The Imagery of the Beloved in Leili and Majnoon by Nezami and Jami based on figurative and varbal imageries
Leili and Majnoon by Jami is one of the most famous works similar to that of Nezami. The present study, which is based on analyzing the content, tries to find the similarities and differences of these two works of art, regarding imagery of the beloved. Based on the findings, it was reveal that:The image of beloved in both works is similar regarding using the virtual images and figurative language such as metaphor. Both poets, in using metaphor, most of all, have used shape, color, and the size which are based on the vision; whereas, Jami has used metaphors which are based on smell. The two poets, in using the type of image, have clear differences. Nezami is mostly fond of presenting “Figurative image” of the beloved while Jami, in addition to imitating these pictures, uses more and different “Verbal images” about beloved. Through highlighting figurative image and expanding its scope by the help of different knowledge such as science, medicine and folk belief, Nezami adds to the romantic aspect of his work; however, thanks to different verbal images, Jami images adds to realistic aspect of his work; therefore, his story, in terms of believability, is easier and more realistic.