Title: Modeling and Interaction of Positive Psychology with Religious Attachment and Mental Health in Students of Kohgiluyeh and Boyerahmad Province Universities
Religious orientation to examine the use of religion in the lives of individuals and mental health is also called a state of well-being in which one recognizes their abilities and can cope with normal stressors of life and is beneficial to their community. In this regard, the interaction of religion and mental health with positive psychology are concepts that contribute to one's abilities and possessions to promote public health. Students from the universities of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad province have graduated.
This study is a descriptive-analytic, correlational design study using Structural Equation Modeling, in which 1843 university students were selected by cluster random sampling. The instrument used included 5 questionnaires. After distributing the questionnaires among the students of the sample group and completing them among the students, the data were presented graphically using the structural equation modeling method, analyzing the results in tables.
The findings of this study showed that religious orientation had a significant relationship with positive psychotic components (p <0.05) and also in this study factor analysis revealed that religious orientation directly influenced the mental health of students. And it is not significant, but religious orientation has a significant effect on the components of positive psychology and these effects improve mental health.
Considering the significant relationship between religious orientation and components of positive psychology, as well as positive and meaningful direct and indirect relationship between religious orientation and mental health in university students. The culture and education of the universities should be more than desired.