Jurisprudential-Legal Fundamentals, Principles and Policies in Support of Women without Caretaker of Women with Bad Caretaker, With Special Reference to Imam Khomeini's Thought
Women without caretakers or women with bad caretakers have special psychological-mental conditions and face special social and cultural problems due to different reasons such as poverty and undesirable economic conditions and hence are among the most vulnerable strata of society. Given the fact that according to existing statistics over the past three decades the number of such women has been increasing, it is the duty of the government to adopt a special approach to their problems in order to fulfill their needs. According to Islamic teachings, the ruler of a Muslim state, as the guardian of society, and in line with the guardianship that he has over the financial resources, is bound to pay special attention to such women and protect them. This issue has solid fundamentals in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini, in his recommendations to officials asked them to pay special attention to the oppressed and downtrodden which includes the said women as well. (Imam Khomeini, 2006, Vol 17:3)The main thrust of the present paper is to study the legal and jurisprudential principles aiming at protecting women without caretaker and women with bad caretaker. Attempts have been made to prove the guardianship of the ruler and his obligation to pay attention to the needs of the needy strata, particularly the said women. Also the principles and policies employed in the Islamic Republic of Iran to protect the vulnerable strata have been explained.
Matin, Volume:15 Issue: 58, 2013