues. As for the study of the linguistic level of the text, it includes three parts: phonetic, lexical, and grammatical, in which the stylistic researcher examines the music of the literary work and how to choose words, from the point of view of the simplicity or the structure of words, their repetition, and the type of selection according to the substitution axis, and the analysis of sentences in terms of shortness, length, and nominalism.
Keywords: Stylistics, Ancient Arabic poetry, Ibn Al-Arandas, Alraayiya, Imam Hussein (AS) -
ابوالحسن الخلیعی من الشعراء الملتزمین فی الادب العربی الذی انشد العدید من القصاید الجمیله والمثیره فی مدح الایمه والانبیاء؛ شاعر مثالی سعی دایما لتحقیق مثل المجتمع الإسلامی وادرج تلک المفاهیم النقیه فی مجموعته الشعریه. قصایده المحبه لاهل البیت(علیهم السلام)، من حیث المحتوی، لها میزات بارزه جعلتنا الخلیعی بعنوان احد الشعراء من الدرجه الاولی فی الادب الملتزم. یصف خلیلی فی دیوانه الشخصیه الفریده للإمام الحسین(ع) وحدث کربلاء واحداث بعدها. لقد نهض هذا البحث بمهمه تسلیط الضوء علی نماذج من الشعر الحسینی الذی عرفته مدینه کربلاء المقدسه فی زمن وجد فیه الادباء متنفسا للتعبیر عن مشاعرهم اتجاه هذه النهضه. المنهج التتبعی فی هذا البحث هو دراسه اشعار ابی الحسن الخلیعی بشکل تحلیلی- وصفی وذکر النماذج الشعریه وتحلیلها. فی الختام استخلصنا من هذا البحث ان الشاعر ابا الحسن الخلیعی قد وجد فی شخصیه الإمام الحسین(ع) الملاذ الآمن، والطاقه الکامله لیعبر بها عن التزامه واحاسیسه الصادقه لاهل البیت(علیهم السلام)، خاصه الإمام الحسین(ع).
کلید واژگان: الإمام الحسین(ع), کربلاء, اهل البیت, الرثاء -
یحتوی الرثاء علی اصدق العواطف؛ فی الشعر العربی القدیم کان رثاء الاب، والام، والاخ، والاخت، والزوجه لکن رثاء الزوجه بالنسبه لرثاء الزوج کان ضئیلا جدا، رثاء الزوجه فی الادب الفارسی موجود ایضا، هذا البحث یدرس رثاء جریر بن عطیه لزوجته ورثاء شاعر شروان خاقانی لزوجته وفق المدرسه الامریکیه فی الادب المقارن وعلی اساس آراء «رنیه ویلیک» یهدف هذا البحث إلی دراسه المشترکات الادبیه والثقافیه فی الادبین العربی والفارسی القدیمین واللذین کانت وماتزال بینهما مشترکات موضوعیه، توصل هذا البحث إلی قله رثاء الزوجه فی الشعر العربی وکثرتها فی الشعر الفارسی، وعلی اساس المدرسه الامریکیه فإن ثقافه الشاعر مهمه جدا فی تقبل هذا المضمون الادبی وان التعقید والخشونه اللغویه عند جریر وخاقانی فی رثائهما لزوجتیهما قد لان وسهل؛ لان الشاعر فی اصدق حالاته الشعریه وهو فی حاله مزریه وبکاء وعویل علی من احبها بصدق، وهذا الصدق انعکس فی شعر الشاعرین، منهج البحث فی هذه المقاله وصفی- تحلیلی.کلید واژگان: جریر, خاقانی, الرثاء, الزوجه, المدرسه الامریکیهElegy involves the most sincere affections. Elegy for father, mother, brother, sister and spouse existed in ancient Arabic Poetry but elegy for wife is rare in comparison with elegy for husband. In addition, elegy for wife exists in Farsi Literature. This study reviewed elegy of Jarir Ibn Atieh and Khaqani Shervani for their wives based on the American School of Comparative Literature and René Wellek Theory. The purpose of this study was to investigate literary and cultural commonalities of Ancient Arabic and Farsi Literature. In addition, this study found that rare elegies for wives exist in Arabic and Farsi poems. Based on the American School, the culture of the poet has been effective in accepting this literary genre and the complicated poetic language of Jarir and Khaqani has become soft and simple in these poems. This is because the poet has had deep sighs and wails and has been mourning. This shows the sincerity of emotions in the poems of these two poets. Descriptive-analytical methodology was used in this study.Keywords: elegy, wife, Jarir, Khawqani, American School
