The First Endoscopic Diverticulectomy for a Large Zenker’s Esophageal Diverticulain Southwest of Iran: A Case Report
In this case report study, the patient was a 95-year-old woman who was referred to the health centerdue to inability to swallow liquids and solids for 6 months. After determining the cause of dysphagiadue to a large Zenker’s diverticulum in the initial part of the esophagus, and the inability of patient totolerate surgery due to her age and general deterioration, she underwent the endoscopic diverticulectomy.Under a two-hour endoscopic surgery, the wall of the cricopharyngeal muscle was first identifiedand diverticulectomy was performed by cutting the muscle with an endoscopic needle knife, using theOlympus flexible endoscope and closing the surgery site with clips. There were no complications duringor after the surgery. The patient was kept fasting for 48 hours. After that, liquid feeding was started; 5days later, the patient was discharged from the hospital with a good general condition and the ability toswallow food. This was the first case of endoscopic diverticulectomy in the southwest of Iran.