Freedom of Expression & Media in a Time of Uncertainty
Finally, it is also an important right in a free society to be freely allowed tocontribute to society’s well-being. However, if that is to occur, it must be possiblefor society’s state of affairs to become known to everyone, and it must bepossible for everyone to speak his mind freely about it. Where this is lacking,liberty is not worth its name. /…/These words were written by Peter Forsskål, born in 1732 in Helsinki, Finland,which at that time was part of the Kingdom of Sweden. He was a philosopher,theologian, botanist and orientalist, as well as one of Carl Linnaeus’ disciples.Forsskål wrote these words in 1759 in the last paragraph of 21 in his publicationThoughts on Civil Liberty.Another of the most challenging statements in Thoughts on Civil Libertyis paragraph 9, where Forsskål states that the only alternative to violence isfreedom of the printed word.§ 9/…/ Freedom of the written word develops knowledge most highly, removesall harmful statutes, restrains the injustices of all officials, and is the Government’ssurest defence in a free state. Because it makes the people in love withsuch a mode of government /…/ A wise government will rather let the peopleexpress their discontent with pens than with other guns, which enlightens onthe one hand, appeases and prevents uprising and disorder on the other.
Effective Dualities in the growth of infusion of Covid19 in Iran's social media
*, Hadi Khaniki
Journal of Society Culture Media, -
Theorizing for COVID 19 Infodemic in Iran Social Media
Hadi Khaniki, *
Quarterly of Social Studies and Research in Iran,