Association of knowledge, attitude and behavioral intention with the potato farmers' behavior toward using fertilizers in Hamadan
The evidences of fertilizers consumption in Hamedan show that farmers are applying fertilizers in a non-standard and excessive manner therefore, in long-term they will harm the environment and human health. Since,this farmers' behavior as chemical fertilizer users is influenced by various factors.The main purpose of this applied research was to investigate the effect of knowledge,attitude andbehavioral intentiononthe farmers' behaviorfertilizerapplication behavior in Hamadan.The statistical populationof the studyincluded14,200potato farmers working in the central district of Hamadan city which375farmers were determined by using Morgan's sampling table.To select samples,a random sampling method was used and the samples ofeachvillage selected in terms of proportional method.Thedata collectiontool was a questionnaire.Diagnostic validity method was used to assess the validityof the research questions thatshowed avalue higherthan0.5 (AVE≤0.5) and accept able for thevariables.In order tocalculatethereliability, thecomposite reliabilitymethod wasused,and it was higher than 0.75 (CR≥0.75)and acceptable for constructs.The datawere analyzed using structural equation modeling with partial least squares approach and softwareof SmartPLS version3.0.The results showed that knowledge withintermediate role of attitude and behavioral intention has a positiveand significant association with farmers'behavior.This indicates the farmers have adequate intention to obtain knowledge and information about the proper use of chemical fertilizers.The results also revealed that farmers 'attitudes have a positive and significant effecton farmers' behavior in using chemical fertilizers.Moreover,attitude with intermediate roleof behavioral intention has apositive and significant effect on behavior.Therefore,it can be concluded that there is a positive attitude about the use of chemical fertilizers among the farmers in the region.
Solutions to prevent farmers from using sewage (a case study of vegetable growers in Hamedan)
*, Mehrdad Pouya, Taraneh Sarami Foroushani, Gholamali Aeini
Journal of Advanced Technologies in Water Efficiency,