Literary Theory and Text: A Critical Review of ArticlesPublished using Greimas’ Theories
Greimas is a narrative structuralism theorists whose views have been widelyadopted by researchers. His narrative theory is noteworthy due to its particulardivisions. This descriptive-analytical study provides a pathological review ofmore than 60 research articles published in Iranian journals up to 2021. Thisresearch is significant due to the incorrect understandings of Greimas’ theorythat have led to conducting certain structured researches with incorrectanalyses and interpretations. The results suggest that most of such researchesare not based on Greimas's theory as they have not referenced to his originalbook but the articles or books mentioning Greimas's opinions. When it comesto Greimas's theory, it is evident that the literary text has been ignored andthe text has been used as a critical practice to prove a theory. Sometimes, theresearchers clearly implied that the research fully agrees with the Greimas'spattern, a sign of improper understanding of the way to conduct as theoreticalresearch.
Analysis of relationship between structure and agent in novel Emperatoore Kalamat
Teymour. Malmir. *, Seyedeh Boshra Hosseini
Journal of Contemporary Persian Literature,