A Self-Assessment Model for Increasing Customer Satisfaction (The Case of Organizations for Urban Services)
The scaling down of the government and privatization law enforcement have resulted in the assigning of activities, used to be on the government’s shoulder, to private companies and organizations. With an increase in the number of service providers in urban services section, the related companies and organizations have been involved in a competition to increase quality and derive customers’ satisfaction and take the most from the market. The current research study aims at introducing a self-assessment model playing an effective role in increasing such organizations’ customer-satisfaction. From among the auditors of the organizations for urban services in the city of Tehran, as the population of the study, 70 were randomly selected. To collect data, an already-developed questionnaire was utilized which enjoys statistically significant validity and reliability indexes. To test the hypotheses, the average test was used and the results showed that the current model for self-assessment does not have a significant effect for deriving customer satisfaction, while the model suggested in the current study is an effective one in increasing customers’ satisfaction.
Journal of Urban Economics and Management, Volume:1 Issue: 1, 2013