The effect of the waiting culture on the religious upbringing of children with an emphasis on the role of the family institution
Family is a natural and divine institution. Because it corresponds to human nature in terms of desire and need, it has a sensitive dignity and dignity that plays an important role in human history, culture and civilization and in the development and flourishing of children's material and spiritual talents; Since the foundations of a person's education are laid at home; And the basis of a person's moral integrity is established in the family and the moral values of the child are institutionalized. Belief in Mahdavitism and accordingly the culture of expectation has advantages that can be effective in consolidating the foundations of the family and its peace. Some of the most important features are: raising children on the basis of hope for a bright future and waiting for the appearance of Imam Zaman (peace be upon him), belief and certainty in the existence of God's authority on earth and submission of people's actions to him, etc. These teachings are able to Consolidation and spiritual advancement of children has a role and is effective in different levels of belief, value and behavioral norms. The following article explains the "functions of the culture of expectation in the religious education of children" in a library manner and with a descriptive-analytical method. One of the most important findings and innovations of this research is the explanation of the functions of the culture of expectation in three areas of beliefs, values and behavioral norms. In the dimension of beliefs, emphasizing the strengthening of faith and consolidating the knowledge of Imamate, and in the dimension of values, emphasizing the moral characteristics of those who wait, and finally, it can be said that connecting the heart and soul of the child to Hazrat Mahdi (A.S.) can keep him away from immorality and abnormal behavior.
Expectation , Education , Mahdaviat , Family , Child
Global networking in the light of optimism in the geometry process of the new world order
Mahmoud Maleki Rad
Mashreq-e Mouood, -
The role of Mahdavit thought and expectation in deepening social identity
Dr. Mahmoud Maleki Rad *
Pajoheshha- e Mahdavi A Research Quarterly in Mahdaviyyat,