Socio-Cultural and Physical Pathology of High-Rise Construction in the Metropolis of Mashhad (Case study: District 9 of Mashhad Municipality)
High-rise construction is one of the approaches based on new theories of urban development and the maximum use of valuable urban land. This approach has been adopted by urban managers and policymakers to meet the growing needs of the growing urban population. Mashhad is the second largest metropolis after Tehran and has a special political-administrative function as well as pilgrimage-tourism. In this respect, it is very attractive for the attraction of the population and the tourist. Therefore, high-rise construction is pursued as a grand strategy aimed at spatial development, with minimal land use and urban land reuse in urban development plans and programs. Adaptation of high-rise residence to the social and religious context of Mashhad requires identifying the challenges and weaknesses of this strategy that the present study was designed to respond to. This research is by nature an applied research. The research is a survey and its type of analysis is descriptive-comparative. In order to apply the results of the research, the proposed guidelines for eliminating social and cultural damages of high-rise buildings in Mashhad have been presented in the form of integrated land management model and high-rise construction in Mashhad.