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برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Acquisition » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • Samira Geravand, Manizheh Karami *
    Background and Objective
    Ethanol has undesirable effects on memory and synaptic communication. However, its impact on the learned spatial memory is unclear. We investigated the damaging effects of ethanol on place neurons of rat’s hippocampal CA1.
    Materials and Methods
    Sixty four male Wistar rats (250 g) were administered high (1-8 g/kg) or low (0.05-0.1 g/kg) doses of ethanol intraperitoneally (i.p.) and tested (10 min) for the novelty-seeking behavior using the place conditioning box. Sniffing, rearing, grooming, and compartment entering was compared between the first and the last stage, during which the animals had accessibility to the whole device. During the acquisition phase, the rats daily received ethanol (i.p.) and confined in one side of the device for 40 min. The control group solely received saline (1 ml/kg, i.p.). The achievements were analyzed by ANOVA under α = 0.05.
    The ethanol-acquired animals with the high doses did not recall the information of the familiarization day and displayed a high tendency toward the non-confined side of the box. The rats also showed a reduction in place neuron synaptic strands.
    Ethanol disrupts spatial memory and also diminishes CA1 place neuron’s fibers.
    Keywords: Ethanol, Acquisition, Novelty-seeking behavior, CA1, Place neuron}
  • Fahimeh Basiri, Alireza Farsi*, Behrooz Abdoli, Maryam Kavyani

    The present study was designed to investigate the effect of visual and skill training on learning forehand drive in table tennis and motor-perceptual abilities (reaction time, coincidence-anticipation timing, eye-hand coordination, and depth perception).

    Materials and Methods

    Forty volunteer female students (Mean±SD age: 21.50±0.78 years) were selected and randomly assigned to one of four groups (each group had 10 participants): visual and tennis training group, visual training group, tennis training group, and control group. Motor perceptual abilities (reaction time, coincidence-anticipation timing, eye-hand coordination, and depth perception) and forehand drive performance were measured before and after the training period, and also after 24 h retention period. After the pretest, including the accuracy of the kicks test for assessment of forehand drive in table tennis and motor-perceptual test, the experimental groups underwent four weeks (three sessions per week) of visual training, table tennis forehand training, or both. The control group followed their normal daily life for the whole study period. Then, they participated in the posttest and 24 h later in the retention test of kick accuracy.


    The results revealed that visual and table tennis training, visual training, and table tennis training had a significant effect on the reaction time (P=0.001), coincidence-anticipation timing (P=0.001) and eye-hand coordination (error time) (P=0.01). Moreover, visual and tennis training and table tennis training had a significant effect on the acquisition (P=0.001) and retention of forehand drive (P=0.005). Besides, the post hoc LSD (Least Significant Difference) test showed that visual and tennis training had a more significant impact on the learning forehand drive. Visual training and tennis training had a significant effect on eye-hand coordination (number of errors). The three types of training programs were not effective in the depth of perception.


    Visual training can be used as a supplementary program in the athletes’ training schedule.

    Keywords: Depth perception, Anticipation, Decision making, Eye-hand coordination, Acquisition, Retention, Motor learning}
  • Savanna Wingate, Lindsay Crawford, Emily Frith, Paul D. Loprinzi*
    Among other factors, including the decay theory, interfering stimuli (proactive and retroactive interference; PI and RI) may influence the encoding and consolidation of target information. Acute exercise can enhance episodic memory function, but no experiments have evaluated whether exercise can attenuate PI and RI effects on memory, which was the purpose of this experiment.
    Twenty young adults were randomized (via computer program) into one of 6 experimental groups (N=120, n=20 per group), including 3 PI (G1, G2, and G3) and 3 RIgroups (G4, G5, and G6). Those in G1 and G4 exercised prior to a 10-list AB/AC paradigm with interference; G2 and G5 did not exercise but had interference; and G3 and G6 were the control groups with no exercise and no interference.
    The mean (95% CI) number of correctly recalled word pairs across the 6 respective groups was 2.4 (1.2-3.5), 2.4 (1.3-3.5), 5.1 (3.9-6.3), 6.9 (5.7-8.0), 5.0 (4.2-5.8), and 6.1 (5.1-6.9) (FANOVA=11.7; P
    These preliminary findings suggest that acute exercise may be more beneficial for RI compared to PI, but additional experimental work is needed.
    Keywords: Acquisition, Consolidation, Encoding, Memory, Physical activity}
  • Teimour Darzabi, HamidReza Taheri*, AliReza Saberi Kakhki

