The Role of Regional Actors in Radicalization of Social Forces in the Middle East

The role of Social forces in the Middle East has increased since the end of the cold war and they have played geopolitical roles in the region. These social movements are idealist in many countries and affect strategic realities of the region. Regional actors such as Iran، Saudi Arabia، Turkey and Israel have competitive roles in the Middle East. Meanwhile، global powers especially the United have intensified the regional competitions and it seems that regional actors have organized their competitions via proxy wars. Some regional actors such as Israel and Saudi Arabia are radicalizing social forces aimed to change the balance of power in the Middle East. In this process، the effectiveness of regional actors will be increased. In fact، this process is a part of asymmetric action of social forces which is based on interference and influence of regional and international forces.
A Quarterly Journal World Politics, Volume:3 Issue: 2, 2014