A Quranic - rational analysis of bridge path

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (ترویجی)

Our religious teachings show a bridge on hell that in the hereafter, all will inevitably pass over it. The bridge path is very slippery and difficult to pass and has obstacles that each is called by particular name. Peoplepass overit invariousforms. Some fall to the depths of hell, some hop or suspend and a group pass quickly and easily.This paper studies and analyzes these teachings based on the Quranic verses with a rational approach; and finally demonstrates that the path of the inner world that in this world humans pass in themselves, will become as the bridge over the hell in the hereafter.All will mandatory pass the hell that is the absolute truth and the inside of this world but the quality of this passing will differ dependent on the inner reality of people.

Quranic Studies Quarterly, Volume:3 Issue: 10, 2012
11 to 30
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