    Consider the fact that the implementation of aerobic exercise can be effective in the learning and acquisition process, and that training athletes to acquire new skills is appropriately done in terms of the primacy and recency of the training time for aerobic activities such as the warm-up.


    The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of moderate-intensity aerobic activity before training on the acquisition, consolidation memory, and coordination pattern of the elbow joint with regard to the short service in badminton.


    Thirty-eight participants aged 17 to 19 years were selected by convenience sampling and purposive sampling. The participants were randomly assigned to two experimental groups (n =14 and n = 10) and a control group (n = 14) based on aerobic capacity. Before and after the badminton short service training, the participants ran for 20 minutes on a treadmill at a speed of about 70% of their maximum heart rate. At various stages of training, the precision of the shuttlecock landing spots was measured based on the French test at the time of acquisition, immediate retention, retention, and transfer in all three groups. Also, using motion analysis, the range of motion of the wrist, elbow, and shoulder joints was measured. Moreover, by using a PCA, the coordination pattern of the range of motion of the elbow joint was compared in all three groups.


    There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of the accuracy of the short service in badminton in the French test based on aerobic exercise before and after training (p<0.05).A significant difference was observed between all parts of the test and the transfer test (p>0.05). Also, there was no significant difference in the coordination pattern of the range of the elbow joints between the groups. Furthermore, the repeat of service has no significant effect on the motion pattern in any way.


    According to the impact of moderate-intensity aerobic activity before and after training on the acquisition, consolidation of memory, and coordination pattern of the elbow joint, there was no significant difference in the accuracy of the short service in badminton.

    Keywords: Aerobic Activity, Acquisition, Consolidation Memory, Short Service Badminton}
  • Mohammad Hossein Zamani, Rouholah Fatemi *, Elahe Sasani Sravestani
    Learning is a phenomenon that has interested humans for a long time. Research on the factors influencing learning has always interested psychologists and all those dealing with education, particularly sports coaches.
    This study aimed to investigate the impact of goal setting on learning a skill targeting 10-year-old boys.
    Patients and
    For this purpose, forty 10-year-old male children were selected as the study sample and were assigned to one of two groups: goal-setting (n = 20) and non-goal setting (n = 20) groups. In the acquisition phase, each group participated in 8 sessions for 8 continuous days, and then participants in each group conducted 40 (4 blocks of 10 attempts per session) attempts separately. Finally, after 24 hours, the groups performed a retention test. The scores of each group at each phase were obtained and compared using ANOVAs and independent t-tests.
    The results of the statistical analysis did not show differences in the acquisition phase between the two groups (P > 0.05). In the retention phase, there was a significant difference between the two groups, and this advantage was in favor of the goal-setting group (P
    In general, it is recommended that teachers and sports coaches use goal setting when teaching skills to children.
    Keywords: Learning, Acquisition, Retention, Goal Setting, Children, Throwing Skills Over Shoulder}
  • کیمیا صدری، حسن محمدزاده، مصطفی خانی*

