The historical place of Qanat in Khorasan and its role in socio-cultural productions
The Qanats of Khorasan were the driving force of two important cultural indicators: knowledge and lifestyle. The knowledge of Qanat included sciences that were based on engineering and geology and were inherited from one generation to the next. On the other hand, around the Qanat, a culture was formed that promoted adaptation to drought, contentment in water consumption, and the benefit of collective work, and it had become the lifestyle of Khorasan people. This culture was alive and dynamic until the beginning of the modern era, but with the entry into the modern era and the decline of the Qanatic civilization, the Qanats of Khorasan were destroyed and its surrounding culture was also destroyed. The present article is limited to the geography of Khorasan in order to deal with more details of the historical developments of the Qanat in one of Iran's Qanat-rich provinces and to obtain a better understanding of the overall issue of the Qanat. The main question is what is the history of Qanat in Khorasan and what kind of culture was it? According to the nature of the subject, descriptive and analytical methods will be used in the evaluation of historical and geographical data.
دورنمایی از وقایع قرن نهم هجری از دیدگاه دولتشاه سمرقندی در کتاب «تذکره الشعراء» با تاکید بر نقش علما
*، منیره کاظمی راشد، ولی دین پرست، منیژه صدری
نشریه سخن تاریخ، پاییز و زمستان 1397 -
Investigation of Apocalyptic Uprisings in Iran Between the Seventh and the Tenth Centuries AH With an Emphasis on the Role of Tasawwof and Shiism
, Monira Kazemi Rashed
Shiite Studies,