Sayed Jamal's political, philosophical, and religious thought

Sayed Jamal was to conciliate between the traditional Islam and the scientific and philosophical challenges of the West, adopting a moderate stand. Believing in the separability of Western new technologies and sciences from Western moralities, he thought that the Islamic world can access the technologies without accepting its theological and philosophical implications. The writer, criticizing the materialists and introducing them as the demolishers of human civilization and society, draws the attention of the Moslem intellectuals to their serious danger. He considers Seyed Jamal's appraoches to religion, philosophy and science as the representative of the nineteenth century Moslem intellectuals who were disstatisfied of the West's power, wealth, and scientific and technological superiority, on the one hand, and the inferiority of the Islamic world under the sway of the West, on the other hand, and invited the Islamic countries to the aquisition of the Western new sciences and technologies.
Political Science, Volume:6 Issue: 4, 2004