Mental Health of Students During the Corona Epidemic: The Role of Predictors of Corona Anxiety, Cognitive Distortion, and Psychological Hardiness
The aim of this study was to investigate the predictive role of coronary anxiety, cognitive distortion, and psychological hardiness with students' mental health during the coronary epidemic. The method of the present study was descriptive and correlational. The statistical population of the present study included all high school students in the city of Astara in the academic year 2020-2021 in the context of the Corona epidemic. 150 students participated in the study by available sampling method and through Shad virtual program. The standard questionnaires of General Health Goldberg and Hiller (1987), (GHQ), Corona Disease Anxiety Scale Alipour et al. (1398), (CDAS), Interpersonal Cognitive Distortions Scale Hammachi et al. (2004), (PHI) and Psychological Hardiness Inventory Kobasa(1982), (ICDS) psychological hardiness were used to measure the research variables. The collected data were analyzed using correlation analysis and multiple regression and Spss 23 software. The results showed that students' mental health had a negative and significant relationship with coronary anxiety and cognitive distortion and a positive and significant relationship with psychological hardiness (P <0.01); Coronary anxiety, psychological hardiness, and cognitive distortion were able to explain 54% of the variance in students' mental health (P <0.01). According to the obtained results, psychologists and school officials can play an important role in controlling their mental health in the context of the corona epidemic by considering the cognitive and personality characteristics of students.
Testing the Marital Burnout Model in Infertile Women: The Mediating Role of Repetitive Negative Thoughts through Irritability
Sanaz Eyni *, Seyede Elham Musavi, Matine Ebadi
Journal of Midwifery & Reproductive health, Apr 2024 -
Presenting a Structural Model of Online Gaming Addiction based on Social Rejection and Cognitive Ability with the Mediating Role of Emotional Avoidance
Mohammad Rreza Asadi*, Matineh Ebadi, MohammadAli Ghaseminejad, AmirMasoud Asadi
shenakht Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry,