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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « innovations » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • بهروز شورچه*، معصومعلی پنجه
    زمینه و هدف

    رشد و گسترش دانش پزشکی در تمدن اسلامی تنها مرهون پزشکان مسلمان نیست، چراکه پزشکان غیر مسلمان نیز در شکل گیری و شکوفایی این دانش سهم داشته اند. واکاوی سهم پزشکان غیر مسلمان در پزشکی دوره اسلامی از راه بررسی کمی و کیفی آثار آنان در سه حوزه ترجمه، تالیف و نوآوری امکان پذیر است.

    مواد و روش ها: 

    داده های این پژوهش به شیوه کتابخانه ای گرد آمده و به روش آماری و توصیفی تحلیل شده است. بر این اساس با مراجعه به کتاب های زندگی نامه پزشکان و دیگر منابع معتبر تاریخی، آثار پزشکان غیر مسلمان در سه حوزه ترجمه، تالیف و نوآوری استقصاء، دسته بندی و تحلیل شده و سپس با استفاده از جدول شمار آن ها نمایش داده شده است.

    یافته ها:

     بنا بر یافته های این پژوهش، از مجموع 200 کتاب طبی به زبان یونانی، سریانی و هندی، نزدیک به 180 عنوان آن به دست غیر مسلمانان به زبان عربی ترجمه شده است. بر همین اساس از مجموع 850 تالیف طبی برجسته در تمدن اسلامی دوره میانه حدود 300 اثر نگاشته پزشکان غیر مسلمان بوده است. در زمینه نوآوری نیز از مجموع 35 عنوان ابداع و ابتکار برجسته پزشکی، هفت عنوان به نام پزشکان غیر مسلمان ثبت گردیده است.

    نتیجه گیری:

    پزشکان غیر مسلمان با ترجمه بیشتر متون طبی گذشتگان نقش چشم گیری در آشنایی مسلمانان با علم پزشکی در سده های نخست اسلامی داشتند. آنان همچنین با نگارش یک سوم آثار طبی، در رشد و شکوفایی دانش پزشکی در تمدن اسلامی نقش آفرین بودند. در حیطه نوآوری نیز از مجموع 35 ابداع برجسته و مهم پزشکی تنها هفت ابداع نتیجه تلاش پزشکان غیر مسلمان بوده است. به طور کلی می توان گفت نقش اصلی پزشکان غیر مسلمان در ترجمه آثار طبی بیش از حوزه های دیگر بوده است.

    کلید واژگان: پزشکی در تمدن اسلامی, پزشکان غیر مسلمان, دستاوردهای و نوآورهای پزشکی, تاریخ الحکماء, عیون الانباء}
    Behrouz Shourcheh*, Masoumali Panjeh
    Background and Aim

    The growth and development of medical science in Islamic civilization is not only due to Muslim physicians, as non-Muslim physicians have also contributed to the formation and flourishing of this science. Investigating the contribution of non-Muslim physicians in Islamic medicine is possible through a quantitative and qualitative study of their work in the three areas of translation, Compilation, and innovation.

    Material and Methods

    The data of this study were collected through library method and analyzed by descriptive and statistical methods. Based on biographical books and other authentic historical sources, the works of non-Muslim physicians are categorized, analyzed in three areas of translation, Compilation and innovation, and then Using the table and chart their numbers are obtained.


    According to the findings of this study, out of a total of 200 medical books surviving on the ancient heritage of medicine, nearly 180 of its titles have been translated into Arabic by non-Muslim physicians in the first Islamic centuries. Accordingly, about 300 works of total 850 outstanding medical compilations in the Islamic civilization of the period mentioned had been related to non-Muslim physicians. In the field of innovation, 7 titles of total 35 titles of outstanding medical invention have been registered as non-Muslim physicians.


    Non-Muslim physicians, with more translations of Greek and others' medical texts, played a significant role in acquainting Muslims with medical science in the first Islamic centuries. They also contributed to the growth and prosperity of medical science in Islamic civilization by writing one-third of medical works.In the field of innovation, only 7 inventions of 35 outstanding and important medical inventions were the result of the efforts of non-Muslim physicians. In general, it can be said that the main role of non-Muslim physicians in translating medical works has been more than any other field.

    Keywords: Medicine in Islamic Civilization, Non-Muslim Physicians, Medical Achievements, Innovations, Tarikh al-Hukama, Uyūn ul-Anbā}
  • Mohammad Ali Moghbeli, Ali Reza Kalantari, Somayeh Noori Hekmat, Mahshid Salemian Pour, Ehsan Lorafshar, Mohammad Saleh Koushki, Reza Dehnavieh*

    Health Technology Incubators (HTI) play an important role in paving the way depicted in Iran’s comprehensive health plan in order to achieve the aimed position in 2025. In light of the emerging nature of these centers in Iran, identification of HTI problems and challenges, as well as appropriate planning to resolve those problems can have a significant effect and improve Iran’s health system functionality.


