Effect of injection of vitamin E and selenium solution and vitamin B12 and iron solution to transition dairy cows on colostrum quality, and antioxidant capacity and serum metabolites in calves
In this experiment, effects of injection of vitamin E (VE) and selenium (Se) solution and vitamin B12 (VB12) and iron (Fe) solution to transition dairy cows on colostrum quality and calves’ antioxidant capacity, concentrations of VE and VB12, Fe and Se, serum metabolites and blood cells were studied. Twentyprimiparous (607.09±60.26 kg of body weight) and twentymultiparous (712±55.54 kg of body weight) Holstein dairy cows were divided to 4 based on parity and body weight in a randomized completely block design. Experimental treatments consisted of 1) injection of 7 ml of NaCl % 0.9 (Control), 2) injection of 60 ml of VE and Se solution, 3) injection of 7 ml of VB12 and Fe solution and 4) injection of 60 ml of VE and Se solution with 7 ml VB12 and Fe solution. Solutions injected on 21 and 7 day prepartum and calves blood samples collected before and 24h after cholestrum feeding. Results indicated that treatments had no effect on calves’birth weight and colostrum concentrations of fat, protein, lactose and solid not fat, and immunoglobulinG. Serum concentrations of VE and B12, Se and Fe, serum activities of glutathione peroxidase, catalase, total antioxidant capacity and serum metabolites did not affected by the experimental treatments. Altogether, it can be concluded that injection of VE and Se solution and VB12 and Fe solution to transition dairy cows on days 21 and 7 prepartum had no effect on calves’immune system at first 24h of life.