تقدم هذه المقاله ظاهره من اهم الظواهر الإنسانیه الا وهی الرثاء، إن الرثاء من انواع الاغراض الشعریه الذی یلتصق بالنوازع الإنسانیه والاجتماعیه والذاتیه و... . فالرثاء اعتنی به الشعراء منذ القدیم، وفی العصر الراهن ایضا تناول الشعراء رثاء آل البیت(ع)؛ فمنهم شعراء لبنان بذلوا جهدا وعنایه فی نظم الاشعار فی رثاء آل البیت(ع). فنسعی فی هذا المقال ان ندرس موضوع رثاء اهل البیت علیهم السلام فی شعر شعراء لبنان المعاصرین وان نقدم نماذج من اشعارهم ونقوم بدراسه الفنون الادبیه والمواضیع التی تطرق إلی ها هولاء الشعراء فی رثاءهم لاهل البیت علیهم السلام. وسنعتمد فی دراسه هذا الغرض طریقه التحلیل الوصفی وفق المنهج المتکامل.کلید واژگان: الرثاء, اهل البیت(ع), الشعر العربی, شعراء لبنان المعاصرینThe present paper is looking for expressing one of the most important human's phenomenon: mourning; one of the types of the poetries which has a close relationship with humanistic, social and natural tendencies. The poets paid special attention to mourning since years ago as well as the contemporary era. The Lebanese contemporary poets also paid special attention to the majesty of this great family. This article attempts to study Ahle Beit Mourning in Lebanese Christian Contemporary Poetries and analyzes the literary techniques applied by those poets.Keywords: mourning, Ahle Beit, Arabic poetry, Lebanese Contemporary poets
الشاعر الآبادانی عبدالعظیم الربیعی من طائفه شعراء رثاء الحسین (ع) وهم لایقرضون الشعر إلا لذکرمناقب اهل البیت (ع) التزاما بما لدیهم من الشعور الدینی، فالبحث هذا یرید ان یعرف هذا الشاعر البارع حیاته وآثاره اولا وهو الذی لایعرفه إلا نزر من العرب الإیرانیین ویلقی الضوء علی اسلوبه فی الرثاء الحسینی ثانیا. من اهم ما حصل علیه هذا البحث هو ان الربیعی اختار القصیده العربیه العمودیه لقول الشعر خلافا للتیار التجدیدی الذی عاصره کما استحسن قول الشعر والبیان عن الافکار العابره اللطیفه فی قالب الرباعیه التی تخصصها الفرس لهذا الغرض. اما اسلوب الربیعی فی القصائد فاسلوب جدید من حیث تقدیم المعانی والافکار فله دائما بدایات ومطالع خلابه لافته للانتباه کما له الهیکل الشعری المنسق المطبوع بطابع المقابله والحوار ونهایات مصبوغه بصبغه الدعاء والاستشفاع هذا ونراه فی الرباعیات یبدی استدلالات شعریه (نوع من حسن التعلیل) تثبت عظمه الحسین (ع) ومجده باسلوب المقابله.کلید واژگان: الشعرالملتزم, الرثاء, الإمام الحسین (ع), عبدالعظیم الربیعیAbdulazimal-Rabii is a contemporary Arab poet, nurtured in the literary tradition of Najaf, Iraq, who wrote many poems on the virtues of Ahl al-Bayt and how they were wronged. Life and poetry of Al-Rabii is not much known to Iranian researchers. This study therefore intends to focus on him using an analytical-descriptive methodology. The findings show that al-Rabii, neglecting the New Poetry style, chooses the ode (Qasida) and quatrain (Rubai) forms for writing his poems, each of which provides him with different poetic capacities. He uses odes for presenting themes in greater details, often mixed with supplications and pleading intercession. His quatrains, on the other hand, often quickly touch on a philosophical subtle theme, mostly to present an argument or poetic opposition.Keywords: Abdulazim al-Rabii, Imam Hussein, elegy, poetry form
إن من یدرس رثاء الإمام الحسین (ع) فی الشعر، یجد فیه مضامین تنبیءعن وقائع عظیمه وخطوب فادحه محرقه تبین مدی تاثر الشعراء بحادثه الطف وما جری للإمام الحسین (ع). فجاءت هذه المضامین فی ها مملوءه بالصور تحکی عن هذه الوقائع وما عاناه الإمام (ع) واصحابه. فقمنا فی هذه المقاله بدراسه الرثاء الحسینی خلال اشعار الإمام السجاد (ع) علی اساس المنهج الوصفی التحلیلی فنجد فی ها مضامین اهمها ذم الناس وإثاره روح الندامه بینهم لتحریضهم علی القیام، کما تجلی فی ها بعض خصائص العصر کجور الحکام الامویین ومظلومیه آل بیت الرسول (ص) وایضا میل الناس إلی الدنیا وحبها وتحذیرهم من الغفله التی اصیبوا بها.