    This qualitative study was conducted in Iran in 2016. Data were collected through interviews with 24 experts (Interviewees included managers, deputies, and employees from the country's incubators) in the field. Purposeful sampling continued until data saturation level was achieved. All interviews were recorded and then analyzed, and main themes and subgroups were extracted from them based on a framework analysis. In all the mentioned steps the Atlas-Ti software has been employed.


    Challenges of Health Technology Incubators in Iran were categorized into eight concepts- Cultural,   Rules and Principles, Funding, Concentrated Administrative System, Human Resources, Stewardship and Monitoring, Physical space and Equipment, and Communicational. Then 22 challenges were identified with in these concepts.


    This study suggests that considering the challenges influencing technology incubators in the health sector, a sustainable program for these centers can be designed.

    Keywords: : Incubators, Health care, Innovations, Technology parks, Health technology}
  • جمیله آقاتبار رودباری، ترانه عنایتی*، محمد صالحی

    برنامه تحول و نوآوری در آموزش پزشکی، ره آورد سیاست گذاری کلان در آموزش علوم پزشکی است. این پژوهش به منظور بررسی مطلوبیت برنامه تحول و نوآوری از منظر سیاست گذاری انجام شد.

    روش ها

     پژوهش به روش ترکیبی انجام گرفت. در بخش کیفی، پس از مطالعات کتابخانه ای و مصاحبه با خبرگان، ابزار پژوهش طراحی گردید. جامعه آماری شامل خبرگان کشوری برنامه بود و نمونه ی هدف مند انجام شد. پرسش نامه مشتمل بر 14 گویه با استفاده از طیف لیکرت و با نمره 1 تا 5 طراحی گردید که پس از تایید روایی صوری و روایی محتوا و پایایی با آزمون آلفای کرونباخ 91/0 استفاده شد. ارزیابی مطلوبیت برنامه به سه صورت نامطلوب (1 تا 33/2)، نسبتا مطلوب (34/2 تا 66/3) و مطلوب (67/3 تا 5) انجام شد. تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها در بخش کمی با استفاده از آماره های توصیفی، آزمون t و تحلیل واریانس انجام شد.


    "توجه به ارتقای کیفیت آموزش عالی سلامت"و"خالی از ابهام بودن و غامض و پیچیده نبودن برنامه"به ترتیب با نمرات 85/0±4و 04/1±45/2، بیش ترین و کم ترین نمره مطلوبیت را کسب نمودند. ارزیابی مطلوبیت برنامه تحول و نوآوری از حیث انطباق با گویه های سیاست گذاری در 8 گویه، نسبتا مطلوب و در 6 گویه، مطلوب بود و هیچ گویه ای نامطلوب نبود. میانگین نمرات از حیث جنسیت، سابقه کار و مدرک تحصیلی، مرتبه علمی، سن و محل خدمت تفاوت معناداری نداشت.

    نتیجه گیری

    سیاست گذاری برنامه تحول و نوآوری از مطلوبیت نسبی تا کامل برخوردار است. با توجه به پیچیده‏تر، دشوارتر و تخصصی‏تر شدن پیوسته فضای نوآوری در عصر حاضر و تنوع بسیار بازیگران این عرصه، به منظور اجتناب از عارضه های احتمالی این برنامه ی توسعه ای کلان، رصد مستمر تحقق سیاست ها با رویکرد ماموریت‎گرایی مورد تاکید است.

    کلید واژگان: برنامه تحول و نوآوری, سیاست گذاری, آموزش پزشکی}
    Jamileh Aqatabar Roudbari, Taraneh Enayati*, Mohammad Salehi

    The Program of development and innovation in medical education, is the mainstream of policymaking. This study was conducted to evaluate the innovation program from policy-making standpoint.


    The study was conducted in a mixed method. In the qualitative section, after library studies and interviews with experts, the research tool was designed. The statistical population consisted of national program experts and purposeful sampling. Questionnaire consisting of 14 items was designed using Likert scale, with a score of 1 to 5, was used after confirming face validity, content validity and reliability with Cronbach's alpha test of 0.91.Evaluation of program suitability was done in three ways: undesirable (2.33 to 3.33), relatively favorable (2.34 to 3.66) and desirable (3.67 to 5). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test and analysis of variance.


    Paying attention to improving the quality of higher education "and" free of ambiguity and intelligibility of program "had the highest and lowest scores, with a score of 4±0. 85 and 2. 45±1. 40, respectively. The evaluation of the program's desirability in terms of compliance with the policy-making clauses in 8 items was relatively favorable and in 6 categories was desirable and none was undesirable. Policy Program scores by gender, work experience, academic rank, age and place of work were not significantly different


    Policy of development and innovation programs has a relative to complete desirability. In view of the more complex, difficult and specialized continuation of the atmosphere of innovation in this era and variety of actors in this field, In order to avoid possible damage of this massive development program, continuous monitoring of the realization of the policy based on mission orientation approach is emphasized.

