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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Personal autonomy » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • رقیه اسمعیلی*، رحیم حسینی، الناز گودرزی، مهتا عباسی

    با بهبود وضعیت بهداشت و افزایش کیفیت زندگی، امید به زندگی مردم افزایش یافته و نسبت به گذشته بیشتر عمر می کنند. افزایش طول عمر سبب مشکلات اقتصادی، سیاسی و اجتماعی  می شود و از سویی وظیفه نظام سلامت برای محافظت از سلامت آنان سنگین می باشد. به لطف ارتقا حقوق بشر، اتونومی به عنوان حق اولیه هر فردی شناخته می شود؛ اما تغییر در تکنولوژی فعلی می تواند سبب تغییر در اعمال اتونومی در سالمندان گردد. مطالعه حاضر با هدف تعیین وضعیت اتونومی در سالمندان بستری در بیمارستان انجام گرفت.

    روش کار

    مطالعه توصیفی-تحلیلی حاضر بر روی 172 سالمند بستری در 3 بیمارستان شهر تهران  (بیمارستان های لبافی نژاد، لقمان، مدرس)، که معیارهای ورود به مطالعه را داشتند به روش در دسترس انجام شد. ابزار جمع آوری داده ها، شامل پرسشنامه اطلاعات جمعیت شناختی و پرسشنامه اتونومی در سالمندان بود. داده ها توسط نرم افزار SPSS نسخه 23 تجزیه و تحلیل شد.

    یافته ها

    تنها از دیدگاه %28/5 افراد وضعیت حریم خصوصی خوب، گزارش شد. بالاترین نمره در این حیطه مربوط به گویه سابقه حمام و دستشوئی در مقابل سایر بیماران بود. %71/5  افراد دیدگاه متوسطی نسبت به رعایت رضایت آگاهانه داشتند و بعد مراقبت از بهداشت شخصی بالاترین نمره را در این حوزه داشت. رابطه معناداری بین اتونومی سالمندان با داشتن سابقه بستری (0/0001>P)، تعداد تخت های بخش (0/01=P و -0/191= r)، تعداد تختهای هر اتاق (0/003=P و -0/225=r) و مدت زمان بستری در بخش (0/01=P و 0/184=r) مشاهده شد.

    نتیجه گیری

    بر اساس مطالعه حاضر، با کاهش تعداد تخت های بخش و هر اتاق، وضعیت اتونومی بهتری در سالمندان گزارش شد و با افزایش مدت زمان بستری، وضعیت اتونومی ارتقا پیدا کرد. از دیدگاه اکثر سالمندان وضعیت اوتونومی در هر دو بعد در سطح متوسطی بود، که لزوم توجه بیشتر مسئولین در حوزه درمان را در زمینه ارتقا و رعایت اخلاق و حقوق سالمندان را در محیط های درمانی نشان می دهد.

    کلید واژگان: رضایت آگاهانه, حریم خصوصی, استقلال شخصی, سالمندان}
    Roghayeh Esmaieli*, Rahim Hosseiny, Elnaz Goodarzi, Mahta Abbasi

    With the improvement of the health status and increase in the quality of life, people›s life expectancy has increased and live longer than the past. Increasing life expectancy causes economic, political, and social problems, and on the other hand, the duty of the health system to protect their health is heavy. Considering the promotion of human rights, autonomy is recognized as the basic right of every individual; however change in the current technology can cause a change in the autonomy of the elderly. The present study was carried out with the aim of determining the autonomy status of hospitalized elderly.


    The descriptive-analytical study was conducted on 172 elderly people hospitalized in 3 hospitals in Tehran (Labafinejad, Luqman, Modares Hospitals), who met the inclusion criteria. The data collection tool included demographic information questionnaire and autonomy questionnaire in the elderly. The data was analyzed by SPSS version 23.


    Only 28.5% of people reported a good privacy situation. The highest score in this area was related to the subject of history of bathing and washing in front of other patients. 71/5% of people had an average view of compliance with informed consent, and personal health care had the highest score in this area. A significant relationship between the autonomy of the elderly with a history of hospitalization (P < 0/0001), the number of beds in the ward (P = 0/01, r = -0/191), the number of beds in each room (P = 0/003, r = -0/225) and the duration of hospitalization in the ward (P = 0/01, r = 0/184) were observed and by reducing the number of beds in the ward and each room, a better autonomy status was reported in the elderly, and with the increase in the duration of hospitalization, the status of autonomy improved.


