Critical analysis of scientific-research articles on the Adonis in Arabic literature magazine
The Writing scientific-research articles has certain rules and specific criteria, observing them has a better effect on the presentation of the content and provides the ground for a better and easier reception of the reader. Adonis is one of the leading poets and critics in contemporary Arabic poetry. Numerous articles have been published in scientific-research journals with the approach of analyzing his poems and thoughts and views in the field of criticism. Providing content analysis and reasoning or citation reviews in these articles depends on the observance of the necessary criteria and standards in the configuration and writing of articles and can present his analytical content in the best research format. According to this this, the structure and content of six scientific-research articles focusing on the poems and critical opinions of Adonis, which have been published in the Journal of Arabic Literature, have been evaluated with the aim of critique research and explanation of possible strengths and weaknesses. Rresults show that articles have significant weaknesses in issues such as choosing the title, following the principles of abstract writing, research questions and providing a precise theoretical basis, and it is necessary that the editors, especially the reviewers, review their approaches and performance. It should be noted that references to reliable sources, up-to-date ness of data and information are among the positive points of these articles.
A critical analysis of identity discourse in the novel "Survivor" by Anaam Kachachi
Narges Alizadeh *, Abolhasan Amin Moghaddasi, Saadollah Homaiuni
Journal of Arabic Literatur, -
Reading in Surat Al-Sajdah: based on the referral element
Abdolvahid Navidi *, Abu Al-Hasan Amin Moqadaci
Arabic Language and Literature,