Pragmatic Foreign policy and Economic Growth (Case Study: China 1978-2010)

Economic growth and development of each country، in addition to relying on domestic resources or role of the state، it depends on the way that state interacting with the international system، and the potential for the development of a country in the interaction between domestic and international sphere is prosperous. The rise of china''s stunning economic growth in the first decade of The 21st century، and becoming a powerful influencing country in the world has been introduced as one of the most important changes in international system. China’s extraordinary economic growth has led to interpret it as a miracle of century. Now the question is that، what causes has been effective in the rapid development of china''s economy? Hypothesis of this article is checked as follows: first، theorical introduction of china''s foreign policy is expressed. Then، china''s pragmatic foreign policy objective criteria are determined. Finally، the impact of pragmatic foreign policy on promotion of china''s economy position is investigated.
Journal Strategic Studies of Public Policy, Volume:4 Issue: 12, 2013
113 to 143