    From the point of view of most of the elderly, the status of autonomy in both dimensions was at an average level, which shows the need for the authorities in the field of treatment to pay more attention in the field of promoting and respecting the ethics and rights of the elderly in treatment environments.

    Keywords: Elderly Keywords, Informed Consent, Personal Autonomy, Privacy}
  • Mohammad Saleem*, Hadia Javaid, Tawsheeba Nisar

    The self-determination theory (SDT) posits that basic psychological needs (BPNs) are indispensable and vital nutrients for well-being. The present research was done to apply SDT to understand students’ well-being, which proposes that the realization and fulfillment of BPNs and subjective vitality significantly influence the overall well-being of an individual. Therefore, the current study analyzed the mediational effect of subjective vitality in the BPN satisfaction and well-being relationship.


    This study included a sample of 219 (165 females and 54 males) university students with a mean age of 25 years. The basic psychological needs satisfaction and frustration scale (BPNSFS) was used to assess BPNs. Subjective vitality was assessed using a 6-item individual difference version subjective vitality scale by Ryan and Frederick, and well-being was evaluated by the WHO well-being index. Correlational and multiple regression analysis was done and mediational analysis was done using Hayes PROCESS macro.


    The results indicated that fulfillment of BPNs (β=0.413, P<0.01) and subjective vitality (β=0.208, P<0.01) are significant predictors of students› well-being. Mediation analysis showed that subjective vitality completely mediated the relationship between BPN satisfaction and well-being. Furthermore, the measures of BPNS (t=2.242) and well-being (t=2.154) differed significantly, while no significant differences were found in subjective vitality (t=0.108) with respect to gender.


    The findings of this study highlighted the role of BPN satisfaction and subjective vitality in the promotion of students’ well-being. Moreover, the present study highlighted the underlying mechanism, through which BPNs influences students’ well-being. This study contributes to the theoretical literature by emphasizing the vital role played by BPNs and subjective vitality in students’ well-being.

    Keywords: Personal autonomy, Mediation analysis, Mental health, Personal satisfaction}
  • Zahra Tabatabii, Ghasem Norouzi, Ahmad Abedi

    Hearing impairment, even if mild, can delay linguistic development and negatively affect the language acquisition process. This study designed to investigate the effect of self-determination skills training on academic vitality and optimism in students with hearing loss.


    This was a quasi-experimental study with pretest-posttest design and control group. The sample consisted of 30 students with hearing loss in Shahroud who were selected by available sampling method and randomly and equally assigned to the experimental and control groups (15 people in each group). The experimental group participated in a self-determination skills training program that was conducted in 8 sessions of 40 minutes (one session per week), while the control group did not participate in this program. Participants were assessed using the Academic Vitality Questionnaire and Optimism Questionnaire. Data were analyzed using univariate and multivariate analysis of covariance tests and SPSS-23 software


    Considering the differential results of multivariate analysis of covariance for experimental and control groups in the variables of academic vitality (P = 0.001) and academic optimism (P = 0.001), the difference between the experimental and control groups is significant. According to Eta squared, it can be said that in the variables of academic vitality and academic optimism, 33% and 39% of these changes are due to intervention, respectively.


    This study emphasizes the role of self-determination interventions in positive academic variables. This method can be used in the educational and rehabilitation program of this group of children.

    Keywords: Hearing Loss, Optimism, Personal Autonomy, Rejuvenation}
  • MohammadReza Shegarf Nakhaei, Toktam Akbari Oryani, MohammadHossein Bayazi, Nematullah Shomoossi, Bibi Leila Hoseini*

    Psychological wellbeing and ego-resiliency are highly affected in a chronic disease like type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), where psychological interventions are considered as an option. The present study, therefore, aimed to investigate the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) on psychological wellbeing and ego-resiliency of T2DM in Sabzevar, Iran.

    Materials and Methods

    This experimental pretest-posttest design was conducted on T2DM patients admitted to Diabetes Center in Sabzevar, Iran. The sample included 30 patients, selected by convenient sampling, and randomly assigned into control (n=15) and experimental groups (n=15). Ryff’s Psychological Wellbeing Scale and Klohnenchr('39')s Ego-resiliency Inventory were used to collect data. CBT was conducted for the experimental group. Statistical analyses were performed in SPSS17 using ANCOVA.


