Deviation in crime detection
One of the causes of disruption in human societies is crime, which has always endangered the life-economic-political-cultural security of human beings and society and governments. Communities' response to this phenomenon is primarily through the use of coercive legal methods and tools, resorting to criminal institutions.
This research is of theoretical type and the research method is descriptive-analytical and the method of data collection is library and has been done by referring to documents, books and articles.
Incorrect methods to deal with crime are also common among criminal agents such as judges and law enforcement agencies. These incorrect methods contradict the two issues of public order and individual rights. However, sometimes an expedient and even benevolent view persuades the criminal agent to resort to incorrect methods in order to solve the criminal problem or case.
In order to organize this research, while observing the authenticity of the texts, honesty and fidelity have been observed.
However, sometimes an expedient and even benevolent view persuades the criminal agent to resort to incorrect methods in order to solve the criminal problem or case.