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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « evolution » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • Seyed Mohammad Javad Mortazavi Mortazavi, Omid Zare, Leyla Ghasemi, Parmis Taghizadeh, Parsa Faghani-Eskandarkolaei, Maryam Arshadi, Seyed Ali Reza Mortazavi, Lembit Sihver *

    Humans have generally evolved some adaptations to protect against UV and different levels of background ionizing radiation. Similarly, elephants and whales have evolved adaptations to protect against cancer, such as multiple copies of the tumor suppressor gene p53, due to their large size and long lifespan. The difference in cancer protection strategies between humans and elephants/whales depends on genetics, lifestyle, environmental exposures, and evolutionary pressures. In this paper, we discuss how the differences in evolutionary adaptations between humans and elephants could explain why elephants have evolved a protective mechanism against cancer, whereas humans have not. Humans living in regions with high levels of background radiation, e.g. in Ramsar, Iran where exposure rates exceed those on the surface of Mars, seem to have developed some kind of protection against the ionizing radiation. However, humans in general have not developed cancer-fighting adaptations, so they instead rely on medical technologies and interventions. The difference in cancer protection strategies between humans and elephants/whales depends on genetics, lifestyle, environmental exposures, and evolutionary pressures. In this paper, we discuss how the differences in evolutionary adaptations between humans and elephants could explain why elephants have evolved a protective mechanism against cancer, whereas humans have not. Studying elephant adaptations may provide insights into new cancer prevention and treatment strategies for humans, but further research is required to fully understand the evolutionary disparities.

    Keywords: Carcinogenesis, Radiation, Biological Evolution, Radiobiology, Peto’S Paradox, Evolution}
  • Khenata Forci *, MohamedHassan Alami, El Arbi Bouaiti, Asmaa Mdaghri Alaoui, Amal Thimou Izgua

    The objective of our study to analyze the data of the prenatal diagnosis of congenital malformations at the maternity and reproductive health hospital "Les Orangers" in Rabat and to identify the main anomalies detected, their percentage and their short-term outcome.


    This is a cross-sectional study conducted at the maternity and reproductive health hospital "Les Orangers" in Rabat, Morocco. The data was collected and reported on pre-established sheets and on the register of malformations of the hospital.


    A total of 245 cases of congenital malformations comprising 470 types of congenital malformations were recorded out of a total of 43,923 births over a period of five and a half years, giving a prevalence of 5.58 per thousand.Prenatal diagnosis was made in a third of cases (33%), essentially during the 2nd-3rd trimester of pregnancy. The anomalies revealed by this antenatal diagnosis were dominated by urinary malformations in 70% and central nervous system anomalies in 67%, followed by other types of congenital anomalies in less than 40% of cases, while genetic problems were detected in 2.5%; this rate is underestimated since chromosomal abnormalities sometimes appear as syndromes, so that in some diseases, genetic changes are not separated from other abnormalities, and since more than half (50.7%) of cases presenting polymalformative syndromes not survived 77% of cases i.e. (48.5% of deaths and 28.5% of FDIU) and an etiological study was not carried out.


    Antenatal ultrasound allows early detection and monitoring of the evolution of congenital malformations, and thus the possibility of ensuring early and adequate management of these anomalies from birth. In our context, it is necessary to develop a prenatal screening program for congenital anomalies and a network of reference centers for the management of these anomalies in order to improve their prognosis.

    Keywords: Antenatal Diagnosis, congenital malformation, Evolution, Morocco}
  • فریدون عزیزی*

    فعالیت های پژوهشی در 40 سال گذشته رتبه علمی ایران در تولید علم در جهان را از 54 به 16 رسانده است. این مقاله روند پژوهش های علوم پزشکی در چهل سال گذشته و سال های آینده را ترسیم می کند.

    مواد و روش ها

    بررسی مقالات فارسی پزشکی از سال 1361 تا 1401 با استفاده از داده های پایگاه های مرکز اطلاعات علمی جهاد دانشگاهی، اسکوپوس و نیز کتاب سلامت در جمهوری اسلامی ایران صورت گرفت.

    یافته ها

    در بیست سال اول توانمندسازی نیروی انسانی پزشکی؛ شامل افزایش دانشکده ها و دانشگاه های علوم پزشکی، دانشجویان رشته های مختلف در مقاطع کارشناسی ارشد، دکترای علمی، دکترای حرفه ای و تخحصص های بالینی پزشکی و تاسیس دوره های فوق تخصصی بالینی پزشکی انجام شد. زیرساخت های ضروری برای درونداد تحقیقات آماده و مراکز تحقیقاتی و پژوهشکده های پزشکی تاسیس گردید. در بیست ساله دوم افزایش اعضای هیات علمی دانشگاه ها، توسعه موسسات تحقیقاتی و نیز افزایش تعداد دانشجویان و دستیاران سبب ارتقا کمی و کیفی پژوهش و تولید مقالات علمی در سطح بین المللی و افزایش استنادات به مقالات پزشکی ایران گردید. اهداف بیست سال آینده افزایش نوآوری در پژوهش ها، تولید علم نافع و دستیابی به مرجعیت علمی در سطح منطقه و جهان است که با حفظ و تکریم دانشمندان و پژوهش گران، تغییر در شیوه ارزشیابی تحقیقات، افزایش اعتبارات پژوهشی، هدفمند کردن پژوهش ها و ترویج فرهنگ علم نافع امکان پذیر خواهد بود.

    نتیجه گیری

    در 40 سال گذشته زیرساخت ها و نیروی انسانی مورد نیاز برای تحقیقات پزشکی فراهم شده است. به کارگیری نیروی انسانی لایق و ترجمان دانش آن ها، ترویج نوآوری، توسعه فناوری ها برای رفع مشکلات سلامت جامعه و دستیابی به مرجعیت علمی نیازمند عزم ملی قوی و تحول انقلابی در دهه های آینده است.

    کلید واژگان: تحول, تحقیقات, علوم پزشکی, ایران, نوآوری, مرجعیت علمی}
    F. Azizi*

    There has been a remarkable rise in medical research in Iran during the last 40 years, improving the global ranking of the country in the production of research documents from 54th to 16th in 2022. The aim of this review was to summarize medical research activities in Iran during the last 40 years and present predictions on the outlook of this field in coming years.

    Materials and Methods

    Related articles were retrieved from the Iran Doc Engine, and selected sections of three editions of the book “Health in the Islamic Republic of Iran” were reviewed.


