Evaluation of some quantitative and qualitative characteristics of six newly introduced genotypes of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
The objective of the research was to evaluate six newly introduced cotton genotypes for some quantitative and qualitative traits, distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS) to assess potential crop production and agronomic ability as new varieties, and to establish a reference collection of morphological traits for the purpose of identifying the necessary morphological descriptors for genetic purity and determining the authenticity of the varieties in the subsequent control of commercial seed production.
Seed cotton yield, number of bolls per plant, boll weight, and earliness of 34 quantitative and qualitative morphological traits of six new promising genotypes of Uplandcotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.): 1- SK6, 2- GKSK4, 3-96_A3, 4- GKTB113, 5- ANBK and 6- ANBK414 compared with control cultivars: 1- Varamin and 2- Golestan in 2019 and 2020 according to the International Guidelines for the Conduct of Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS) Tests evaluated as a complete block trial with four replicates.
The new genotypes ANB414 and ANBK had the highest cotton seed yield and the highest number of bolls per plant, and the new genotype 96_A3 was the earliest genotype. In addition, the new genotypes ANB414 and GKTB113 had the highest fiber length and extension and were superior to the control cultivars and other genotypes studied. The new cotton genotypes resembled the control cultivars in 12 qualitative morphological traits and differed from other new genotypes in 22 qualitative morphological traits.
The results of the quantitative traits studied showed that the new genotypes ANB414 and ANBK had the highest cotton seed yield and the highest number of bolls per plant, while the new genotype 96_A3 had higher earliness, while the new genotypes ANB414 and GKTB113 had the highest fiber length and extension compared to the control varieties. In addition, the studied new cotton genotypes were distinguishable based on various studied morphological characteristics compared to each other and to the control cultivars and had uniform and stable distinctness. Therefore, the studied new cotton genotypes are potentially suitable for introduction as new varieties.