    اگرچه سن، ممکن است تاثیرات تداخل زمینه ای را محدود کند؛ اما تاثیر دقیق آن بر تداخل زمینه ای کاملا مشخص نشده است. بنابراین، هدف تحقیق حاضر مقایسه آرایش های تمرینی مسدود، تصادفی و ترکیبی در اکتساب و یادگیری مهارت های بدمینتون در کودکان 10 تا 12 ساله است. آزمودنی های این تحقیق 45 نفر از دانش آموزان دختر 10 تا 12 ساله ناحیه 1 شهر تبریز بودند، که بعد از انجام پیش آزمون، بطور تصادفی به سه گروه 15 نفره شامل گروه های مسدود، تصادفی و ترکیبی تقسیم شدند، سپس سه مهارت سرویس بلند، سرویس کوتاه و ضربه فورهند  را به مدت 10 جلسه تمرین کردند. آزمون های اکتساب، یادداری آنی، و  یادداری تاخیری به ترتیب بعد از جلسه پنجم، یک ساعت بعد از پایان جلسه دهم، و 48 ساعت بعد از آخرین جلسه تمرین به عمل آمد. تحلیل داده ها نشان داد که در آزمون های اکتساب و یادداری آنی، گروه مسدود نمرات بهتری را نسبت به گروه های تصادفی و ترکیبی به دست آورد. در آزمون یادداری هر چند که عملکرد هر سه گروه نسبت به نمرات پیش آزمون به طور معنی داری افزایش داشت؛ ولی، هیچ گونه تفاوتی بین گروه ها وجود ندارد، بدین معنا که ظاهرا تداخل زمینه ای نتایج مثبتی در یادگیری به همراه نداشته است. احتمالا آزمودنی های تحقیق حاضر به حد کافی بزرگ نشده اند که بتوانند از مزایای تداخل زمینه ای استفاده کنند.  لذا، بدلیل محدودیت در استراتژی، در میان اطلاعات فروان حاصل از تمرین تصادفی، سردرگم شده اند. بنابراین مزایای تمرین تصادفی بر اساس فرضیه های بسط و فراموشی در این گروه سنی بویژه در مهارت های مجرد بدمینتون با تردید روبرو است. محققان با احتیاط پیشنهاد می کنند که معلمان ورزش دوره ابتدایی برای آموزش مهارت های بدمینتون از شیوه تمرینی مسدود استفاده کنند که به کودکان کمک می کند هم طرحواره حرکتی مناسبی از مهارت بسازند و هم اینکه به دلیل بازخورد انگیزشی تمرینات مسدود در اثر کسب موفقیت بیشتر در جلسات تمرین، تشویق شوند که مهارت مورد نظر را به دفعات بیشتری تکرار کنند.

    کلید واژگان: تداخل زمینه ای, اکتساب, یادداری, یادگیری, بدمینتون}
    Kimiya Sadri, Hassan Mohommadzadeh, Mostafa Khani*

    Age may limit the effect of contextual interference, but the accurate effect of age on contextual interference is not completely identified. Therefore, the purpose of the study was the effect of contextual interference practice orders on acquisition and learning of badminton skills of 45 female students aged from 10 to 12. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the three groups of blocked, random, and systematically increasing contextual interference. They trained three skills of badminton long serves, short serves, and forehand strokes for 10 sessions after pre-test. The tests consist of Acquisition, immediate retention, and delayed retention were taken after the fifth session, one hour after the end of the tenth session, and 48 hours after the last practice session, respectively. According to the findings of the study, in acquisition test, the blocked group achieved better scores than the random and systematically increasing groups. Although the three groups performed significantly better than pre-test scores in retention test, there was no difference among groups, meaning that contextual interference did not have positive results for children in learning badminton skills. Seemingly, due to the limitations in strategy, our participants were probably confused among the abundant information from the random practices and were not able to use the advantages of contextual interference. So, the benefits of random practice based on forgetting and elaborating hypotheses in this age group, especially regarding discrete motor skill in badminton is in doubt. The authors carefully suggest that elementary school physical education teachers should use blocked practice methods for badminton practice to help children build a suitable motor skills scheme and encourage them to repeat the desired skills because of the motivational feedback of blocked practice as a result of greater success in practice sessions.

