Exploring the Concept of Strategic Renewal with Soft System Methodology

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
Confronting issues of structural complexity having multiple stakeholders with different perspectives, and the systematic nature of changes in these issues, has led to the use of systemic approaches to improve the understanding of the nature of the problem and to solve it. This study aimed to identify strategic renewal in insurance industry by using soft system methodology. The systematic nature of the changes and its complexity and the existence of multiple stakeholders has added to the importance of using systematic methodologies in the insurance industry. Therefore, the rich picture of the research problem, the CATWOE analysis and the root definitions with the agreement and participation of owners through meetings and interviews with experts in this field was reckoned. As a result the conceptual model of strategic renewal was presented.
Sterategic Management Thought, Volume:13 Issue: 1, 2019
165 to 188
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