The boredom and gestures of the modern subject in the poetry of boredom and gestures and Bijan Elahi
T.S.Elliott, a British-American poet and critic, is considered one of the pioneers of literary modernism due to his formal, expressive, and thematic techniques. The book "Wasted Land" and "Four Quartets" show a new style and period of individuality and self-awareness in poetry, in which the subject / narrator of the poem achieves a deeper experience and understanding of life. Eliot's modern subject not only influences European poetry but also becomes the model and source of inspiration for modern Persian poetry. Bijan Elahi, the poet of the New Wave, in the books of "Youths" and " Seeing " is close to the characteristics of modern.This study has examined the poetry of these two poets based on modernist writing style. The aim of the study is to show Elahi influence of the components of modern poetry, especially Eliot.The results of the research indicate thatEliot and Elahi portray the situation of a human / subject who faces the tensions and crises of the modern world at the frontiers of self-awareness and individuality. This subject manifests his grief and despair of world in ways of personalization and depersonalization. World that is marked with destruction. Although the image of destruction and death in the Eliot is more frequent than the Elahi. Poetry of Elahi oriented to light and hope more than Eliot, but in general, light and hope in the elahi has a marginal function.