    The findings indicated that CBT had considerable impact on psychological wellbeing (and its six components: self-acceptance, personal growth, purpose in life, environmental mastery, autonomy, and positive relations with others), and ego-resiliency, in T2DM (P-value ≤ 0.01).


    The application of CBT, in T2DM patients can be an effective, applicable and promising intervention to enhance the psychological wellbeing and ego-resiliency, two highly affected constructs in chronic diseases leading to serious comorbidities for health.

    Keywords: Cognitive behavioral therapy, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, Psychological wellbeing, Personal autonomy}
  • Moloud Farmahini Farahani, HamidReza Khankeh, Mohammadali Hosseini, Asghar Dalvandi, Kian NorouziTabrizi*

    One of the most important aims of rehabilitation in Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI) is regaining autonomy, which can affect individuals’ Quality of Life (QOL). This study was conducted to understand the experiences of individuals with SCI in terms of regaining autonomy during transition from hospital to community.

    Materials and Methods

    The present study was conducted using a qualitative research design. In this study, 15 semi‑structured, in‑depth interviews were conducted with individuals with SCI in Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Association of Arak, Iran, from June 2018 to May 2019. The interviews were analyzed using the conventional content analysis method.


    Data analysis emerged four core categories of “self‑management” (adaptation to a new life, self‑care, responsibility, and seeking information), “social support” (family and friends’ support, health care providers’ support, and peer support), “access to facilities and resources” (home modification, use of various rehabilitation techniques, and use of mobility equipment), and “spiritual and religious beliefs” (believing in divine destiny and performance of religious rites).


    The present study showed that several factors influenced the regaining of autonomy in individuals with SCI. It is important to consider the impact of these factors during transition from hospital to community. Health service providers can use the findings of this research to help these individuals regain their autonomy.

    Keywords: : Iran, personal autonomy, qualitative research, spinal cord injuries}
  • Mohammad Mohammadi, Bagher Larijani*, Seyed Mahmoud Tabatabaei, Saharnaz Nedjat, Masud Yunesian, Fatemeh Sadat Nayeri

    Medical errors are among the major challenges that threaten patients’ health worldwide. The aim of this study was to design a valid and reliable questionnaire to investigate the status of medical error disclosure by physicians. A preliminary questionnaire was developed based on the extracted results from 37 interviews with specialists. To test the validity of the questionnaire, 20 medical practitioners and medical ethics authorities were asked to evaluate the relevance and clarity of each item. To measure the instrument’s reliability (the intra-class correlation coefficient and Cronbach’s alpha), a test-retest study was conducted on 20 randomly selected physicians twice with a 2-week interval. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS software version 20.  The overall relevance and clarity of the instrument, with an average approach, were measured at 97.22 and 94.03 percent respectively. The Cronbach’s alpha, which presents the internal consistency was satisfactory (0.70 - 0.79) for various domains of the questionnaire. The range of intra-class correlation coefficients for the items in all domains of the questionnaire was 0.76 to 1.00. Regarding the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, it can be an appropriate instrument in the assessment and monitoring of the status of medical error disclosure by physicians.

    Keywords: Medical errors, disclosure, beneficence, nonmaleficence, personal autonomy}
  • حسین صناعی زاده، محمدرضا شیخ فندرسکی، سید مهدی مرعشی *

    این مطالعه به منظوربررسی آگاهی و نگرش دانشجویان پزشکی شیراز در خصوص یوتانازی و شناخت نقاط قوت و ضعف آموزش آنها در این زمینه انجام شده است.

    روش کار

    در یک مطالعه مقطعی طی پاییز و زمستان 1394 از دانشجویان پزشکی شیراز در مقاطع مختلف درخواست شد در صورت تمایل در این طرح شرکت کنند. پرسشنامه مورد استفاده اقتباسی از پرسشنامه سه پژوهش خارجی بود که پس از ترجمه فارسی و با روش پسرو، پیشرو مورد استفاده قرار گرفت.