کلید واژگان: الشعر العربی, الادب الملتزم, الرثاء, الإمام الحسین (ع), الإمام السجاد (ع)Anyone who studies elegies about Imam Hossein (AS)) in Poems would find themes which narrate great events at the same time show the extent that poets are affected by events of Karbala. The achievements of present study, that has studied the elegy of Imam Hossein (AS) in poems attributed to Imam Sajjad (AS) using a descriptive-analytic approach, suggest that in these verses in addition to themes like evoking a spirit of repentance among people or encouraging them to revolt against Umayyad corrupted rulers; some of that periods features such as Umayyad rulersinjustice and innocence of Prophet (A)s family and also ignorance and stupidity of people because of excess of common wealth and concern about material world is reflected.Keywords: Arabic Old Poetry, Committed Literature, elegy, ImamaSajjad (AS), Imam Hossein (AS)
یمثل «العدید» ممارسه من اهم الممارسات الشعبیه التی تمارس فی مصر والمرتبطه بطقوس الموت والعزاء، ویعد الوجه الشعبی للمراثی فی الادب الرسمی مع وجود بعض الفوارق بینهما، کما انه نوع مهم من انواع الاغنیه الشعبیه المصریه.
فقام هذا البحث بالمنهج الوصفی التحلیلی بدراسه نصوص من فن العدید برویه سینمائیه والبحث مکون من جزءین؛ اولهما تطبیق انواع المونتاج السینمائی حسب نظریه ایزنشتین علی فن العدید، وثانیهما دراسه العاملین الاساسیین الذین یوثران فی توظیف تقنیه المونتاج داخل نصوص العدوده وهما قالب العدید والتکرار.
ولاحظنا عند دراسه نصوص فن العدید وجود بعد سینمائی واضح؛ بحیث برزت بعض التقنیات السینمائیه وعناصرها داخل نصوص الفن المدروس، تلک التقنیات التی تتوافق فی الوقت نفسه مع اغراض فن العدید من إبراز حاله الحزن وتعدید صفات المیت من خلال مشاهد تصویریه یحاول المبدع الشعبی باستخدام مفرداته فی تجسیدها فی مخیله المتلقی.
کلید واژگان: الادب الشعبی المصری, الرثاء, فن العدید, تقنیه المونتاج, تشکیل الصوره‘Adodeh’ is among the most manifest samples of Egyptian folk literature and closely related to death and mourning. This technique-although with some differences- is folk bemoaning sample in formal literature and also one of the most important types of Egyptian folk music. Hence, the present study investigates texts of ‘Adodeh’ technique with analytical- descriptive method and cinematic approach and consists of two parts; the first part compares all types of montage according to Eisenstein theory on the technique and the second part studies fundamental factors in applying montage technique in ‘Adodeh’, i.e. frame of the technique and repetition. In the investigation, some cinematic techniques were discovered which is consistent with the aims of this technique in expressing sorrow, sadness and counting a dead person's features through imagery and visualization.Keywords: Folk literature of Egypt, elegy, Adode Technique, Cinematic Montage, Visualization -
تقصد هذه المقاله دراسه مضامین الرثاء الحسینی فی ملحمه «عید الغدیر» للشاعر المسیحی بولس سلامه بدء بمقدمه فی ادب الطف، ومن ثم تتحدث المقاله عن حیاه الشاعر القاسیه وآثاره، خاصه ملحمته الإسلامیه الکبری التی نال بها الشاعر شهره مدویه فی عالم الادب؛ کما تشیر إلی شخصیته التی دفعته إلی التصدی لها، العمل الذی یمثل غنی روحه التی تسامت عن روحیه معلبه؛ بعد ان ابدی رغبته فی نظم الشعر فی اهل البیت (ع)، خاصه الإمامین علی والحسین (ع)، و تغنی بامجادهم. فلم یکن باستطاعه الشاعر ان یسرد التاریخ من دون ان یبدی موقفه من هولاء الاطهار وهو یراهم کنموذج مثالی یحتذی؛ وهذه الدعوه من جانب شاعر مسیحی إلی التمثل بالإمامین (ع) تستوقفنا اکثر حینما نعلم انه نظم ملحمته فی العام نفسه الذی احتلت فیه فلسطین. وهو بذلک یعتقد ان الامه العربیه فی ذلک الزمن لاحوج ماتکون إلی التمثل بابطالها الغابرین. هذا و قد تجلی انجذاب الشاعر بشکل خاص عند الحدیث عن واقعه الطف، بحیث نجده یبکی لیله نظم مصرع الحسین (ع) فیسطر بقلمه ما یبکی الآخرین. وهکذا فإنه ومن خلال إظهار احاسیسه ومشاعره المرهفه یخرج فی احیان کثیره علی التقلید المعروف فی الملحمه کنوع من الشعر اللاشخصی وذلک خروج لاتعیب منه ملحمته، بل نراها تنال إعجاب النقاد واستحسانهم. واخیرا تنتقل المقاله إلی تعداد مضامین رثاء الإمام الحسین (ع) فی ملحمه سلامه، من ذکر فضائله (ع) وبیان عظمه مصیبته وغیرهما مما ورد فی ها.