    Between 1980 and 2000, there was a remarkable rise in the number of medical universities and related schools in Iran. The number of students, both undergraduate and postgraduate, as well as PhD courses and residency programs, considerably increased in the country, in parallel with the debut of numerous clinical subspecialty programs in various clinical fields. Research centers and institutes were developed in many universities. Between 2001 and 2020, there was an extraordinary increase in the number of annual publications in medical fields. Citations to Iranian research articles have also increased. For the next 20 years, innovations in research activities and productions are expected to resolve many problematic issues in Iran’s health sector. Activities such as nurturing young, talented, and distinguished researchers, supporting scholars, devising more appropriate tools for the evaluation of the output, impact, and effectiveness of scientific productions, increasing the share of research from Growth National Product (GNP), and enhancing targeted research programs will be needed to safeguard the emerging goals of research activities in the next two decades.

    Keywords: Evolution, Medical research, Iran, Innovation, Scholarship}
  • Tohid Nazari, Elmira Ezzati, Hamid Reza Rasekh, Zahra Gharib-Naseri*

    The potentials of artificial intelligence (AI) have permeated all industries and fields, and the advantages of AI are extensively employed. This technology offers a wide range of benefits in the pharmaceutical industry, including reducing human interventions and increasing the speed and accuracy of tasks. This can expedite time-consuming activities, such as drug discovery, production, clinical trials, research and development, and ultimately, determining a drug’s position in target markets.


    A comprehensive scope review was performed in this descriptive, applied study on the applications of AI in the pharmaceutical industry in Iran. Relevant data were meticulously gathered and extracted from diverse sources, including various search engines, key databases, such as Medline, PubMed, Elsevier, and the Iranian Center for Scientific Information and Documentation, and information databases, reference books, and reports from the World Health Organization. These results represent our research on key themes, including AI, the pharmaceutical industry, drug production, innovation, and evolution. Our main focus lies on the application of AI in the manufacturing part of the pharmaceutical industry, with a deliberate decision not to delve into the technical aspects. This approach allowed us to prioritize a comprehensive understanding of the practical implications and advancements in the manufacturing processes facilitated by artificial intelligence.


    The retrieved studies showed that AI has the potential to enhance crucial processes in pharmaceutical companies across various dimensions. These potential capabilities are observed in areas such as quality control, human resource management, research and development, finance, supply chain management, logistics, data management, operations management, customer relationship management, and commerce, which are further discussed.


    Pharmaceutical companies can utilize the tools provided by AI in various value-creating processes to enhance their efficiency and effectiveness. This requires the adoption and integration of this innovative technology at various levels of organizational planning so that these companies can harness the greater potential it offers with appropriate investments.

    Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Pharmaceutical Industry, Drug Production, Innovation, Evolution}
  • عاطفه تشت زر، ملیکه بهشتی فر*، رضا زارع، امین نیک پور
    زمینه و هدف

    میل به بقا در هر سازمانی ذاتی است، در بخش خصوصی، سودهی ضامن بقا است و در بخش دولتی رضایت مردم؛ نیل به این هدف با عنایت به تغییر و تحولات روزافزون، مستلزم اتخاذ راهبردی مناسب مانند تکامل سازمانی است که ضمن بیمار محوری و کیفیت خدمات، کارمندان دولتی را برای جلب رضایت شهروندان تشویق می کند. هدف اصلی این پژوهش، طراحی تکامل گرایی سازمانی در بیمارستان های وابسته به دانشگاه علوم پزشکی بوشهر است.

    روش پژوهش: 

    پژوهش حاضر با استفاده از رویکرد مبتنی بر نظریه پردازی داده بنیاد به صورت کیفی اجرایی شده است. برای جمع آوری اطلاعات از مصاحبه نیمه ساختاریافته استفاده و تجزیه وتحلیل اطلاعات با استفاده از روش استراوس و کوربین و مدل پارادایمی انجام گرفت. نمونه گیری به شیوه نظری و با تکنیک هدفمند بود که بر اساس آن 14 مصاحبه با اساتید دانشگاه ها و مدیران و معاونین بیمارستانی دارای سابقه مدیریت در بیمارستان های دولتی بوشهر انجام گرفت.

    یافته ها

    نتایج داده های حاصل از مصاحبه ها طی فرایند کدگذاری باز، محوری و انتخابی، به ایجاد نظریه داده بنیاد در حوزه تکامل گرایی سازمانی در بیمارستان های وابسته به دانشگاه علوم پزشکی بوشهر منجر شد. مدل طراحی شده در این پژوهش شامل 43 مقوله فرعی در قالب 6 مقوله اصلی شرایط علی، زمینه ای، مداخله گر، پدیده محوری، پیامدها و راهبردها را نشان می دهد.

    نتیجه گیری

    این پژوهش می تواند نقشه راه کاملی برای مدیران بیمارستانی جهت حرکت به سمت یک سازمان تکامل گرا با ارایه شرایط علی، زمینه ای، مداخله گر، راهبردها و پیامدهای پدیده محوری تکامل گرایی سازمانی باشد. همچنین این تحقیق به توسعه قلمرو شناخت این پدیده کمک خواهد کرد.

    کلید واژگان: تکامل, تکامل اجتماعی, بیمارستان, نظریه داده بنیاد}
    Atefeh Tashtzar, Malike Beheshtifar*, Reza Zare, Amin Nikpour

    The desire to survive is inherent in any organization; in the private sector, profit, and in the public sector, people's satisfaction is the guarantee of survival. Taking into account the ever-increasing changes and developments, achieving this goal, requires the adoption of a suitable strategy such as the evolution of an organization that, along with patient-centeredness and service quality, encourages government employees to gain the satisfaction of citizens. The main goal of this research is to design organizational evolution in hospitals affiliated with Bushehr University of Medical Sciences.


    . This research was carried out qualitatively using grounded theory. To collect data, semi-structured interviews were used and data analysis was done using Strauss and Corbin method and the paradigm model. Purposive sampling was carried out based on which14 interviews conducted with professors of the scientific board of universities and experts working in government hospitals.


    The results of the data obtained from the interviews during the process of open, central ,and selective coding led to the creation of grounded theory in the field of organizational evolution in hospitals affiliated with Bushehr University of Medical Sciences. The model designed in this research included 43 sub-categories in the form of 6 main categories of causal, contextual, interventional, central phenomenon, consequences, and strategies.