    میزان پاسخدهی 36/88 % و اعتبار پرسشنامه براساس آلفای کرونباخ (72/0a=) بود. بیشترین مشکل دانشجویان در تشخیص یوتانازی فعال غیر آگاهانه‎ بود. 2/67 % دانشجویان در تمامی مقاطع تحصیلی نتوانسته بودند موارد غیر مجاز برای انتخاب در بیمار بدحال را به درستی تشخیص دهند. 9/84 % موافق تصویب قانونی در خصوص معرفی موارد مجاز یوتانازی بودند، با اینحال 4/62 %  نگران سوء استفاده برخی افراد از چنین قوانینی بودند. 6/77 % دانشجویان موافق یوتانازی در مورد خود در شرایط خاص پزشکی بودند. در مجموع، 7/66 % از دانشجویان معتقد بودند با کمک طب تسکینی و بهبود بخشی علایم بیمار، امکان بهبود کیفیت زندگی وی وجود دارد.

    نتیجه گیری

    به نظر می‎رسد یکی از علل میزان نسبتا بالای توافق برای انجام نوعی از یوتانازی عدم آگاهی کافی از پیشرفتهای حاصله در  طب تسکینی و بهبود کیفیت حیات بیمار پیش از مرگ، می‎باشد.

    کلید واژگان: یوتانازی, خودآیینی, طب تسکینی, آموزش پزشکی}
    Hossein Sanaei, Zadeh, Mohammadreza Sheykhfenderesji, Sayed Mahdi Marashi

    The aim of this study ws to evaluate knowledge and attitude towards euthanasia and understanding of  its pitfalls in medical education.

    Materials and Methods

    In a cross-sectional study in fall and winter 2015, medical students at different educational levels were asked to participate in this study. A questionnaire which was adopted from 3 foreign surveys after Persian translation by backward-forward method was used.  


    The response rate was 88.36%. The reliability of the tool using Cronbach’s α was 0.72. The most common problem was detection of active involuntary euthanasia. In all, 67.2% were unable to define forbidden tasks for a critically ill patient. 84.9% agreed to ratify the law to introduce permissible cases of euthanasia. However, 62.4% were concerned about misuse of such law by some people, 77.6% were agreed euthanasia about themselves in complex medical situations. In all, 66.7% believed palliative medicine is a good way to relief patent's unpleasant symptoms, to Improve patient's quality of life.  


    It seems that lack of awareness of the advances in palliative medicine and its goal to Improve the quality of life in dying patient is one of the reasons for the relatively high level of agreement for doing euthanasia.

