The Effectiveness of Humor Training on the Marital Satisfaction of Couples
The current study aimed to investigate theeffectiveness of humor training on the marital satisfaction ofcouples .
The purpose of the present researchwas applied and its method was quasi-experimental with a pretest and post-test design with an experimental group and acontrol group and a two-month follow-up period. Thestatistical population of the research included all couplesreferring to specialized counseling centers in the 11th districtof Tehran. In this regard, 30 couples were selected throughsampling and randomly assigned to an experimental group (15couples) and a control group (15 couples). Then, a groupintervention experiment based on humor training was carriedout on the group, adapted from McGee's model (2004). Theresearch tool for data collection included the Enrich MaritalSatisfaction Questionnaire. Finally, for the statistical analysisof the data, SPSS-26 software and the mixed variance analysismethod with three-step repeated measures were used.
Based on the findings, there was a significantdifference between the marital satisfaction scores of theexperimental and control groups in the pre-test and post-teststages. It was obtained from the analysis and analysis of thefindings that humor education had a significant effect on theresults of the experimental group's marital outcome (Etacoefficient = 0.69). The effectiveness of this intervention inthe implementation phase was also stable according toBonferroni's post-hoc test .
Based on the available findings, it can beconcluded that to increase the marital satisfaction of couples,the method of teaching humor can be used in familycounseling and couple therapy centers. It is suggested thatworkshops be held to teach this method to experts