The Features of Magic Realism in the Novels of Monir Ravani Poor Entitled From Drowning and Günter Grass's The Tin Drum

Magic Realism is novice approach in contemporary narration in which reality and image are intermingled. The result of such combination is the literary work which doesn’t resemble to the primary elements. Here, mingling of imagination and reality are so expertly done that all of unreal and imaginative events of story are naturally actualized, so much that the readers easily accept them. Regarding to the findings of study, Ravanipoor and Grass have tried to face the readers to unfamiliar world make distance between reader and story, therefore, they have used the different point of views. The characters of two works are polar, it means they pass from the real world to the imaginative one or vice versa. Both writers have considered the social-poetical issues of their societies in their novels, hence they have used magic realism. The novel of From Drowning is merely used the elements of magic and secrets and The Tin Drum has used the polar features of voluntary silence.
Research in Narrative Literature, Volume:5 Issue: 1, 2017
41 to 56