کلید واژگان: الإمام الحسین (ع), الرثاء, الملحمه, بولس سلامهThis paper reviews the elegy themes of Imam Hussein (AS) in the epic of Eid Ghadir composed by Christian poet boolos Salama, and begins with the introduction of the Ashura literature and especially poetry surrounding Imam Hussein. This article talks about the laborious life of poet and his compilations especially his great Islamic epic, which is famous in the field of literature, and also talks about his character representing the spirit of excellence, the dilemma beyond the endurance of spirit confined to writing poetry, especially writing on household of Imam and their eulogy. Salame believes that they are exemplary models that should be followed, this invitation from a Christian poet absorb more attention when we he composed this epic in the year of Palestine occupation. So he believes that Arabic nations need to follow former gallants at that time more than ever but the fascination of this poet appear in particular when speaking of the event of Ashura .He weeps and writs the event in the eve of Imam Hussein martyrdom and prepare others to cry. He expresses his feelings in writing and goes from the usual tradition of epic poetry to a form of non-self poetry. The output is not only a defect, but also an epic which absorbs astonishing critics. Finally, this article examines the elegy themes of Imam Hussein (AS) in his epic grandeur, including expression of the virtues of Imam and his ordeal and others mentioned in the this article.Keywords: Imam Hussein (as), poetry, elegy, epic, Boolos Salama
إن اکتشاف شخصیه سعدی الادبیه و معرفه مسیرته الکامله للاثر العربی فی ادبه لا یتحققان بصوره کلیه عند دراسه آثاره الادبیه فی اللغه الفارسیه فحسب، بل لا یتمان إلا بدراسه نتاجه العربی المتمثل فی اشعاره العربیه جنبا الی جنب دراسه نتاجه الفارسی. و لسعدی فی لغه الضاد اغراض شتی کالمدح والوعظ والتوحید والمناجاه والرجاء والرثاء. وله فی الغرض الاخیر قصیده فریده من بین اشعاره العربیه، تستحق إفراد مساحه خاصه بها وهی قصیدته الرائیه ومرثیته التی قالها فی خراب بغداد ومقتل الخلیفه وضیاع الخلافه العباسیه. وقصیدته الرائعه هذه التی انشاها بعد خراب بغداد علی ایدی التتار، هی من اروع اشعاره العربیه، فنیا او شعریا او عاطفیا او بکل المقاییس. و من ناحیه اخری هی اطول قصائده، سواء الفارسیه منها او العربیه، والتی نری انها لم تاخذ حقها من الذکر والإشاره او التدقیق و التمحیص. فقد کان لثقافه سعدی القرآنیه کمصدر اساسی، اثر کبیر و دور فعال باسلوب یمکنه من التعبیر عن شتی اغراضه وتجاربه ومختلف افکاره واهدافه. فاستعان بمعجم مفردات القرآن الثری واستلهم صوره وإشاراته، و وعی نصه واسلوبه. و تشتمل قصیدته علی محسنات تتسم بالفصاحه و البلاغه و الروحانیه و الجمال، لما تحویه من مضامین سامیه و مسائل اجتماعیه مختلفه، و هو یدرک جیدا مهمته الاخلاقیه و الإجتماعیه و الدینیه. فقد لجا سعدی الشیرازی إلی استخدام موروثه الثقافی العربی الذی اکتسبه من تتلمذه فی مدارس البلاد العربیه ومراکز تعلیمها وتجواله وسیاحته فی سائر البلدان، کما یبدو تاثیر الثقافه العربیه القدیمه فیه واضحا باستخدامه لاسالیب التعبیر العربیه.کلید واژگان: الشعر العربی, الرثاء, مرثیه بغداد, سعدی الشیرازی, القصائد العربیهExploring Saadis literary character to gain insight of overall picture of Arab literature in his work is not entirely realized when dealing only with his Persian accomplishments, it is necessary to study his accomplishments in Arabic poems alongside with his Persian works to succeed in such venture.
