Researches on Akhavan(Akhavan’s Works from 1951 to 2016)
One of the requirements of a scientific research is sufficient knowledge aboutthe research background or research literature. Due to the expansion of studiesin the field of poetry and literature, in order to prevent duplication of such aresearch, the study introduced and reviewed researches that have been writtenin review of the works of Akhavan Sales. Using a descriptive-analytical andcritical method, the study presents time and thematic diagrams of theresearches. It is shown which of the currents criticism have been formedaround the investigation of Akhavan's works during the last six decades, whataspects of Akhavan's poetry have received the most attention, and what arethe advantages and drawbacks of the researches. This research concludes thatsome kinds of criticism have been formed on the Akhavan's poetry. Inexamining the structural aspects of Akhavan's poetry, the most importantareas are the study and analysis of language, narrative, and rhetoricalaspects, and the musical system of his poetry. Regarding the critique ofthe semantic system of Akhavan's poetry, the most controversial issuesare the study of Akhavan's poetry commitment and socio-politicalaspects of his poetry and the analysis of philosophical concepts andnational identity. The positive points of these researches are accuracy,scrutiny, detailed view, specialized view, attention to new approachesof criticism, and interdisciplinary studies in order to look at literaryworks in a different way. The repeating and cliché results, usingdescriptive and theoretical methods are some flaws of these researches.
Critical Analysis of the Novel Telo Garden Based on Fairclough’s Theory
Aram Rahimian, olmolk *, Ahmad Khatami
Literary Text Research, -
Female identity and gender in Sadegh Chubak's heterotopic spaces
Interdisciplinary Studies on Literature, Arts and Humanities, -
Importance of Rhetorical Structures in Qasidas or Odes of Sana’i
journal of The Workbook of Literary Texts in Iraqi Career, -
Akhavān-Sāles and Literary Criticism: An Analysis of Akhavan’s views on Literary Criticism Approaches
*, Maryam Musharraf
Literary Criticism,