    Keywords: Program of developments, innovations, policymaking, medical science education}
  • Sandra C. Buttigieg *, Joost Van Hoof
    Lehoux et al provide a highly valid contribution in conceptualizing value in value propositions for new health technologies and developing an analytic framework that illustrates the interplay between health innovation supply-side logic (the logic of emergence) and demand-side logic (embedding in the healthcare system). This commentary brings forth several considerations on this article. First, a detailed stakeholder analysis provides the necessary premonition of potential hurdles in the development, implementation and dissemination of a new technology. This can be achieved by categorizing potential stakeholder groups on the basis of the potential impact of future technology. Secondly, the conceptualization of value in value propositions of new technologies should not only embrace business/economic and clinical values but also ethical, professional and cultural values, as well as factoring in the notion of usability and acceptance of new technology. As a final note, the commentary emphasises the point that technology should facilitate delivery of care without negatively affecting doctorpatient communications, physical examination skills, and development of clinical knowledge.
    Keywords: Conceptualisation of Value, New Technology, Innovations, Stakeholder Analysis}
  • Rhona Mijumbi-Deve *, Nelson K. Sewankambo+
    Although proven feasible, rapid response services (RRSs) to support urgent decision and policymaking are still a fairly new and innovative strategy in several health systems, more especially in low-income countries. There are several information gaps about these RRSs that exist including the factors that make them work in different contexts and in addition what affects their uptake by potential end users.
    We used a case study employing process evaluation methods to determine what contextual factors affect the utilization of a RRS in Uganda. We held in-depth interviews with researchers, knowledge translation (KT) specialists and policy-makers from several research and policy-making institutions in Uganda’s health sector. We analyzed the data using thematic analysis to develop categories and themes about activities and structures under given program components that affected uptake of the service.
    We identified several factors under three themes that have both overlapping relations and also reinforcing loops amplifying each other: Internal factors (those factors that were identified as over which the RRS had full [or almost full] control); external factors (factors over which the service had only partial influence, a second party holds part of this influence); and environmental factors (factors over which the service had no or only remote control if at all). Internal factors were the design of the service and resources available for it, while the external factors were the service’s visibility, integrity and relationships. Environmental factors were political will and health system policy and decision-making infrastructure.
    For health systems practitioners considering RRSs, knowing what factors will affect uptake and therefore modifying them within their contexts is important to ensure efficient use and successful utilization of the mechanisms.
    Keywords: Evidence-Informed Health Policy, Knowledge Translation (KT), Rapid Response Services (RRSs), Innovations, Process Evaluations}
  • Karl Blanchet
    Achieving the Millennium Development Goals has proven to be a real challenge. Providing evidence on cost-effective interventions did not prove to be sufficient to secure the trust of national authorities, health care providers and patients. Introducing change in a health system requires a good understanding of the relationships between the actors of the system. Social network analysis can provide a new avenue to analyse the diffusion of innovations within a health system or a health organisation and analyse the structure and the properties of a health system. Evidence has been generated on the necessity of not only identifying the actors of a system but also qualifying the relationships between these actors.
    Keywords: Social Network Analysis, Health System, Innovations}
  • فریبرز معطر، هادی معطر

    ابوبکر‌محمد‌بن زکریای رازی در سال 259 قمری مطابق با 895 میلادی در ری بدنیا آمد. رازی در اوایل جوانی به زرگری مشغول بوده و سپس به سوی علم کیمیا کشیده شد. آثار و تتبعات او در علم شیمی باعث شده است که در تاریخ علم، او را یکی از نوابغ و صاحب نظران این دانش دانسته‌اند. صنعت کیمیا به دست رازی به‌عنوان جزیی از علوم عقلی و منطقی و تجربی قرار گرفت. از جمله نوآوری‌ها و یافته‌های وی در کیمیا می‌توان این موارد اشاره نمود: طبقه‌بندی سنگ‌ها و نمک‌ها؛ استفاده از گل سفید در تصفیه نفت و روغن‌ها؛ احیاء نمک‌ها با روغن و نفت؛ تهیه شبه فلزات؛ تهیه سولفور جیوه سرخ؛ تهیه و ساخت شیشه‌های رنگی و شیشه شیری؛ تهیه سولفیت سدیم و پتاسیم؛ تهیه نوشادر سنتزی و استفاده از عامل رنگ در شناسایی.

    کلید واژگان: کیمیا, شیمی, رازی, نوآوری ها, مدخل التعلیمی}
    F. Moattar Dr. Rer. Nat., H. Moattar

    Abu Bakr Mohammad Ibn Zakaria Razi, known in the western literature as Rhazes, wasborn in 865 CE in Reyy, a township south of modern Tehran. In his youth, he pursued thecraft of goldsmith and was lead gradually to the art of Alchemy. He excelled in this art such that his genial contributions and historic discoveries helped convert the superstitionshrouded alchemy into the experiment-based rational chemistry. Rhazes is also credited for a scientific classification of minerals, purification of oils and the first description of chemical reduction. Rhazes was the first to produce colored glass and synthesis of paints.

    Keywords: : Alchemy, Innovations, Rhazes Corresponding}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
  • کلیدواژه مورد نظر شما تنها در فیلد کلیدواژگان مقالات جستجو شده‌است. به منظور حذف نتایج غیر مرتبط، جستجو تنها در مقالات مجلاتی انجام شده که با مجله ماخذ هم موضوع هستند.
  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
درخواست پشتیبانی - گزارش اشکال