The Course of Evolution of Reports on Ghadir Incident in Zaydiyyah Commentary Texts
Zaydiyyah is one of the significant sects branching off from Shi’ism, which, by believing in the Imamate of “Zayd ibn Ali ibn al-Hussain” (AS) and attributing specific characteristics to Imamate, separated from Twelve-Imam Shi’ism. Yet, the belief in the immediate imamate of Hazrat Ali (AS) and the existence of texts such as verses pertaining to his Imamate and narratives such as Ghadir narrative, Manzalah, Saqalain, etc. are among the commonalities of Zaydiyyah and Imamiyyah. Despite these commonalities, some non-Shi’ite Islamic sects, due to some commonalities between Zaydiyyah and Mu’tazilah, are attempting to make Zaydiyyah closer to the Sunnis by weakening the issue of Imamate. In this article, using the descriptive-analytical method, the views of Zaydi commentators from the second century to the present era, following the verses related to Ghadir incident, are reported and the recognition or neglect of Ghadir incident by these interpretations are explicated. In these commentaries, there has always been a reference (with high or low strength) to Ghadir incident and the Imamate of Imam Ali (AS) being stipulated, with a narrative approach and without the existence of logical arguments and rational inferences. The Sunnis and especially the Wahhabis, by glorification of some Zaydi commentaries such as “Fatḥ al-Qadīr” interpretation, have declared the narratives related to Ghadir to be fake and criticized the commentator for citing these narratives. Lastly, having a demonstrative approach to the sources of Zaydiyyah by Imamiyyah Shi’ism and not separating the heritage of Zaydiyyah from the heritage of Imamiyyah will contribute to the reinforcement and expansion of the intellectual and cultural backing and heritage of Imamiyyah Shi’ism.
A Comparative Study of Wife’s Sexual Rights From the Perspective of Allameh Tabatabaei (RA) and Allameh Fazlollah (RA)
Maryam Ghoujaei Khameneh, Ma’soumeh Barkhordar