    This research can be a complete road map for hospital managers to move towards an evolutionary organization by providing causal, contextual, and intervening conditions, strategies, and consequences of the central phenomenon of organizational evolutionism. Furthermore, this research will help to better understand this phenomenon.

    Keywords: Evolution, Social evolution, Hospital, Grounded theory}
  • Davood Bashash*, Mohammad Faranoush

    The emergence of technology has long been a defining characteristic of human civilization, and in our current era, artificial intelligence (AI) stands as one of the most advanced innovations. Through the integration of AI into machines, the aim has been to unlock unprecedented levels of convenience. However, we now find ourselves at a crucial juncture where a significant question arises: Do humans continue to hold dominion, or have AI-equipped machines taken the reins? With its profound ability to reshape human capabilities, it is not surprising to propose that AI may represent the next stage of evolution. As we delve deeper into the potential of AI, it becomes imperative to ponder whether the emergence of AI as a form of evolved human beings is inevitable, and if so, what implications it may hold for the future of humanity. Taken together, it is essential for society to ensure the development and deployment of AI in a manner that prioritizes the safety and well-being of humanity while also giving careful consideration to ethical and legal concerns.

    Keywords: Technology, Artificial intelligence (AI), Machine learning, Evolution}
  • Chiman Karami, Kamyar Mazloum Jalali, Shahram Jalilian, Gholamreza Khataminia, Somayeh Biparva Haghighi, Mohammad Karimi Babaahmadi, Reza Taherkhani, Manoochehr Makvandi*
    Background and Objectives

    Human adenovirus type 8 is a highly contagious eye disease and is considered as the most common epidemic keratoconjunctivitis worldwide. The virus may alter the course of detection as mutations and recombination in surface antigens are associated with binding and pathogenesis in human adenovirus. The recognition of new recombinant human adenovirus has been based on sequencing of three genes, penton base, hexon and fiber.

    Materials and Methods

    50 suspected samples of ocular keratoconjunctivitis were selected over 6 months. Following DNA extraction from isolates positive for cytopathic effect in each well, the complete sequences of hexon, fiber, and penton regions were performed on the genome of human adenovirus isolates using PCR. The sequences of capsid genes, including hexon, fiber, and penton were assessed to observe the evidence of recombination at the molecular level using genetic tools.


    The results of nucleotide and amino acid sequence of 5/ 50 patients with epidemic keratoconjunctivitis positive for hypervariable region of hexon (132aa-449), hypervariable of knob fiber (183aa-362) and hypervariable penton (106aa-466) isolates showed nucleotide and amino acid identity of 98% and 99.41%, 99% and 100%, 95% and 99.72% with hexon, fiber and penton of human adenovirus 8 subtypes. The results of phylogenetic tree and Simplot of the entire sequences and hypervariable regions of isolated hexon, fiber and penton showed all the isolates of human adenovirus from Ahvaz, Iran, were clustered with human adenovirus 8A, B, E, P and J, subtypes isolated strains from different regions of the world.


    The results of this study revealed that the human adenovirus isolates from patients with epidemic keratoconjunctivitis were closed to human adenovirus 8A, B, E, P and J subtypes. To determine the emergence of new human adenovirus D8 subtypes strain, analysis of complete genome sequence of human adenovirus was required.

    Keywords: Human adenovirus, Keratoconjunctivitis, Infections, Evolution, Recombination}
  • Nader Charkhgard*, Emran Razaghi

    Testosterone is a fundamental biological drive for human survival. Evidence documents an association between the evolutionary suppression of testosterone and the civilization processes, especially their socialization and family colonization abilities, among early humans. Interestingly, opiates suppress testosterone as a side effect. However, in clinical practice, clients undergoing opioid substitution therapy have subnormal, normal, or even above-normal testosterone. This paper discusses a possibility indicating that opiates promoted civilization processes among early humans. We further suggest that modern humans might have inherited the positive impact of opiates on early humans as a biological propensity for using opioids. Some users may use opioids for selfmedication to decrease their extraordinarily high testosterone levels.

    Keywords: Aggression, Civilization, Evolution, Opiates, Testosterone}
  • سعید کریمی، جعفر قهرمانی*، ابوالفضل قاسم زاده
    زمینه و هدف

    سلامت روانی به عنوان یک نگرانی و دغدغه همگانی مورد توجه جدی محققان قرار گرفته است. هدف از انجام تحقیق حاضر ارایه مدل عوامل موثر بر ارتقا سلامت روانی در مراکز دانشگاه فنی و حرفه ای بود.

    روش کار

    تحقیق حاضر از نوع تحقیقات آمیخته بود که به صورت میدانی و به روش پیمایشی انجام شد. بدین منظور از بین خبرگان علمی و اجرایی در حوزه مدیریت آموزشی، آموزش عالی و مدیریت آموزش عالی 15 نفر انتخاب و پس از انجام مصاحبه نیمه ساختاریافته پرسشنامه ای دارای 26 سوال طراحی شد که 4 عامل شامل عوامل مدیریتی (10 سوال)، عوامل شغلی (6 سوال)، عوامل اجتماعی (5 سوال) و عوامل فردی (5 سوال) را موردسنجش قرار می داد بین آن ها توزیع و جمع آوری شد. روایی صوری، سازه و پایایی پرسشنامه بررسی و تایید شد همچنین جهت بررسی عوامل تحقیق از روش معادلات ساختاری استفاده گردید.

    یافته ها

    نتایج نشان داد عوامل مدیریتی، شغلی، فردی و اجتماعی مهم ترین عوامل موثر بر ارتقا سلامت روانی در مراکز دانشگاه فنی و حرفه ای می باشند همچنین مشخص شد در بین عوامل شناسایی شده، عوامل فردی بیشترین تاثیر را دارا بود. به عبارتی توجه به عوامل فردی سبب می گردد تا میزان سلامت روانی در مراکز دانشگاه فنی و حرفه ای به صورت مناسب تری افزایش یابد.

    نتیجه گیری

    با توجه به نتایج پیشنهاد می شود جهت ارتقا سلامت روانی در مراکز دانشگاه فنی و حرفه ای می بایستی به عوامل مدیریتی، شغلی، فردی و اجتماعی توجه نمود.

