Designing Culturised planning system in Iranian Urban Development System with Futures Studies Approach

Futures studies have bidirectional communication with anthropology, sociology and culture of the nations. In this respect, finding the roots of ratio between culture and planning in the system of urban development with futures studies approach becomes necessary. Due to the purpose of this paper which is establishing the position of culturised planning in Iran-Islamic city, quantitative and qualitative research method was chosen. This study has two main sections, the first step of methodological principles is developing a native pattern based on cultural and planning links. Based on culturised planning approach we require the creation of new structures in urban and regional planning system.This structure at macro-level contains a compilation of plan of cultural development and cultural observations based on regional advantages.The level of analysis of city requires a comprehensive program with Future Studies approach that of urban management system must adapt to it and the vision of city must be developed on the basis of culturised systems.The entrance of culture in the context of spatial planning at different scales of time can contribute to the realization of Islamic-Iranian model. Then in the second step, the application of the principles and methods of Futures Studies in the compilation of process model of culturised planning in the urban development planning system is administered based on interpretative structural modeling. In this model, the weakness of the urban planning system based on the lack of attention to both culture and Future Studies component analyzed, and then the connection of municipal, regional and national steps have been identified and explained.
Journal of Studies On Iranian - Islamic City, Volume:5 Issue: 20, 2015