Investigation of Genetic Diversity and Relationships Among Agronomic Traits of Some Flax Genotypes
Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) from the Linum genus and Linaceae family is one of the oldest oil products in the world. A natural population with sufficient genetic diversity is necessary to select the desired phenotypic traits, so the study of genetic diversity and the correct selection of essential tools is the main breed of plant. Agriculture faces many challenges, including human population growth, climate change, land degradation, malnutrition, poverty, hunger and other stressors. Overcoming these difficult challenges will be more difficult in the absence of plant genetic improvement to increase agricultural productivity by addressing the problem of reduced yields and its relationship to pest management and climate change. However, agriculture must change to meet the growing demand of the global population by shifting agricultural growth to the effective development of modern agriculture. In this regard, the study of the diversity of existing populations is of great importance.
100 new imported flax genotypes in a randomized complete block design with three replications in the research farm of ORDC (Oilseeds Research and Development Company) in the 96-97 crop year, morphological traits, yield and yield components were studied.
The results showed that the studied genotypes collected from different geographical areas had a good diversity for all studied traits. Plant yield among the studied traits had the highest correlation with capsule weight per plant, number of capsules per plant, number of sub-stems, number of seeds per plant and biological yield in a positive direction. The factor analysis results showed that 4 of the factors together explain 80% of the data changes. According to the type of traits, these factors were listed under the headings of yield and yield components, traits related to grain, ripeness and number of grains. The cluster analysis results for all traits evaluated them into four groups and showed that the classification of genotypes was not related to the geographical distribution of genotypes, and most genotypes were grouped based on morphological differences.
High genetic diversity among genotypes has provided the valuable genetic potential for the genetic improvement of flax. Considering that the study population is a collection of genotypes from different parts of the world with different appearance characteristics, it is a diverse and valuable population for breeding studies to create cultivars adapted to the climatic conditions and environmental changes of our country. Plant yield among the studied traits had the highest correlation with capsule weight per plant, number of capsules per plant, number of sub-stems, number of seeds per plant and biological yield in a positive direction. It can be concluded that genotypes with higher capsule weight per plant, number of capsules per plant, number of sub-stems, number of seeds per plant and higher biological yield have higher yields. This also indicates that these genotypes were able to maximize resource utilization and thus produce more capsule weight per plant, number of capsules per plant, number of sub-stems, number of seeds per plant and more biological yield. Genotypes 132, 108, 179 and 275 have good potential in terms of grain yield and can be used in future breeding programs.