    کلید واژگان: سلامت روان, تکامل, رفتار, نگرش}
    Saeed Karimi, Jafar Ghahremani*, Abolfazl Qasimzadeh
    Background & Aims

    Mental health has been seriously considered by researchers as a public concern (1). Improving mental health indicators has been considered as one of the key indicators in the evaluations of countries (3). Improving the level of mental health causes societies to have proper development in the areas of behavior and attitude (6). In order to improve mental health, it is necessary to examine the factors affecting it. Although various studies have examined mental health and the factors affecting it, but this issue has not been studied in all organizations and environments. In other words, in order to improve mental health, this issue should be studied scientifically in all environments. The Technical and Vocational University, as an important and key university in developing skills and improving the practical capacities of the country, has a serious task in society. Improving mental health in a technical and vocational university can provide suitable conditions for the university to achieve its goals. Lack of knowledge of the factors affecting mental health in the technical and vocational university has caused that today, practical and executive processes regarding its improvement are not formed in this university. On the other hand, the lack of comprehensive research on the factors affecting the promotion of mental health in technical and vocational university centers has caused that today the necessary concerns for promoting mental health in technical and vocational university centers are not available. Therefore, the researcher seeks to answer the question, what are the factors affecting the promotion of mental health in technical and vocational university centers?


    The present study was a mixed research and survey that was conducted in the field. To conduct this research, among scientific and executive experts in the field of educational management, higher education and higher education management by non-probabilistic sampling method, by purposeful selection and with maximum diversity or heterogeneity, 15 people were selected as sample. The interview was semi-structured and based on the results of the interview, a researcher-made questionnaire with 26 questions and 4 factors including managerial factors, job factors, social factors and individual factors were distributed and collected among them. Finally, descriptive statistics and structural equations were used to analyze the data.


    The results showed that managerial, occupational, social and personal factors are the most important factors affecting the promotion of mental health in technical and vocational university centers. Also, the results of elongation and skewness showed that the data have an abnormal distribution. On the other hand, according to the level of t-relationships, it was found that all factors had a significant presence in the research model, among which individual factors are more effective than other factors in promoting mental health in technical and vocational university centers (Table 1). Another finding showed that considering that the optimal value of GOF index is higher than 0.36, it can be said that the value of this index is in a favorable condition in the existing factors (Table 2). Finally, it was found that the overall research model has a good fit (Table 3).


    The results of the present study showed that in order to promote mental health in technical and vocational university centers, attention should be paid to managerial, occupational, personal and social factors. It seems that the functions of different fields in the formation of mental health and the impact of individual and non-individual aspects have caused in the present study to promote mental health in technical and vocational university centers, various factors including managerial, occupational, individual factors And be socially effective. This shows that focusing on individual aspects alone does not improve mental health. With this in mind, in order to improve mental health, serious attention should be paid to all managerial, occupational, personal and social aspects. The results showed that among the identified factors, individual factors had the most impact. It seems that individual issues such as proper nutrition, proper sleep, quality of work life, active lifestyle of individuals and the economic status of employees by influencing the mental states of employees can form the basis for mental health in them. In other words, individual factors provide the basis for the formation of positive mental states in people, which can play an important role in promoting mental health in technical and vocational university centers.

    Keywords: Mental Health, Evolution, Behavior, Attitude}
  • Alireza Sanchooli, Mohammad Kazem Shahkarami, Jose Thekkiniath, Shahla Karimi Naghlani, Mahboubeh Kamali, Mahdi Cheraghi, Mohammad Shojaei*
    Background and aims

    The end of 2019 has marked the year, which the human population encountered a novel virus; SARS-CoV-2 that causes a disease namely COVID-19. Here we focused on the genome and protein mutations and subsequently suggested a new classification of the SARS-CoV-2.

    Materials and Methods

    Our study showed that some extra positions in the virus genome play a key role in the SARS-CoV-2 classification. Based on the analysis of the whole genome sequences of 93 viruses.


    mutations were classified into nine divisions including IA-1, IA-2, IA-3, IB, II, L1, L2, L3 and S. Totally, 279 mutations were found in the SARS-CoV-2 genomes. 24 mutations lead to the amino acid frame shifting, of which 15 mutations lead to positive frame shifting in amino acids sequences.


    Sequence alignment of these positions with that of ancestors showed no change suggesting that they might have occurred in the SARS-CoV-2 genomes to adapt itself to humans.

    Keywords: SARS-coronavirus-2, COVID-19, classification, Phylogenetic tree analysis, Mutations, Evolution}
  • شیما غریبی، وجیهه عظیمیان زواره*، سید حسین میرهندی

    بیماری کرونا ویروس 19 (Coronavirus disease 2019 یا COVID-19) یک عفونت ویروسی فراگیر و به شدت پاتوژن ناشی از  Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) است که در ووهان چین ظاهر و در سراسر دنیا گسترده شده است. بررسی ژنوم این ویروس، نشان داده است که SARS-CoV-2 از نظر فیلوژنتیک با ویروس‌های خفاشی شبه SARS شباهت بالایی دارد. بنابراین، خفاش می‌تواند به عنوان مخزن اولیه‌ی این ویروس در نظر گرفته شود. منبع حد واسط و مبدا انتقال این ویروس به انسان، تا کنون شناسایی نشده است. در مطالعه‌ی حاضر، منشا وتکامل ویروس SARS-CoV-2 در مقایسه با دو ویروس سندرم تنفسی SARS-CoV و Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) و همچنین، شواهد ژنتیک و فیلوژنتیک SARS-CoV-2 مورد بحث قرار خواهد گرفت.

    کلید واژگان: کرونا ویروس, Severe acute respiratory syndrome-corona virus, منشا, تکامل}
    Shima Gharibi, Vajihe Azimian-Zavareh*, Seyed Hossein Mirhendi

    Coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) is a pandemic highly pathogenic viral infection caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) appeared in Wuhan of China and then spread worldwide. The genome assessment of this virus revealed that SARS-CoV-2 has phylogenetically high similarity with SARS-like bat viruses. So, the bat can be considered as a primary reservoir of this virus. The intermediate and transfer source of this virus to human has not yet been recognized. In the present study, the origin and evolution of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in comparison with the two SARS-CoV and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) respiratory syndrome viruses, as well as the genetic and phylogenetic evidences regards SARS-COV-2 was discussed.

    Keywords: COVID-19, Severe acute respiratory syndrome-corona virus, Origin, Evolution}
  • سجاد رشید، محسن رشید، احمدرضا کیانی*

    سالیانه تقریبا یک میلیون نفر در اثر خودکشی در سرتاسر جهان می میرند؛ لذا درک ریشه های زیستی خودکشی و کارکرد احتمالی آن در گذشته تکاملی انسانها می تواند درک کاملی از این پدیده و پیشگیری آن فراهم کند.

