Evaluating The Influential Factors In Islamic Preaching (Tabliq) And Christianity
The present article aims at evaluating the influential factors in the field of Islamic preaching and Christianity in the nature of revelation and its realm, ethics and spirituality, interaction and dialogue, structure, media and social services and it was noted that each of these factors can play an effective role.
The method of the present article is descriptive-analytical method.
Christianity, despite its weakness in the field of revelation and its realm, as well as its weakness in the history of interaction and dialogue with other religions, has been successful in its evangelical and interpretive field.
It can be seen in the field of structure, methodology and professional advertising services. In contrast, Islam, despite having divine support in the field of revelation and its realm, as well as a deep-rooted history of interaction and dialogue with other religions, faces harms in the field of preaching ( Tabliq) that in most cases go back to the structure, media and professional services.
تاملی بر تناقضات بهاییان در تبیین عصمت رهبران آن
*، صادق میرستاری
فصلنامه تحقیقات کلامی، پاییز 1401 -
Examining the transcendence or decay of God in the theological relationship between God and man from the perspective of the Second Vatican documents
Journal of Comparative Study of Religions and Mysticism,