Reflecting the style of reductive interpretation in Fariqin's works; Scope and works
The present article is looking for an analytical view of the reflection of the reductionist style in the works of Fariqin. Although it is one of the emerging styles, the descending style has a history as old as the date of the revelation of the Qur'an, and according to the arguments of the proponents of this style, Amirul Momineen Ali (AS) adopted it in his Mushaf. Is. Descending style or the style in the order of revelation of the verses and surahs of the Quran is one of the styles that has a wide range in the works of Fariqin and has found a reflection beyond the interpretation of the Quran. This style is compared to the style of interpretation based on the existing Mushaf, and it deals with expression and interpretation based on the course of descent. The followers of this style believe that the descending order style does not mean a change in the common Mushaf of the Qur'an and no one can change the order of the common Mushaf with any purpose. The authors reflect this style in the expression of theoretical issues (discussion of the order of revelation of surahs and tables, discussion of the Mushaf of Imam Ali (a.s.) and preliminary discussions and basics of this style). In the compilation of interpretations in the order of the revelation of the surahs, they have been found in two ways, in order and thematic, and in the expression of historical topics, including the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Therefore, in order to bring this interpretative style to the stages of maturity and perfection and to eliminate the gaps in it, he felt the need to deal with this style and tried to express the reflection of the reductionist style in Fariqin's works.
An Examination of Hadith-Based, Ijtihadi, and Integrative Methods in Establishing the Sequential Order of the Revelation of Quranic Surahs
Mohsen Ghamarzadeh, Khadijeh Ahmadi Bighash, Atieh Sadat Yazdikhah *
Journal of Philosophy & Theology, -
Improvement of Islamic society in Quran; arena and solutions
Abdul Alkarim Bahjat Poor, Zeinab Bahjat Poor *
Journal of Quranic Interpretive and Semantic Studies,