    روش کار

    در این مطالعه مروری با هدف جمع بندی دیدگاه های معتبر و ارایه یک دیدگاه کلی بر اساس جدیدترین یافته های این حوزه،  کلیدواژه های مرتبط تا آگوست سال 2018 در پایگاه های علمی معتبر، وارد و مقاله های مرتبط استخراج شدند.


    یافته ها نشان می دهند که مدل های گوناگونی نظیر خودکشی از روی نوع دوستی، تناسب اندک ارگانیسم، فرضیه تحمل، فرضیه چانه زنی، فرضیه پاسخ ضد شکارچی، فرضیه یوسوشالیتی، فرضیه دستکاری انگلی و خودکشی به عنوان محصول جانبی یادگیری و انعطاف پذیری رفتاری و محصول جانبی درد ارایه شده اند. همچنین تقریبا همه ی مدل های نوین روان شناسی به خصوص مدل گریه برای کمک و مدل بین فردی خودکشی بر اساس فرضیات تکاملی شکل گرفته اند. این مدل ها به همراه یافته های مطالعات دوقلوها، فرزندخواندگی و خانوادگی نشان می دهند که خودکشی صرفا یک پدیده فرهنگی و اجتماعی نیست و ژن ها نقش بسیار مهمی در بروز آن دارند.

    نتیجه گیری

     به طور کلی ، شواهد زیادی نشان می دهد که خودکشی احتمالا محصول جانبی درد است تا محصول مستقیم انتخاب طبیعی.

    کلید واژگان: تکامل, خودکشی, روان شناسی تکاملی, ژنتیک رفتاری}
    Sajjad Rashid, Mohsen Rashid, Ahmadreza Kiani *

    Every year, around one million people die by suicide throughout the world. So, understanding the biological origins of suicide can provide etiological and preventive advantages to our understanding of this complicated phenomenon.

    Materials and Methods

    The current study is a review study aimed at assessing the validity of evolutionary hypotheses based on the newest findings of this domain. For this reason, relevant articles from the reliable scientific database until august 2018 were selected.


    According to the literature, various models such as altruistic suicide, eusociality, the bargaining hypothesis, the parasite manipulation hypothesis etc., to some extent, can explain suicide behavior. However, no precise evolutionary mechanism yet identified. In addition, almost all of the new suicide models, particularly the crying for help model and interpersonal psychological model of suicide, are formed based on these evolutionary hypotheses. These models, along with other genetical studies, showed that suicide is not just a socio-cultural phenomenon; genes have an important role in suicide incidence.


    In sum, shreds of evidence suggest that suicide is probably the by-product of pain rather than the direct product of natural selection.

    Keywords: Behavioral genetics, Evolution, Evolutionary psychology, Suicide}
  • حمیدرضا آراسته*، راضیه قرباندوست، حسین عباسیان، حسن رضا زین آبادی
    سابقه و هدف

    بسته های تحول و نوآوری در آموزش علوم پزشکی برنامه اصلی حوزه آموزش علوم پزشکی است و توجه به تامین زیرساخت ها برای اجرایی سازی این بسته ها ضروری است. پژوهش حاضر به منظور شناسایی راهکارهای موثر برای پیاده سازی بهینه بسته های تحول و نوآوری در آموزش پزشکی انجام گرفت.

    مواد و روش ها

    روش تحقیق از نوع تحلیل موضوعی می باشد. در این مطالعه کلیه مطلعان کلیدی که در اجرای بسته های تحول و نوآوری در آموزش پزشکی درگیر بودند به عنوان جامعه هدف و نمونه گیری به صورت هدفمند با تکنیک گلوله صورت گرفت. تحلیل داده ها با نرم افزار مکس کیودا نسخه 10 Maxqdانجام شد. برای بدست آوردن اعتبار و روایی داده ها از روش بازبینی مشارکت کننده و مرور خبرگان غیر شرکت کننده در پژوهش استفاده شد.

    یافته ها

    براساس نتایج بدست آمده از مطالعه کیفی 9 عامل اصلی یعنی اقدامات اجرایی بسته های تحول، اقدامات در سطح ساختاری، اقدامات سیاستی، اقدامات محیطی، اقدامات مدیریتی، اقدامات انگیزشی، اقدامات مرتبط با تناسب توانایی ها و شغل، اقدامات در حوزه فرهنگ، اقدامات  در حوزه رهبری شناسایی شد.

    نتیجه گیری

    ارایه راهکارهای موثر برای پیاده سازی بهینه بسته های تحول و نوآوری در دانشگاه ها،می تواندپیامدهای مثبتی در جهت ارتقاء کیفیت آموزش پزشکی داشته باشد. توجه جدی مسیولین به اجرای بسته ها، درگیر شدن همه افراد دانشگاه، ثبات مدیریت در پیاده سازی بهینه بسته ها از جمله موارد بسیارمهم برای اجرا می باشد.

    کلید واژگان: تحول, نوآوری, آموزش پزشکی, راهکارها}
    HR. Arasteh*, R. Gh, H. Abasiyan, HR. Zeinabadi

    Evolution and innovation packages in medical science education are the main program of medical education and it is necessary to pay attention to the provision of infrastructure of their implementation. This study was conducted to identify effective strategies for optimal implementation of evolution and innovation packages in medical education.


    The method used in this research is thematic analysis. In this study, all key informed individuals involved in the implementation of evolution and innovation packages in medical education were considered as the target population and the sampling was performed using bullet technique. Data were analyzed using Maxqda 10 software. Participatory review method and review of non-participating experts were used in order to obtain validity and reliability of data.


    9 main categories, namely implementation measures of evolution packages, measures at the structural level, policy measures, environmental measures, managerial measures, motivational measures, measures related to capabilities and occupation, measures in the field of culture, and measures in the area of leadership were identified according to the results of the qualitative study.


    Presenting effective strategies for the optimal implementation of evolution and innovation packages in universities can have positive consequences in the improvement of the quality of medical education. The most important issues for implementation include serious attention of the authorities to the implementation of the packages, the involvement of all university staff, and the management stability in the optimal implementation of the packages.