Saadi has a variety of purpose in his usage of Arabic language, such as Preaching, monotheism, intimacy, hope and elegy. Saadi has a unique poem among his Arabic poems, which deserves taking it into consideration; it is known as Rayyhe Qaside which is mourning for Baghdad after its destruction by Mongols, and the killing of Mustasam and the loss of the Abbasid Caliphate.
This wonderful poem is one of his finest Arabic ones. It is also the longest one among his Arabic and Persian works of poetry, which has not got a fair consideration.
Quran had a great impact on Saadis works, and as primary source, Saadi managed to use his Quranic culture to express his various purposes, experiences and his different ideas and goals.Keywords: Saadi Shirazi, arabic qaside, elegy, mongol destruction of Baghdad, arabic poems -
لقد لفتت الصوره انتباه النقاد والادباء وعلماء البلاغه منذ القدیم ولیس ذلک بغریب؛ لان الصوره تقوم بدور فعال فی انتقال تجارب الشاعر ومشاعره إلی الآخرین والاسالیب المختلفه من التصویر تجعل عمل الشاعر الفنی اشد وضوحا واکثر دقه وهی ظاهره نواجه ها فی کثیر من قصائد الرضی الرثائیه الذی استعان بانواع الصوره لیرسم لوحه مما یرید إلقائه علی القاریء ولیزید عمله الادبی تاثیرا علیه.
هذا البحث تناول دراسه الصوره التشبیهیه فی مراثی الرضی التی لها دور اساسی بین انواع صوره الشعریه معتمدا علی منهج وصفی -تحلیلی یتمثل فی القیام بدراسه مضمون الصوره نظریا، ثم البحث عن الموضوع الرئیسی الذی یشتمل علی الابیات التی استخدم فی ها الشاعر انواع التشبیه إضافه الی تناسب صوره مع الغرض الذی یرید ان ینقله إلی المخاطب فهی کثیرا ما تصور حاله المتوفی والمصابین، نفسانیه الشاعر، والموت ثم الایام ومصائبه. ومن هذا المنظار یعالج البحث مضامین الصوره وبنیتها والشکلیه ایضا.
ومن النتائج التی توصل إلی ها البحث هی ان استخدام حواس الصوت واللون یشکل جانبا بارزا عند رسم الصوره التشبیهیه؛ کما ان المادی المحسوس یعد العنصر الهام فی التشبیه لدی الرضی وقد استمد اکثر صوره التشبیهیه من مظاهر الطبیعه والواقع المحسوس.
