The foundations of social trust in Islamic texts
Promoting the “social trust” is necessary for strengthening the collective identity, coherence and order; and as a dynamic and intrinsic component influences public actions. In this research, cognitive and emotional foundations of trusting (as a conscious and voluntary action)are investigated with a religious perspective. The purposes of this research are: a. to clarify the conditions and limits of "optimism" based on the Qur'an verses and the traditions of Ahl-al-Bayt(AS); and b. the explanation of the interpersonal emotions, appropriate for trust, with regard to the concept of "faith-based brotherhood" in Qur'an. The research method was descriptive-analytical method. Findings showed that in Islam, trusting is a result of proper combination of thoughts, emotions and reality; and has exact criteria. In general, knowledge-based optimism to believers in the cultural-social context in which truth and honesty overcome unrighteousness, in addition to a powerful faith-based brotherhood that creates a sense of belonging and collective identity, can create a wisely social trust. So, avoiding unjustified doubts, realistic optimism, as well as self-management in confrontation with suspicions on one hand, trust-building behaviors from trusted person on the other hand, and modifying the overall ethical atmosphere of the community, is recommended for strengthening public trust.