    Keywords: Evolution, innovation, medical education, strategies}
  • حمیدرضا آراسته*، راضیه قرباندوست، حسین عباسیان، حسن رضا زین آبادی

    حوزه آموزش یکی از حوزه های زیربنایی نظام سلامت است و برای تحول در این حوزه باید تربیت نیروی انسانی سلامت متحول شود، سند تحول و نوآوری فرصتی استثنایی برای دست اندرکاران حوزه آموزش و مسئولین دانشگاه ها است تا بتوانند در زمینه ارتقای آموزش علوم پزشکی کشور گام بردارند. یکی از مهم ترین اقداماتی که سازمان های موفق برای ارتقای اثربخشی خود انجام می دهند. آسیب شناسی صحیح و به موقع می باشد که منجر می شود مدیران از مسایل و مشکلات جاری سازمان خود مطلع شوند تا از حاد شدن آن جلوگیری نمایند. پژوهش حاضر به منظور شناسایی آسیب های وضعیت موجود بسته های تحول و نوآوری در آموزش پزشکی در دانشگاه های علوم پزشکی کشور انجام گرفت.

    روش ها

    این مطالعه کیفی از نوع تحلیل موضوعی است. جامعه آماری کلیه صاحب نظران، مطلعین کلیدی و افراد درگیر در اجرای بسته های تحول و نوآوری در آموزش پزشکی بود که با استفاده از روش نمونه گیری هدفمند با تکنیک گلوله برفی24 نفر به عنوان مشارکت کنندگان در پژوهش انتخاب شدند. تحلیل داده ها با نرم افزار مکس کیودا (Maxqda) انجام شد. برای بدست آوردن اعتبار و روایی داده ها از روش بازبینی مشارکت کننده و مرور خبرگان غیرشرکت کننده در پژوهش استفاده شد.

    یافته ها

    براساس نتایج بدست آمده از مطالعه کیفی 9 طبقه اصلی یعنی آسیب های اجرایی، ساختاری، سیاستی، محیطی،  مدیریتی،  انگیزشی،  تطابق توانایی ها و شغل، فرهنگی بسته ها شناسایی شد. بیشترین آسیب های اشاره شده توسط مشارکت کنندگان مربوط به مشکلات اجرایی در سطح دانشگاه، کلان منطقه و آسیب های انگیزشی بود و کم ترین آن ها مربوط به آسیب های مدیریتی بود.

    نتیجه گیری

    شناسایی آسیب ها و مشکلات موجود در اجرای بسته های تحول و نوآوری در دانشگاه ها، می تواند پیامدهای مثبتی در جهت ارتقاء کیفیت آموزش پزشکی داشته باشد. بیشترین کدهای اشاره شده مربوط به مشکلات در چگونگی اجرای بسته ها در دانشگاه ها بود که نشان دهنده عدم آگاهی اعضای هیات علمی از بسته های تحول و درگیر نبودن دانشجویان در اجرای بسته ها و پیاده سازی آن ها است. لذا سیاست گذاران و برنامه ریزان آموزش پزشکی می توانند با شناسایی آسیب های اجرایی بسته های تحول به رفع نواقص موجود پرداخته و راهکارهای اجرایی موثری جهت پیاده سازی بهینه بسته ها ارائه نمایند.

    کلید واژگان: تحول, نوآوری, آموزش پزشکی, آسیب شناسی}
    HR. Arasteh*, R. Ghorbandoost, H. Abbasian, HR. Zeinabadi

    The education field is one of the infrastructural fields of the health system and in order to evolving this field training of the human resources should be evolved. The evolution and innovation document is a special opportunity for education practitioners and universities' authorities to take a step towards the promotion of medical education in the country. Proper and timely pathology is one of the measures which it leads managers to become aware of their organization's problems and to prevent them from becoming acute. This study was conducted to identify the current status of evolution and innovation packages in medical education in Iranian universities of medical sciences.


    This qualitative study is in the form of thematic analysis. The statistical population was consisted of all experts, key informed individuals and those involved in the implementation of evolution and innovation packages of medical education, which 24 people were selected as participants of the study by purposive sampling using snowball technique. Data were analyzed using Maxqda 10 software. Participatory review method and non-participant experts review were used to obtain the validity and reliability of the data.


    9 main categories, namely the damages of packages' implementation, structural damages, policy damages, environmental damages, managerial damages, motivational damages, damages of the accordance of capability and occupation, and cultural damages were identified according to the results of the qualitative study. Most of the injuries reported by participants were related to executive problems at the university, macro-area and motivational levels. The least reported injuries were related to managerial injuries.


    Identification of problems and damages of implementing evolution and innovation packages at universities can have positive consequences for the improvement of the quality of medical education. Most of the mentioned codes were related to the problems of the way the packages were implemented in universities, indicating that the lack of knowledge of faculty members about the packages and lack of students' involvement in the implementation of packages will be important in the implementation of packages. Medical education policymakers and planners can identify the damages of evolution and innovation packages implementation to examine the existing defects and to provide effective executive strategies for optimal implementation of packages.

    Keywords: Evolution, innovation, medical education, pathology}
  • رضا جهانشاهی*، عاطفه ملکیان، اکرم ثناگو، لیلا جویباری
    استقلال در توالت رفتن و کنترل ادرار و اجابت مزاج، یکی از  مراحل بسیار مهم تکاملی برای کودکان و مرحله مهم تربیتی برای والدین است. هدف از این مطالعه بررسی تجارب مادران از آموزش خشک ماندن و کنترل دفع ادرار در کودکان نوپا بوده است.

    در این پژوهش کیفی (1397) ، 26 مادر دارای کودک 3 تا 5 سال با استفاده از نمونه گیری هدفمند با حداکثر تنوع وارد مطالعه شدند. محیط پژوهش متناسب با پژوهش کیفی، مراکز بهداشت شهرستان گرگان در نظر گرفته شدند. برای گرداوری داده ها از مصاحبه های نیمه ساختار و باز پاسخ درباره تجربه مادر از آموزش خشک ماندن استفاده شد. مصاحبه ها ضبط، دست نویس و مطابق روش "تحلیل محتوای کیفی" تحلیل شدند.