    Keywords: Euthanasia, Personal Autonomy, Palliative medicine, Medical education}
  • Fatemeh Darsareh, Teamur Aghamolaei *, Minoo Rajaei, Abdoulhossain Madani
    In spite of medical indications, preferences for the mode of delivery are influenced by several factors. However, as the literature suggests, the underlying motivation of women choosing vaginal delivery is rarely attended to. The current study aimed to explore first‑time pregnant women’s motivation for planning vaginal delivery.
    Materials and Methods
    An exploratory design with in‑depth interviews was employed from September 2015 to March 2016. Participants were asked key questions about their beliefs about vaginal delivery, perceived outcomes of vaginal delivery, the impact of others perspectives on their decision, and factors that might inhibit or facilitate vaginal delivery. A community advertisement was placed in obstetricians’ offices, public health departments, as well as beauty salons throughout the city of Bandar Abbas, Iran, to enroll target participants. All interviews were tape‑recorded, transcribed, and subsequently analyzed.
    Twelve pregnant women within the age range of 19–33 years volunteered to participate. Ninety four initial codes were obtained. These codes were then summed up into three themes as well as six subthemes. The three themes specified were personal beliefs, deliberation and risk assessment, and personal autonomy.
    A number of key motivating factors such as fast recovery after vaginal delivery, immediate breastfeeding, and powerful bonding were identified, which were influential in choosing vaginal delivery. Awareness of the fact that the provided information shapes women’s beliefs and can lead to attitude changes, midwives played a key role in shaping positive and healthy attitudes toward natural birth giving as well as empower them to make autonomous decision.
    Keywords: Decision making, Iran, personal autonomy, vaginal birth}
  • مریم صف آرا*، مینا خانبابایی، مینو خانبابایی
    زمینه و هدف
    هدف پژوهش حاضر، تعیین اثربخشی مشاوره گروهی مبتنی بر معنویت برافزایش خودمختاری و تسلط بر محیط دختران پس از طلاق والدین بود.
    روش بررسی
    تحقیق حاضر از نوع آزمایشی و طرح مورد استفاده طرح پیش آزمون پس آزمون با گروه شاهد بود. برای گردآوری داده ها از پرسشنامه بهزیستی روانشناختی ریف استفاده شد. تعداد 20 نفر از دختران پس از طلاق والدینشان که دارای ملاک های ورود به آزمایش بودند، به صورت نمونه در دسترس انتخاب شدند و از بین آن ها، تعداد 10 نفر در گروه آزمایش و 10 نفر دیگر در گروه شاهد به طور تصادفی جایگزین شدند. سپس شرکت کنندگان گروه آزمایش در طی هشت جلسه، هر جلسه به مدت دو ساعت به صورت گروهی در جلسات، مداخلات را دریافت کردند. پس از اتمام جلسات درمانی، پس آزمون از نمونه ها گرفته شد. داده ها با استفاده از آزمون تحلیل کوواریانس تجزیه وتحلیل شدند.
    یافته ها
    یافته های حاصل نشان دادند که مشاوره گروهی مبتنی بر معنویت بر خودمختاری و تسلط بر محیط دختران پس از طلاق والدین تاثیر معناداری داشته است (05/0 < p).
    نتیجه گیری
    نتایج این پژوهش نشان داد معنویت درمانی می تواند در افزایش خودمختاری و تسلط بر محیط دختران پس از طلاق والدینشان به عنوان درمان اصلی یا کمکی به کار گرفته شود.
    کلید واژگان: مشاوره, معنویت, خودمختاری, تسلط, طلاق}
    Maryam Safara*, Mina Khanbabaee, Minoo Khanbabaee
    Background and Objectives
    The purpose of this study was to develop a group counseling model based on spirituality for girls in order to help them cope in the social environment and develop autonomy after divorce of their parents.
    This experimental research assessed data obtained from 20 girls after parental divorce who were selected via a convenience sampling method. From the 20 girls 10 were allocated to the experimental group of the divorced family, and 10 girls of the non-divorced family group were selected as controls. Group counseling model based on spirituality in 8 session (per session 2 hours) were taught. For assessment of psychological wellbeing, the Ryff psychological wellbeing questionnaire was applied.
    The results showed that group counseling based on spirituality had a significant effect on environmental mastery and autonomy in girls of divorced families (p<0.05).
    The results of this study indicated that spirituality and spiritual  therapy can be used as a primary and/or add-on therapy to increase environmental mastery and autonomy in girls after parental divorce.
    Keywords: Counseling, Spirituality, Personal Autonomy, Dependency (Psychology), Divorce}
  • حنیفه میر طاووسی مهیاری، جواد توکلی بزاز، عدنان خسروی، زهرا اصفهانی منفرد

    نگرش بیماران مبتلا به سرطان و خانواده های ایشان از نظر دانستن حقیقت، به ویژه در زمان پیشرفت بیماری، متفاوت است. بسیاری از بیماران مبتلا به سرطان در ایران از بیماری خود مطلع نیستند. گاهی به خواست بستگان بیمار حقایق از خود بیمار پنهان نگه داشته می شود. هدف این مطالعه بررسی تفاوت نگرش و آگاهی بیماران ایرانی و خانواده‌های ایشان در خصوص افشای حقیقت مراحل انتهایی بیماری، فرد آگاهی دهنده و زمان مناسب آن بود. این مطالعه به روش آینده‌نگر - مشاهده ای در پژوهشکده سل و بیماری های ریوی بیمارستان مسیح دانشوری انجام شد. پرسشنامه ای شامل اطلاعات دموگرافیک و بالینی به 104 شرکت کننده داده شد (70 بیمار و 34 نفر بستگان بیمار). تمامی همراهان بیمار و حدود 82% بیماران از بیماری آگاه بودند. نگرش بیماران با خانواده‌ها در خصوص افشای حقیقت متفاوت بود. بیماران مبتلا به سرطان بیشتر از اعضای خانواده ایشان عقیده داشتند که بیمار باید درمراحل انتهایی بیماری از حقیقت مطلع گردد (5/98% در مقابل 9/5%، 0001/0=P). همچنین، تمامی بیماران تمایل داشتند اطلاعات در خصوص مراحل انتهایی بیماری را از زبان پزشک معالج خود و بلافاصله بشنوند ولی بیشتر خانواده‌ها (9/52%) موافق بودند که در صورت بدتر شدن بیماری، حقیقت باید از طریق خانواده و به تدریج به بیماران گفته شود (0001/0=P value). آنالیز لجستیک اطلاعات هر دو گروه بیماران و خانواده های ایشان نشان می دهد که تفاوتی در نگرش دو گروه با توجه به جنسیت، سن و سطح تحصیلات وجود نداشته است. مطالعه ما نشان می‌دهد که نگرش بیماران ایرانی مبتلا به سرطان با خانواده ایشان در خصوص حقیقت‌گویی متفاوت است. پزشکان با فهم این موضوع باید توجه بیشتری به مهارت‌های افشای حقیقت تشخیص سرطان داشته باشند.

