Competence of industry-oriented sense making of engineering students - an integrated approach
The main purpose of this research is to investigate the industry-oriented sense making competencies of engineering students. This qualitative research was carried out using the seven-step method of Sandlovski and Barroso. The metacomposite team consisted of three experts in curriculum planning and one expert in metacomposite research. 107 related research sources were used as the basis of the analysis, The result of which was extracting 11 themes of problem finding, finding a topic, choosing a topic with the aim of finding a new solution. Analyzing the information needs, designing and compiling the information search structure, implementing the information search process, evaluating the information search process, compiling the problem solving structure is based on the final information. Also the implementation of problem solving, the consequences of problem solving, and the final decision regarding the problem solving structure. The validity of the data was confirmed by using the techniques of reliability, transferability and alignment of data and trustworthiness of the data was also confirmed by the accurate guidance of the flow of information collection and alignment of the researchers. The results showed that proper sense making is necessary for success in many jobs, and a person must be able to make decisions, take action and develop an action plan in a turbulent and complex environment and in an uncertain state. Professors can show their creativity in the classroom by teaching sense making in the teaching process and combine the art of effective teaching with scientific knowledge. Based on the results of the research, on the one hand, it can provide educational planners with a wide range of experiences, on the other hand, the identification of themes analyzed in the sense masking approach has a significant impact on improving the quality of teaching in the field of engineering education. The correct understanding of these factors are very important for the university and the higher education system.
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