    یافته ها
    دامنه سنی برای آغاز آموزش مادران به منظور خشک ماندن کودک میانگین دو سال و یک ماه بوده است. تصمیم برای شروع آموزش از پوشک گرفتن به توصیه اطرافیان و یا با پی بردن به علائم  آمادگی در کودکان متغیر بوده است. رویه های مورد استفاده در تربیت ادراری کودکان به صورت "صحبت و توجیه، یادآوری های مکرر، تشویق، تنبیه، استفاده از وسایل کمک آموزشی  بودند. ترس از توالت، لجبازی با والدین، ترس از ظاهر ادرار و مدفوع از سایر مواردی بوده است که مشارکت کنندگان به آن اشاره داشتند.
    نتیجه گیری
    نتایج این مطالعه منجر به دسترسی به درک بهتری از تجارب مادران در تعلیم به توالت رفتن کودکان شد. الگوی غالب یا برجسته ای در آموزش به کودکان شناسایی نشد. به نظر می رسد همه مادران به آموزش درباره آمادگی والدین برای شروع این فرایند نیاز دارند.
    کلید واژگان: آموزش توالت, آموزش خشک ماندن, تحقیق کیفی, کنترل ادراری, رشد و تکامل}
    Reza Jahanshahi*, Atefeh Malekyan, Akram Sanagoo, Leila Jouybari
    Independence in going to toilet, controlling urination and bowel movements, is one of the most important developmental stages for children and an important educational process for parents. The purpose of this study was to examine the experiences of mothers with the training of dry and urinary control in toddlers.
    In this qualitative research (1397), 26 mothers with a child aged 3 to 5 years were enrolled using purposeful sampling with maximum variation. For collecting data, semi structured interviews and open-ended responses to mother's experiences of toilet training were used. The research environment was proportional to the qualitative research, the building of the health center. Interviews were recorded, handwritten and analyzed according to the method of "Content Quality Analysis".
    The age range for mothers to start toilet training was two years and one month.
    The decision to start toilet training has been on the advice of people around you or by finding out about the signs of being ready for children. The procedures used in the pediatric urinary training were "spoken and persuaded, repeated reminders, encouragement, punishment, and the use of various teaching aids." Fear of toilet, stinging with parents, fear of the appearance of urine and feces were among other things that the participants referred to.
    This study made it possible to gain a better understanding of the experiences of mothers in toilet training. The dominant or prominent pattern in teaching children was not identified.   It seems that all mothers need education about toilet training for their children.
    Keywords: Toilet training, Dry stay training, Qualitative research, Urinary control, Growth, evolution}
    Lack of a clear policy for the development of health human resources has created inconsistencies. These imbalances are threats to the health system to achieve its goals. Therefore, the development of human resources through proper performance of higher education health system is an important part of the policy development process of the health sector. The present paper
    to introduce the methods applied for the compilation of evolution and innovation program of medical sciences training as well as the most important directions for evolution and innovation.
    In this study, we evaluated the methodology for designing packages of Iran’s higher education health system evolution and innovation. For this purpose, the evaluation of the policy process was conducted based on Michelle and Scott’s policy process models. This policy evaluation model starts by problem identification and definition and continue by agenda setting, policy formation, legitimation, implementation, evaluation, and policy modification, using the proper feedback. Qualitative content analysis method was used as a research method for subjective interpretation of the content of the text data.
    Twelve policies, 68 strategies and their translation in the health system were adopted in a comprehensive plan for higher health education. Eleven practical packages were also developed in order to implement these policies as packages for reform and innovation in medical education. These packages were organized based on the IPOCC pattern.
    The lack of a comprehensive look at each project or program could bring about irreparableness consequences. However, the MoHME of Iran, relying on the integration of health higher education with health care system and comprehensive method used for transformation and innovation plan in the field of health higher education could take an important step towards improving the nation’s health.
    Keywords: Health, Medical education, Manpower, Policy, Evolution}
  • سعیده دریازاده، شهرام شایان *
    در عصر کنونی پیشرفت روزافزون فن آوری الکترونیکی، استفاده از تکنولوژی و ایجاد تغییر مطلوب در ارزیابی دانشجویان نقش برجسته ای دارد. این مطالعه با هدف مروری بر فرآیند تحول روش های ارزیابی دانشجو در آموزش پزشکی و گزارش روند آن در ایران بر اساس مدل 8 مرحله ای در راستای بسته ارتقای نظام ارزیابی و آزمون های علوم پزشکی انجام شد.
    روش ها
    در این مطالعه ی مروری (Narrative) مقالات، کتب و پایان نامه های پایگاه های اطلاعاتی شاملSID، Magiran، Pubmed، Google scholar و Eric از سال1950میلادی تاکنون با استفاده ازکلید واژه های ارزیابی، آزمون کامپیوتری، تحول، تغییر و آموزش پزشکی، به زبان های فارسی و انگلیسی مورد جستجو و بررسی قرار گرفت.
    از تعداد 76 مقاله در موضوع مورد نظر 28 مورد کاملا مرتبط با هدف مطالعه، بررسی شد. تحول روش های ارزیابی دانشجو در آموزش پزشکی بر اساس مدل 8 مرحله ای تغییر شامل 1( ایجاد ضرورت 2( تشکیل یک ائتلاف قدرت مند 3( ایجاد یک چشم انداز برای تغییر 4( ارتباط برقرار کردن با چشم انداز 5( حذف موانع 6( ایجاد پیروزی های کوتاه مدت 7( پایه گذاری و ساخت تغییر 8( نهادینه کردن تغییرات رخ داده است.
    نتیجه گیری
    در ایران مراحل 8 گانه تغییر و تحول آزمون های دبیرخانه شورای آموزش پزشکی و تخصصی با دقت ویژه صورت گرفته است. با توجه به چالش های پیش روی هر تغییر و در راستای مطلوب تر برگزار شدن این فرآیند در سال های آتی، شناسایی مشکلات اجرایی موجود و مساعدت در رفع آن ها می تواند گامی موثر و سازنده تلقی شود.
    کلید واژگان: ارزیابی دانشجو, آزمون کامپیوتری, تحول, تغییر, آموزش پزشکی}
    Saeideh Daryazadeh, Shahram Shayan*
    In the era of increasing development of electronic technology, using technology and making favorable changes in student assessment have a prominent role. The purpose of this study was to review the evolution process of student assessment methods in medical education and report its process in Iran based on the 8-step model) In Line with the Package for Medical Sciences Assessment System and Tests Promotion).
    In this narrative review, databases of SID, Magiran, PubMed, Eric and Google Scholar were searched for articles published from 1950 onward in Persian and English using the keywords assessment, computerized test, evolution, change and medical education.
