Analyzing the Examples of Social “Fitna” situationfrom the viewpoint of Ali (AS)
Due to the predictions and warnings cited by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), some of the companions tried to identify instances of "Fitna", i.e. sedition. The question is how Ali ibn Abi Talib (PBUH) introduced and exemplified them to the society. This paper, using a descriptive and analytical approach, demonstrates that he not only explained the nature and essence of sedition, but also provided specific instances to illustrate it. In addition to the incident of Saqifah, he addressed the assassination of Uthman and the consequences of this “major sedition”. He also considered the Battle of Jamal as a "major calamity" and one of the instances of the "Dehima" i.e. sedition. Furthermore, he regarded the rise of the Umayyads as an example of the "Amya-e-mazlameh" or the sedition of blindness and obscurity, describing it as the most terrifying sedition. Additionally, in another sermon, he enumerated the long-term consequences of the Abbasid rule and other seditions.
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نگاه واقع بینانه به حوادث و رویدادهای تاریخی
فصلنامه رشد آموزش تاریخ، تابستان 1402