The Capacity of Religious Democracy in the Thoughts of Sunni Thinkers
One example of Islamic Government is religious democracy, based on the key elements of Islam and the people. Religious democracy is able to accommodate different shapes by coming in the form of Shiites and Sunnis Ideas. In Iran after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, one of its forms has been designed and realized and could inspire the Muslim Ummah to integrate to form the "unity of the Islamic Ummah." If we consider the main factors for the realization of religious democracy in such categories as sovereignty, people, the relation of religion and politics, reason, leadership and justice we can by recognizing the Sunni thinkers' thinking and Identify the main elements of the Islamic government and examine whether Sunni political thought is capable of realizing the formation of an Islamic state based on the model of the people. The question in this article is: "Is it possible to derive different patterns of religious democracy based on Sunni political thought?" The hypothesis is: "Sunni political scientists have the initial capacity to formulate a religious democracy model. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive-analytical method. The type of analysis of this paper is based on a text based on examples of contemporary Sunnis. The method of data collection is library study.