    A total of 28 highly relevant articles were reviewed from 76 publications. Based on the 8-step model of change, the evolution process of student assessment has occurred as 1: creating necessity, 2: forming a powerful coalition, 3: creating a vision for change, 4: communicating with the vision, 5: removing the obstacles, 6: creating short-term achievements, 7: founding and building the change, 8: institutionalizing the change.
    The eight steps of change and evolution of Graduate and Medical Education Council tests have been administered with due precision in Iran. Given the challenges facing each change and in line with more favorable administration of this process in the coming years, identifying existing executive problems and contributing to resolve them would be an effective and constructive step forward.
    Keywords: Student assessment, computerized test, evolution, change, medical education}
  • Shahla Shahsavandi *, Mohammad Majid Ebrahimi, N. Ghodsian
    Background And Aims
    Newcastle disease (ND), caused by the virulent Newcastle disease virus (NDV), is one of the most important viral diseases in birds. In recent years recombination occurring throughout the NDVs genome isolated in China and Indonesia has been reported. This study was focused to investigate the recombination events in the F gene of the Iranian NDVs to generate useful data that can be applied in controlling programs.
    Materials And Methods
    Sequences of 1200 base pairs of the F gene of Iranian NDVs were analyzed compared with the isolates from other reference strains. Divergence between the gene sequences and the influence of natural selection were estimated. The neutralizing epitopes and potential N-glycosylation sites within F proteins were determined. Possible recombination within the sequences was analyzed using RDP3 software.
    Alignment and phylogenetic analysis based on the F gene revealed that Iranian NDVs share a higher nucleotide identity with NDVs representing genotype VII and further clustered into two sub-genotypes. The calculated Ka/Ks and negative Tajima’s D test indicate purifying/stabilizing selection. No recombination events were detected in F gene of Iranian NDV sequences deposited in GenBank.
    While no recombination event was identified for the gene, constant molecular and pathological characterization of circulating NDVs are needed to detect an evolutionary feature of the viruses.
    Keywords: Newcastle disease virus, fusion protein gene, recombination, evolution}
  • یوسف یحیی پور، جمیله آقاتبار رودباری *، نوین نیک بخش، سیمین موعودی
    کسب مرجعیت علمی، از جمله تاکیدات مقام معظم رهبری در سیاست های ابلاغی نظام سلامت می باشد. شناسایی بهره مندی از توانمندی دانشگاه ها فرصتی برای توسعه ی کشور محسوب می گردد. لذا، ضرورت دارد برجسته ترین توانمندی هر دانشگاه به مجامع علمی معرفی گردد. دانشگاه بابل به عنوان یکی از واحدهای آموزش عالی سلامت، در راستای برنامه تحول و نوآوری در آموزش پزشکی، اقدام به شناسایی توانمندی های برجسته خود در کلان منطقه یک آمایشی نموده است.
    روش ها
    این پژوهش توصیفی - اکتشافی با بررسی اسناد و شواهد مربوط به گروه های آموزشی، ارزیابی گزارش عملکرد، مشاهده و گزارش بازدید مدیران آموزشی و نشست خبرگان در معاونت آموزشی انجام شد.
    یافته ها
    برخی حیطه های قابلیت مرجعیت در دانشگاه علوم پزشکی بابل شامل توسعه دانش سرطان، پزشک خانواده، مراقبت های نوزادان، تشخیص ژنتیک، جراحی قلب و مداخلات قلب اطفال، پیوند کلیه و مغز استخوان می باشند.
    نتیجه گیری
    ضمن تبیین حیطه هایی که در آن قابلیت مرجعیت علمی وجود دارد، این دانشگاه باید علاوه بر تدوین برنامه های راهبردی و عملیاتی، منابع و امکانات لازم را در این راستا بسیج نماید.
    کلید واژگان: مرجعیت علمی, سرآمدی, تحول و نوآوری, آموزش پزشکی}
    Y. Yahyapour, J. Aghatabar-Roudbari *, N. Nikbakhsh, S. Mouodi S
    Acquisition of scientific authority is a subject that has been emphasized in the health policies of the Supreme Leader. Identification and take benefits from the capabilities of medical universities are opportunities for developing of the country, therefore, it is a necessity to identify and present the most important capabilities of each medical university. Babol University of Medical Sciences as one of the health master, in the program of evolution and innovation in medical education, identified his outstanding capabilities in the first region of Logistic Health Education Plan.
    This is a cross-sectional descriptive-explanatory study which has been conducted by reviewing the evidences and documents related to the courses and departments, evaluating performance report, observing and reporting educational directors and experts panels in the vice chancellor for education of the university.
    Babol University of Medical Sciences has the capability of scientific authority, including the development in cancer information, implementation of family medicine, infant care, genetic diagnosis, cardiac surgery and pediatric cardiac interventions, organ transplant (kidney and bone marrow).
    Scientific authority aspects should be explained as well as university develops strategic and operational plans and mobilizes resources and facilities.
    Keywords: Scientific authority, Excellence, Evolution, innovation, Medical education}
  • Bruce Rothschild
    Spondyloarthropathy is recognized as far back as the Permian, 300 million years before present, increased in prevalence over geologic and modern time and is now essentially trans-mammalian in distribution. Four aspects allow spondyloarthropathy to be studied across phylogenetic lines and through time: Stability of disease characteristics and its spectrum, occurrence sufficiently early in life to for remains to be identified, absence of bias in skeletal preservation and lack of significant effect on organismal survival. Identified in mammal-like reptiles, dinosaurs and other more recent reptiles, it is with mammals that the disease became endemic. It strongly penetrated some early mammal lineages which were short-lived, in contrast to its geometric increase in population penetrance over geologic time. Prevalence increased seven fold in horses, rhinoceros and non-human primates and its current occurrence is independent of captive or free-ranging status. In addition to inflicting musculoskeletal morbidity, the disease is associated with behavior changes, some possibly related to interferon modulation. Spondyloarthropathy is considered a disease and rightly so, given its impact on mobility, health and behavior. However, it seems paradoxical that a phenomenon which has such negative effects would persist, let alone increase in population penetrance.
    Keywords: animal model, behavior, evolution, spondyloarthroathy}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
  • کلیدواژه مورد نظر شما تنها در فیلد کلیدواژگان مقالات جستجو شده‌است. به منظور حذف نتایج غیر مرتبط، جستجو تنها در مقالات مجلاتی انجام شده که با مجله ماخذ هم موضوع هستند.
  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
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