    Keywords: contextual interference, acquisition, retention, learning, badminton}
  • جعفر محمدی، مریم لطفی، مهدی سهرابی، رسول حمایت طلب
    زمینه و هدف
    یک ونیم درصد از کودکان استثنایی مبتلا به اختلال شنوایی هستند و این خود عاملی است که روند آموزش و یادگیری را تحت تاثیر قرار می دهد. هدف در این مطالعه بررسی اثر بازخورد آگاهی از نتیجه با بسامد مختلف بر یادگیری حرکتی کودکان دچار اختلال شنوایی بود.
    روش بررسی
    در این مطالعه 24 نفر از پسران و دختران 7 تا 14 ساله (محدوده سنی 56/10 با انحراف معیار 53/2) با اختلال شنوایی براساس امتیازهای به دست آمده در پیش آزمون به طور تصادفی در سه گروه هشت نفری همسان قرار گرفتند و به مدت هشت جلسه به شیوه مورد نظر، بازخورد صفر، 50 و 100 درصد تمرین کردند. آزمون های اکتساب، یادداری و انتقال اجرا شد و تحلیل داده ها از روش های تحلیل واریانس یک طرفه و آزمون تعقیبی توکی و همچنین تحلیل واریانس دوطرفه با اندازه گیری مکرر انجام گرفت.
    یافته ها
    نتایج تحقیق نشان داد که تمام گروه ها در طی جلسات تمرینی و در مراحل مختلف پیشرفت داشته اند. با این حال نتایج بین سه گروه تمرینی حاکی از اختلاف معنی دار در مراحل اکتساب(p=0/008)، یادداری(p=0/001) و انتقال(p=0/035) بود. به این معنی که در مرحله اکتساب گروه تمرینی بازخورد 100درصد و در مراحل یادداری و انتقال گروه تمرینی بازخورد 50 درصد عملکرد بهتری داشتند.
    نتیجه گیری
    براساس نتایج تحقیق، بازخورد بیش از حد باعث بهبود عملکرد در مرحله اکتساب و ایجاد اختلال در مرحله یادداری می شود و بازخورد 50 درصد می تواند باعث بهبود یادگیری یک مهارت حرکتی شود که اصول مربوط به بازخورد در این کودکان نیز مورد تایید قرار می گیرد.
    کلید واژگان: بازخورد, اختلال شنوایی, اکتساب, یادداری, انتقال, پرتاب دارت}
    Jafar Mohammadi, Maryam Lotfi *, Mahdi Sohrabi, Rasool Hemayattalab
    Background And Aim
    About 1. 5 percent of exceptional children suffer from impaired hearing and this factor affects the teaching and learning process. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of frequency of knowledge of results (KR) on the learning of children with hearing impairment.
    Twenty-four individuals with hearing impairment with the mean age of 10. 56 with SD 2. 53 years (range: 7-14 years) were divided into three homogenous groups according to their records after pre-test. They practiced for eight sessions according to mentioned ways (feedback of 0%، 50% and 100%). The acquisition، learning and translation tests were run. MANOVA with repeated measures and ANOVA were used to analyze the data from the acquisition، retention and transition tests.
    All groups progressed during training and at various stages (acquisition، retention and transition). However، the results of the comparison between means of the three training groups showed significant differences in the acquisition process (p=0. 008)، learning (p=0. 001) and transition (p=0. 035). This means that feedback training groups (100%) had better performance in acquisition process، and also in retention and transition (50%).
    According to the results of this study، too much feedback interferes with learning of tasks in individuals with hearing impairment and feedback (50%) had better learning. This finding shows that rules regarding feedback also affect the people with hearing impairment.
    Keywords: Feedback, hearing impairment, acquisition, retention, transfer, dart throwing}
  • فریدون آزاده، شهناز نوری سندیانی، سید جواد قاضی میرسعید
    زمینه و هدف
    نمایشگاه بین المللی کتاب یک فرصت برای کتابخانه های دانشکده ای به شمار می رود. این پژوهش به بررسی نقش نمایشگاه بین المللی کتاب تهران در تامین کتب مورد نیاز کتابخانه های دانشکده ای پرداخته است.
    روش بررسی
    این پژوهش توصیفی- تحلیلی از نوع پیمایشی است. جامعه مورد مطالعه، کارکنان بخش سفارش و مدیران در کتابخانه های دانشکده ای دانشگاه های علوم پزشکی تهران و شهید بهشتی بود. حجم نمونه پژوهش از 41 نفر(26 نفر کارکنان بخش سفارش و 15 نفر مدیران) تشکیل شد. برای تحلیل توصیفی داده ها و آزمون های تی تست، آنالیز واریانس، کای اسکوئر و همبستگی پیرسون از نرم افزار Spss استفاده شد.
