The effect of Suaeda aegyptiaca extract on yogurt initiator and its antioxidant and organoleptic properties
Due to the changes in people's tastes, the producers try to produce newproducts with high nutritional value. Today, using vegetables for flavoring yogurt has becomevery popular among consumers.
In this study, prepared Suaeda aegyptiaca extract was used at theconcentrations of 0.05, 0.1, 2, and 2.5% (w / w) in the formulation of low-fat yogurt. Theantioxidant and antimicrobial properties of the extracts were evaluated, followed byinvestigating the that physical-chemical, microbial, and organoleptic properties of thetreatment during 28 days at 4 ° C.
The result showed that increasing the concentration of the extract was notaccompanied by a significant change in the account of starter cultures and also the content ofstarter culture increased during storage. Moreover, Staphylococcus aureus was significantlyinhibited while Ecoli and Aspergillus niger were inhibited after 14 and 21 days of storage.Furthermore, by increasing the amount of extract, DPPH assay and phenolic compounds werecompound significantly increased and the storage time significantly affected the free radicalscavenging and TPC capacity of the yogurt. During storage, pH decreased while acidity andsyneresis increased and water holding capacity, and viscosity decreased. Color measurementshowed a significant difference in color between different kinds of yogurts. Supplementationwith plant extracts, L*and a* values decreased while b*values increased.
In the case of sensory characteristics of yogurt, samples that have 0.05,0.1 % ofextracts were not significantly different in overall acceptability from plain yogurt.