    کلید واژگان: افشای حقیقت, سرطان, نگرش, خود مختاری فردی}
    Hanifeh Mirtavoosi Mahyari*, Javad Tavakoli Bazzaz, Adnan Khosravi, Zahra Esfahani Monfared

    Cancer patients and their families are different in their attitude regarding knowing the truth, especially during advanced disease stages. Most of Iranian cancer patients are not aware about their own conditions; sometimes due to their families’ request. This study aimed to clarify the differences of attitude and awareness between Iranian cancer suffering patients and their families, regarding the disclosure of the truth about the disease stages, the appropriate notifier person and time of truth disclosure. This prospective and observational study was performed in the National Research Institute of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (NRITLD). The demographic and clinical questionnaires were presented to 104 consecutive individuals (70 patients and their 34 relatives). All of the patients’ relatives and 82% of patients were aware of their disease. The patients’ attitudes on truth disclosure were different from their families. In comparison to the patients’ relatives, the patients believed more that they should be informed of their terminal illness, (98.5% patients vs 5.9% relatives, P value=0.0001). Furthermore all patients intended to receive information about terminal illness immediately by doctor-in-charge but most of their families (52.9%) believed that the patients should be informed about their terminal illness by their relatives, gradually. Logistic regression analysis in both patients and their relatives indicated that attitude toward disclosure of terminal illness did not differ regarding to sex, age and educational level. Our findings indicated that Iranian cancer patients and their families differed in their attitude toward truth telling. The physicians should notice to this phenomenon and pay more attention to the skills of disclosing cancer diagnosis to the patients and their families.

