Propagation and rearing of Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis)
Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) is one of the endemic species of Iran which has wide global distribution and its wild populations are found in northern Iran, Caspian Sea basin. This species has high nutritional and commercial values, but unfortunately, harvesting pressure and habitats destructions led to drastic decline of its natural stocks in recent years. Already, restocking of this fish has received less attention. One of the main barriers on this way is lack of sufficient information in different aspects of biology and supply of Eurasian perch seed. According to high importance of in-captured propagation and also larviculture biotechniques for success in stock rehabilitation and aquaculture of Eurasian perch, the current study follows the aim of review on methods for propagation and rearing of this valuable species.
Effect of hCG, Ovaprim™ and OvarimTM on the efficiency of artificial reproduction of European perch (Perca fluviatilis) broodstock
Danial Gorouhi, Erfan Akbari Nargesi *,
Physiology and Aquatic Biotechnology, -
The effect of Fish Phos mineral supplement on the growth and nutritional indices of juvenile Sterlet sturgeon (Acipenser ruthenus)
*, Hadiseh Alizadeh, Mehdi Rahmati
Journal of Aquaculture Development,