Presentation Frequency of Different Branches of Biology in the Biological Topics of Secondary School and High School

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
The present study was conducted with the aim of analyzing the content of biology in the textbooks of general high school students in terms of their relationship with different branches in biology including cellular and molecular sciences, animal physiology, animal biosystematics, plant physiology, plant systematics, microbiology, biochemistry and genetics. The research method is descriptive and of content analysis type. In this research, in addition to descriptive statistics, Shannon entropy content analysis method is employed to evaluate information load. The content analysis unit included the number of writing lines, images, activities and more knowledge. The reliability of the research tool has been confirmed. A total of 9307 text units, 877 video units, 197 activity units and 252 Learn More units were registered. According to the results, the highest information load was related to animal physiology and cellular molecular and biochemical tendencies are in the next ranks. In addition, the least attention has been paid to microbiology and plant biosystematics.
Journal of Curriculum Studies, Volume:17 Issue: 64, 2022
189 to 216  
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