    Keywords: Truth Disclosure, Neoplasms, Attitude, Personal Autonomy}
  • Hossein Ebrahimi, Efat Sadeghian, Naeimeh Seyedfatemi, Eesa Mohammadi, Maureen Crowley
    Consideration of patient autonomy is an essential element in individualized, patient‑centered, ethical care. Internal and external factors associated with patient autonomy are related to culture and it is not clear what they are in Iran. The aim of this study was to explore contextual factors affecting the autonomy of patients in Iranian hospitals.
    Materials And Methods
    This was a qualitative study using conventional content analysis methods. Thirty‑four participants (23 patients, 9 nurses, and 2 doctors) from three Iranian teaching hospitals, selected using purposive sampling, participated in semi‑structured interviews. Unstructured observation and filed notes were other methods for data collection. The data were subjected to qualitative content analysis and analyzed using the MAXQDA‑10 software.
    Five categories and sixteen subcategories were identified. The five main categories related to patient autonomy were: Intrapersonal factors, physical health status, supportive family and friends, communication style, and organizational constraints.
    In summary, this study uncovered contextual factors that the care team, managers, and planners in the health field should target in order to improve patient autonomy in Iranian hospitals.
    Keywords: Autonomy, chronic disease, hospitals, inpatients, Iran, nursing ethics, patient, personal autonomy, qualitative research, qualitative study}
  • Manavi Handa *, Mary Donovan Sharpe
    Context: This article discusses the paradigm shift in health care and bioethics from the concept of informed consent to informed choice..Evidence Acquisition: Informed consent is linked to the concept of respect for autonomy-one of the four pillars of bioethics. This concept requires health care givers to share information with patients so they can make appropriate health care decisions. However, the concept of informed consent has been critiqued as being paternalistic and not attentive to the complexities of modern health care decisions..
    As a result of a paradigm shift in health care and ethics, favoring autonomy over other principles-informed consent evolved to the more patient-centered concept of informed choice. Even so, feminist bioethicists critique the mainstream model of informed choice as being inattentive to inherent power dynamics within health care and society which may influence decision making. Drawing on the model of midwifery in Canada, this paper outlines an approach to health care that incorporates feminist definitions of informed choice..
    This paper reviews the necessary criteria for informed choice to be attentive to the individual needs of women. Using the model of midwifery in Canada as an example, this paper demonstrates how feminist approaches to informed choice should be preferred in modern health care settings..
    Keywords: Women's Health, Informed Consent, Personal Autonomy, Bioethics, Midwifery, Feminism, Canada}
  • لیلی ربیعی، رضا مسعودی، جعفر مقدسی، صفرعلی اسماعیلی، فریدون خیری، اشرف سادات حکیم
    زمینه و هدف
    توجه به خودتصمیم گیری و خود حمایتی دانش آموزان، برای موفقیت در زندگی و آماده شدن جهت تصمیم گیری، امری ضروری است. مطالعه حاضر با هدف ارزیابی اثربخشی برنامه جرات ورزی بر مهارت های خودتصمیم گیری و خود حمایتی دانش آموزان دبیرستانی انجام شده است.
    روش بررسی
    در این مطالعه نیمه تجربی140دانش آموز دختر (70 نفر آزمون و70 نفر کنترل) از دبیرستان های روزانه اصفهان شرکت داشتند. 8 جلسه برنامه به همراه پرسشنامه های اطلاعات دموگرافیک، جرات ورزیRichey و Gambrillو مهارت های خودتصمیم گیری و خودحمایتی به کار گرفته شد. اطلاعات با استفاده از آزمون های آماری تی مستقل، آزمون آنالیز واریانس با تکرار مشاهدات و کای اسکوئر تحلیل شدند.
    یافته ها
    آزمون کای اسکوئر، اختلاف معنی داری را در متغیرهای دموگرافیکی بین دو گروه نشان نداد (05/0P<). آزمون آنالیز واریانس با تکرار مشاهدات اختلاف معنی داری را در میانگین نمره جرات ورزی قبل، بلافاصله و 2 ماه پس از مداخله در گروه شاهد نشان نداد (05/0P>)، اما در گروه مورد این اختلاف معنی دار بود (002/0P=). همچنین آزمون آنالیز واریانس با تکرار مشاهدات، اختلاف میانگین نمره مهارت های خودتصمیم گیری و خود حمایتی دانش آموزان گروه شاهد را معنی دار نشان نداد (05/0P>)، ولی در گروه مورد این نتایج معنی دار مشاهده شد (05/0P<). آزمون تی مستقل اختلاف میانگین نمره مهارت های خودتصمیم گیری و خود حمایتی دانش آموزان در زمینه علمی و شغلی از نگاه والدین و معلمین گروه مورد را 2 ماه بعد از آموزش معنی دار نشان داد (012/0P=).
    نتیجه گیری
    برنامه های جرات آموزی در دانش آموزان دبیرستانی منجر به افزایش مهارت های خود تصمیم گیری و خود حمایتی می شود. با توجه به ماهیت این گونه برنامه های ارزان، ایمن و در عین حال کارا و اثربخش، بکارگیری آن در نوجوانان توصیه می شود.
    کلید واژگان: حمایت و استقلال شخصی, خدمات مدرسه محور, شخصیت}
    Lyely Rabiei, Reza Masoudi, Jafar Moghadasi, Safarali Esmaeili, Farydoon Khairi, Ashrafsadat Hakim
    Background And Aims
    Attention to self-advocacy and self-determination skills is essential for student’s to be succssful in life and be preparae for decision making. This study aims to evaluate the efficiency of school-based assertiveness program on self-advocacy and self-determination skills in high school students
