Adaptability and stability of grain yield in durum wheat lines in cold dryland areas
In order to study the adaptability and yield stability of dryland promising durum wheat genotypes, this experiment was conducted with 22 genotypes of durum wheat plus 2 bread wheat cultivars as checks in RCBD for three cropping seasons (1998- 2001) in six cold research stations in dry land areas. In each location simple ANOV A and combined ANOV A for three years were implemented. Because in combined" analysis (3 years in each location) and according to Hartly Fmax test, the error mean squares (MSe) at different locations were significant, therefore for uniformity of MSe, the experimental locations were divided into two groups. Linn and Binns parameter, coefficient of variation of grain yield and rank method were used for determination of stable cultivars/lines. Results of combined ANOV A in the first group (Maragheh, Sararood and Ardebil) showed that interaction effects of year x location and year x cultivar were significant (P ? 0.01), and also differences among cultivais/lines in grain yield were significant at 5% probability level. Bread wheat cultivars had the highest grain yield and, in durum wheat, lines no. 2 and 4 with 1585 and 1566-1 kgha,respectively were the superior lines. Lines no.2 and 18 had the most stability and grain xield among genotypes. In this group line no.18 with facultative growth habit is recommended for these regions. In the second group (Shirvan, Uromieh and Ghamloo) the effects of year, location, cultivar and also interaction effects of year x location and year x location x cultivar on grain yield were significant. After bread wheat cultivars that had the highest grain yield, durum wheat lines no. 9 and 18 with 756 and 734 kgha-1, respectively were the highest yielding genotypes. Regarding grain yield, results of stability and adaptability analysis and growth habit, these two lines are recommendable for growing in these locations.