Assessing the Performance of the Health, Safety and Environment Management System (HSE) using the Modified Balanced Scorecard Model
Today, the performance of the Health, Safety, and Environment Management System (PHSE) has different dimensions depending on the type of organization or industry. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of the Health, Safety, and Environment Management System (HSE) of Saba Tire Cord Company using the Balanced Scorecard Model (BSC).
This descriptive-analytical study was carried out in 2016 at Saba Tire Company in Zanjan, Iran using the multi-criteria decision making (AHP & TOPSIS) and BSC models. To determine the validity and reliability of the tool, the content validity and the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient were used. The process of the sampling was done using an all count method among 300 employees of Saba Tire Company. Data were analyzed using SPSS 11.5, TOPSIS, and Expert Choice software Two questionnaires were used for the criteria and sub-criteria ranking and prioritization of the options.
In the 5-dimensional Balanced Scorecard, the customer dimension with 86.7% had the best performance and the financial dimension showed with the lowest score in the PHSE management system by 84.3% from the results of data analysis using Expert Choice software, the customer benchmark with the relative weight of 0.46 and the environmental criterion with a relative weight of 0.06, had the highest and the lowest scores for the panel members in the performance of the HSE management system; from the results of data analysis with the TOPSIS software, it was seen that the safety dimension (with a final value of 0.7) had higher rating than health and environment.
Among the perspectives that were analyzed in the hierarchical analysis method, the customer’s criteria were chosen as the superior benchmark for the PHSE management system.