کلید واژگان: الصوره الشعریه, التشبیه, الرثاء, الشریف الرضیImagery has been an important subject among the men of literature and dealing with this issue is not considered an extraordinary matter. This literary device plays a prominent role in transmitting the poet''s feelings and experiences to its addressees. Employing various styles of imagery by the poet provides the reader with rather a detailed and clearer literary work. This phenomenon is highlighted in the works of a great poet، Sharif Razi، of the Abbasid dynasty. With the help of imagery in drawing a canvas of concepts and themes، Razi aimed to emphasize his literary style on the reader. In relation to different poetic imageries، the present paper endeavors to investigate the metaphorical imagery in the elegies of this poet. In this regard، before analyzing the poems، a brief introduction on the practical aspects of this kind of imagery is provided. More than eighty odes and elegies of the aforementioned poet has been studied، its metaphorical imageries have been extracted، and thematically categorized. These themes mostly deal with the condition of the diseased person، the mourners، the mental state of the poet، death، time and tragedy. Moreover، the proportion of the images in relation to the represented themes is also taken into account. Onomotopia، colors along with their inspirational concepts are the result of this study. Furthermore، materialistic and concrete elements are the predominant features of the used imageries in which the poet has been inspired by nature and reality.Keywords: Sharif Razi, Elegy, Poetic imagery, Simile -
المقاله هذه تبحث عن خصوصیه الرثاء فی قصیده ابی تمام، التی رثی بها محمد بن حمید الطوسی (قائدا من قواد المعتصم ب الله) وتدرسها من حیث الموضوع والعاطفه والخیال.
والمستنبط ان الشاعر یتناول الموت فی القصیده بنظره اقرب للفلسفه، ویصدرها ببیان العجز الإنسانی امام ماساه الحیاه والتسلیم لمشیئه الله . والقصیده فی مضمونها العام موقف مشرف ومبدا راسخ وقیمه فی الوفاء والإخلاص، وکانت العاطفه فی ها صادقه إنسانیه صحیحه. اما الخیال، فکان قویا فی ابیات القصیده؛ إذ نجح الشاعر فی إبداعه لتصویر معانی الفداء والتضحیه التی اتصف بها المرثی، کما ان رکون الشاعر إلی عنصری التشخیص والتجسیم ادی إلی نجاحه ایضا.کلید واژگان: الرثاء, العاطفه, الخیال, التشخیص, التجسیمThe aim of this essay is to find the characteristics of the elegy in Abu Tammam''s ode in which he is wailing for mohammad Ibn Homaid al- Tusi (one of al-Motasam billah''s army commander) and this essay subjcet is to study and to criticize its emotion and imagination. The conclusion is that Abu Tammam، almost، in his poem applied a philosophical approach to deal with death، thus in the first stamza، he mentioned humans weakness against life tragedy and his obedience against fate and fortune. This poem at whole has a dignified، elevated، worthy faithfulness، and purified theme. Emotion in this poem is human and truthful and its imagination is fertile because the poet was successful in creating beautiful images to mention the outstanding personalities of that late leader such as his devotion and self-sacrifice. In addition، applying some elements like personification and metaphorical images effect on the poet''s success.
Keywords: Elegy, Emotion, Imagination, Personification, Metaphorical -
إن بین المدح و سائر الاغراض الشعریه علاقات ووشائج. فالمدح بین هذه الاغراض اصل وبقیه الفنون الاخری، فی الواقع، فرع له وداخله فیه. فإن الفخر الفردی مبعثه إعجاب الشاعر بنفسه، وادعاوه تفوقه علی من حوله وهذا الفخر یکون، بطبیعته، قبلیا تسیطر علیه روح حماسیه جارفه. والرثاء نوعان؛ فردی خاص وقبلی عام. والاول اصدق نوعی الرثاء، واعلقهما بالنفس، واقربهما إلی الفطره والطبع. وشاع فی الرثاء القبلی العام البکاء علی ابطال القبیله، والقبول بالقدر المقدور. وکان الغزل فی العصر الجاهلی علی ثلاثه انماط: الغزل الصریح الذی یهتم بالاوصاف الحسیه للمراه، والغزل العفیف الذی یهتم بذکر الصفات الاخلاقیه للمراه، والغزل الصناعی الذی کان بهدف التمهید للدخول فی موضوع القصیده.
فالفخر والرثاء والغزل کلها مدح او قسم منه، إذ لیس الغزل إلا ذکر لمحاسن المراه والحبیبه او مدحهما، ولیس الفخر إلا ذکر لمحاسن النفس او القبیله او مدحهما، ولیس الرثاء إلا ذکر محاسن المیت او مدحه. وما یمیز بعضها من بعض هو الممدوح، فعندما یکون الممدوح هو الشاعر نفسه او قبیلته، یسمی هذا القسم من المدح فخرا؛ وعندما یکون الممدوح حبیبه الشاعر یسمی غزلا؛ ولو کان الممدوح میتا یسمی رثاءا. وحتی الوصف، فإنه مدح لما یراه الشاعر بعینه او بقلبه من ظواهر ومظاهر اعجبته. ویبقی الهجاء الذی هو ضد المدح ومناقض له، فهو تعداد لمثالب المهجو الموجوده فیه حقیقه او ادعاءا. لکننا لو جاز لنا تقسیم المدح إلی قسمین رئسیین؛ مدح إیجابی ومدح سلبی لکان الهجاء مدحا سلبیا. فی الختام، یمکننا القول إن الشعر الجاهلی کله مدح فی حقیقته.