    In this semi-experimental study، 140 students (70 in each group) from Isfahan high schools were randomly selected. Demographic، Gambrill & Richey، self advocacy and self determination in scientific and occupation field’s questionnaires were applied in 8 sessious. Data were analyzed using independent t test، Anova repeated measurement and chi-square.
    Chi-square test showed no significant differences in demographic variables between two groups (P<0. 05). Repeated measurement test showed no significant differences in mean score of assertiveness before، after and 2 months after interention in control group (P>0. 05)، where as this test showed significant differences in trial group (P=0. 002). Also the same test showed no significant differences in mean score of students self-advocacy and self-determination skills in control group (P>0. 05)، where as this test showed significant differences in trial group (P<0. 05). Independent sample T test showed no significant differences in mean score of student self-advocacy and self-determination concerning the occupatianial and scientific field in parents and teachers point of view 2 months after intervention، this differences was significant in trial group (P=0. 012).
    Application of assertiveness program for high school students lead to promote students self-advocacy and self-determination skills. According to safety، inexpensive. Effectiveness and efficiency of theses programs، application of them are suggested for promoting students self-advocacy and self-determination skills of high school students.
    Keywords: Advocacy, Personal Autonomy, School, Based Services, Personality}
  • ربیع الله فرمانبر، شمس الدین نیکنامی، علیرضا حیدرنیا
    به رغم فایده های زیاد رفتار ورزشی هنوز کم تحرکی یکی از مشکل های بهداشتی در دانشجویان است. موضوع کلیدی در تحقیق رفتار ورزشی بکارگیری الگوهای تغییر رفتار برای ارتقاء و پایداری رفتار ورزشی است. مطالعات قبلی نشان داده که با توجه به پیچیدگی رفتار ورزشی با یک مدل نمی توان مداخله موثر و پایداری نمود.
    تعیین تاثیر مداخله مبتنی بر تلفیق مدل مراحل تغییر با تئوری خود تعیین کنندگی بر ارتقاء و تداوم رفتار ورزشی دانشجویان
    مواد و روش ها
    این مطالعه از نوع کارآزمایی شاهد دار تصادفی بود و دو گروه شرکت داشتند: یک گروه آزمون(66 دانشجو) که مداخله مبتنی بر تلفیق مدل مراحل تغییر با تئوری خود تعیین کنندگی را دریافت کردند و گروه دیگر کنترل(67 دانشجو) که مداخله ای توسط پژوهشگر بر آنها انجام نشد. پیش از مداخله، فوری بعد از مداخله و 8 ماه پس از مداخله، سازه های مدل مراحل تغییر و تئوری خود تعیین کنندگی و میزان رفتار ورزشی دانشجویان ارزشیابی شد.
    آزمون های آماری تفاوت معنی داری بین دو گروه آزمون و کنترل از نظر متغیرهای دموگرافی، سازه های مدل مراحل تغییر وتئوری خود تعیین کنندگی و میزان رفتار ورزشی پیش از مداخله نشان نداد. اما در ارزشیابی بعد از مداخله و پی گیری، تفاوت معنی دار در میزان رفتار ورزشی و مراحل تغییر رفتار ورزشی بین دو گروه بدست آمد(001/0P<). همچنین، آزمون های آماری اختلاف معنی دار مراحل تغییر رفتار ورزشی و میزان رفتار ورزشی در گروه آزمون را در سه مقطع زمانی قبل، بعد و پیگیری نشان داد (001/0P<).
    نتیجه گیری
    مداخله مبتنی بر تلفیق مدل مراحل تغییر با تئوری خود تعیین کنندگی در ارتقاء و تداوم رفتار ورزشی دانشجویان موثر است.
    کلید واژگان: استقلال شخصی, دانشجویان, رفتار بهداشتی, کارآزمایی شاهدان تصادفی, ورزش}
    Farmanbar R.A., Niknami Sh. A., Heydarnia A.R.
    Despite the many benefits of exercise behavior, lack of physical activity is a health problem in college students. A key issue in exercise behavior research is using health behavior models in order to promote and maintain exercise behavior. Previous research has shown that due to the complex and dynamic nature of exercise behavior change, it seems unlikely that a single theoretical approach can truly capture it.
    The effect of the integrated model of Transtheoretical model and self-determination theory on the promotion and maintenance of exercise behavior among college students.
    Materials And Methods
    This study was a randomized controlled trial. The experimental group (66 students) received the intervention based on TTM and SDT, and control group (67 students) did not receive any intervention by the researcher. Evaluation was conducted by tools based on the constructs of TTM and SDT as well as METs, before intervention, post intervention and after 8 months.
    There were no significant differences between the two groups before the intervention regarding the demographic variables, constructs of TTM and SDT and METs. The study findings showed significant differences in the exercise behavior stage of change and METs (P<0.001) between experimental group and control group in the post intervention and follow up evaluation. Also, significant improvement in the exercise behavior stage of change and METs in the experimental group throughout pre, post and follow up intervention was observed (P<0.001).
    Education intervention based on an integrated model of transtheoretical model and self-determination theory has effects on the promotion and maintenance of exercise behavior among college students.
    Keywords: Exercise, Health Behavior, Personal Autonomy, Randomized Controlled Trials, Students}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
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