A two-stage stochastic programming approach to design a resilient pharmaceutical supply chain network: a case study of COVID-19
Due to the increasing complexity of uncertainty and its impact on the supply chain network, many researchers have resorted to coping approaches with data uncertainty. In addition, the occurrence of any disruption in the supply chain networks can cause irreparable damage. Therefore, adopting appropriate strategies to increase the level of the supply chain network resilience toward any disruptive events seem to be necessary.
In this paper, a multi-objective, multi-period, and scenario-based mathematical model is presented in which objective functions of delivery time and total network cost are minimized, and to increase network resilience, non-resilience measures are also minimized. Furthermore, a Two-Stage Stochastic Programming (TSSP) approach has been utilized to overcome the uncertain nature of the input parameters. Goal programming has also been used to transform the model into a single-objective one.
In order to prove the model's applicability, the real-world data of a case study of Mashhad has been implemented. Eventually, according to the validation and sensitivity analysis results, the proposed uncertain model has clear superiority over the deterministic model.
This paper presents a multi-objective linear mathematical model for designing the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain (PSC) network under the COVID-19 situation. Two indicators of time and resilience as optimization tools have been considered simultaneously.
A reliable supply chain network design for perishable crops with disruption risk consideration (case study: tomato supply chain)
Fateme Letafat, Mohammadreza Gholamian *, Mahsa Arabi
Journal of Decisions and Operations Research, -
Green Supplier Selection with a new PROMETHHEE-Cloud Group Decision Making Method; Case Study: A Manufacturer of Oil Products
Ali Goudarzi, Mohammadreza Gholamian *
Journal of Modern Research in Decision Making,