    یافته ها
    بالاترین میانگین امتیازات، نحوه ی انتخاب کتاب در کتابخانه ها با امتیاز 89/0±35/3 بود. با کسب میانگین 07/0± 06/3 امتیاز، نقش نمایشگاه کتاب در تامین کتب مورد نیاز، متوسط بود. آزمون همبستگی نشان داد که مشکلات کتابخانه ها در دانشگاه تهران و شهید بهشتی بالاترین(ضریب همبستگی36/0) و امکان تامین کتب مورد نیاز کمترین میزان همبستگی(ضریب همبستگی 067/0) را داشته اند.
    نتیجه گیری
    نمایشگاه کتاب نقش موثری در تهیه کتب مورد نیاز کتابخانه های دانشگاهی نداشته است. ضروری است تا رویکردهای نوین در تامین کتب کتابخانه های دانشکده ای مورد استفاده قرار گیرد.
    کلید واژگان: مجموعه سازی, کتابخانه های دانشگاهی, نمایشگاه بین المللی کتاب}
    Fereidun Azadeh, Shanaz Nori Sandyani, Seyed Javad Ghazimirsaeed
    Background And Aim
    The international book fair is an opportunity for school libraries. This study was conducted to determine the role of the Tehran international book fair to provide books for school libraries.
    Materials And Methods
    The study is a descriptive survey. Employees and authorities worked in libraries affiliated to Tehran and Beheshti Medical Sciences Universities consisted the study population. Sample size included 41 individuals(26 staff and 15 officials). For data analysis descriptive statistics by using one sample t- test, chi square, ANOVA and correlation were used.
    The highest average score dedicated to choose books in school libraries was a scale of a 3/35± 0/89. With an average score of 3/06±0/07, the role of International book fair in supplying books for school libraries was moderate. Correlation test showed that problems of school libraries had the highest correlation(r=0/36) while the lowest correlation was related to the possibility of book supply(r =0/067).
    The international book fair does not have an effective role in supplying books for school libraries. It is necessary to use new approaches to supply books for academic libraries.
    Keywords: Acquisition, School Libraries, International Book Fair}
  • Babri S.*, Ghotbi R., Motamedi F., Razavi S
    Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is an endogenous hormone that is derived from testosterone in an enzymatic reaction mediated by 5-alpha reductase. The high density of androgen receptors and 5 alpha reductase enzyme have been found in the centers of learning and memory in hippocampus, and improvement in learning and memory followed by administration of DHT to gondectomized male rats indicates androgens role in learning and memory.
    80 male rats randomly divided into ten equal groups. Two Canules were implanted in CA1of animals in all groups except control. After 1 week the experiments were started. Control group tested in Morris Water Maze. One group received 0.5 μl saline 30 min and two other groups received 0.5 μl DMSO 30 min and 24 hour before tests intrahippocampaly. Doses of 5,10, 20 Microgram DHT were solved in 0.5μl DMSO and in three groups were injected in CA1 30 min before test and in the other three groups 24 hours before it.
    Our results showed that injection of DHT different doses 24 hours before tests had no meaningful effects on learning and memory retrieval in Morris Water Maze but injection of 10 μg of it, 30 min before tests decreased swimming path significantly (p<0.05) and increased traveled distance percent in target quadrant (p<0.05).
    Results showed that DHT in dose of 10 microgram can improve acquisition and retrieval in intact male rats
    Keywords: Dihydrotestosterone, Acquisition, Retrieval, 5, alpha reductase, Morris Water Maze}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
  • کلیدواژه مورد نظر شما تنها در فیلد کلیدواژگان مقالات جستجو شده‌است. به منظور حذف نتایج غیر مرتبط، جستجو تنها در مقالات مجلاتی انجام شده که با مجله ماخذ هم موضوع هستند.
  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
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