کلید واژگان: الفخر, الغزل, المدح, مفاتیح: الشعر الجاهلی, المجتمع القبلی, الرثاءThere is a bond and relation between praise and other poetic devices. Among these devices, praise is the origin and other artistic devices are, in fact, its branches. In a self-laudation, as a pre-Islamic form of poetry, a poet is motivated by admiration of himself and his claim of superiority over those around him. And his pride is of a tribal nature, dominated by a passionate spirit. Lamentation is of two types: personal and particular and tribal and general. The first type is more truly a lamentation, intertwined with the soul and being close to mankind’s temperament and nature. Crying over the fall of tribal heroes and the notion of accepting the determined fate became typical of the tribal general lamentations. Ghazal (‘Lyrics’), in the Ignorance Era (Pre-Islamic Arabia), was of three types: explicit lyrics which dealt with physical description of a woman, decent lyrics which dealt with the moral qualities of the woman, and artificial lyrics which meant to be an introduction to a qasida (‘ode’). So self-laudation, lamentation and lyrics largely or partly contain acclamation. For, in a lyric poem a woman or the beloved’s merits are stated and she is praised. In a self-laudation one’s personal qualities or his tribe’s merits are mentioned or they are praised. In a lamentation a dead person is praised and his/her merits are illustrated. The only difference they have is the one who is praised. When the praised one is the poet himself or his tribe, then this kind of praise is called ‘self-laudation’. If the praised one is the poet’s beloved, it is named ‘lyrics’. Accordingly, if the praised one is a dead person, it is called ‘lamentation’. And even the descriptions that a particular poet provides in his poetry, is actually acclamation of the phenomenon and manifestations he enjoyed perceiving by eyes or by heart. Satire, on the other hand, which is the opposite of acclamation, is naming the existing or claimed disadvantages of the satirized one. However, if we had the right to divide acclamation into two main types of positive and negative acclamation, we would call satire as negative acclamation. As a conclusion, we can say that the whole pre-Islamic poetry is acclamation and praise in nature.Keywords: praise, acclamation, praised one., self, laudation, lyrics, lamentation, pre, Islamic poetry, tribal society -
ان المقاله تبحث عن قصیدتین فی الرثاء الشاعرین الذین عاشا فی عصر واحد تقریبا و هما ابو ذؤیب الهذلی و مالک بن الریب التمیمی. درست و حللت کل قصیده منهما تحلیلا نقدیا من حیث الموضوع و صور الاخیله و الموضاعات البلاغیه. المستنبط ان ابا ذؤیب الهذلی استهل شعره بحوار متداول بینه و بین حبییته امیمه حسب الاتجاه التقلیدی فی العصر الجاهلی و الاسلامی و ان رثاء ابی ذؤیب رثاء شخصی عاطفی صادق ینبعث عن صمیم قلبه مستعملا المنهج الشعری المتبع فی العصر الجاهلی مقرونا ببعض الحکم و الامثال التی سجلت فی کتب الامثال و الحکم و لا یتمیز قصیده ابی ذؤیب بالابداع الموضوعی الذی نراه فی شعر مالک اذ ان مالک بن الریب التمیمی نظم فی موضوع جدید فی عصره. الاو هو رثاؤه نفسه عند احتضار الموت معبرا عن تلهفه و تحسره علی انتزاحه عن موطنه و ارضه.کلید واژگان: الرثاء, المنهج الشعری, صور الخیال, العصر الجاهلی
- نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شدهاند.
- کلیدواژه مورد نظر شما تنها در فیلد کلیدواژگان مقالات جستجو شدهاست. به منظور حذف نتایج غیر مرتبط، جستجو تنها در مقالات مجلاتی انجام شده که با مجله ماخذ هم موضوع هستند.
- در صورتی که میخواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.