The effect of deliberate practice and play deliberate and organized competition on the fine motor skill and creativity of children 9-10year old.
Introduction and purpose:
Teaching method and choosing the best method is one of the most basic principles in education which can help to child's motor development, intellectual and interest. The purpose of this study was the determine effect of deliberate practice and play deliberate and organized competition on the fine motor skill and creativity of 10-9 year old children.
53 beginner girl students were volunteered to conduct research with an average age 9.11 ± ./16 that after pre-test were randomly divided into three experimental groups and one control group. The groups practiced in accordance with the educational method for 12 weeks and 2 sessions per week. Done mid test at the end of week 6 and post test at the end of 12. To collect information was used Bruininks-Oseretsky test (1978) and Abedi creativity questionnaire (1363) and for data analysis, Combined variance analysis (stage) 3 × (Group) 4, analysis of variance with repeated measures and one way analysis of variance with spss software version 22 at a significance level of P≤0.05.
The results showed that using a variety of teaching methods in experimental groups has been higher on the development of fine motor in deliberate practice than the rest groups and the amount of creativity in the deliberate play group of all groups. It has also been better in deliberate practice group rate of subscales speed and agility in the mid stage and post-test than other groups and was higher in deliberate play group than other groups rate of subscales fluid, expansion, innovation and flexibility in the mid and post test phase.
The results showed that the nature of the learning environment has a useful role in the development of fine motor skills and creativity of the students.
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