Criticizing the Foundations and Principles of Bureaucracy with an Emphasis on the Framework of Islamic Rationality and its Implications in the Governance System
Bureaucracy is closely related to government in its modern sense. Most of the modern bureaucracies were partially formed as a result of the state-building process. The theory of bureaucracy was proposed by Max Weber with the foundations of modernism and principles such as division of labor, governing rules on relationships, preventing the application of personal tastes, appointment based on merit, etc. But the fact is that bureaucracy has limitations due to its reliance on modernist rationality. Therefore, using the philosophical analytical method, this research investigates and criticizes the principles and foundations of this theory based on the framework of Islamic rationality. Islamic rationality, with a comprehensive look at human existential areas (thoughts, motivations and behaviors) and the corresponding areas of society, shows the contexts, methods and consequences of the emergence and emergence of reason as a divine deposit in human existence. to give The conclusion of this research is that bureaucracy is necessary for human nature and as long as human nature exists independent of revelation teachings, its domination is necessary. Therefore, facing the bureaucracy is not a negative confrontation or setting aside the bureaucracy; Rather, it is achieved through the maturity and excellence of human and society's rationality. This is done in the short term by using the entrepreneurial mechanism of problem solving and in the long term by identifying and employing the most qualified people (in terms of expertise, piety and intelligence).